Area Church News August 8th Edition
Putnam Baptist Church, Shelby
Marriage 911 First Response - Is your marriage in crisis? Do you see the signs that your marriage is headed towards crisis? Are you separated and on the path towards divorce? There is a reason to have hope! For more information call 704-477-1168. Premarital- Enrichment- Crisis/Separated- Stepfamily.
God’s Garden, Polkville Baptist Church
Polkville Baptist Church is once again providing a fresh food ministry... Those wishing to receive free fresh produce need to be at the Church and registered by 10:00am on Saturday mornings. The community is invited to bring garden produce donations to the Church by 9:00am on Saturdays for distribution the same day. This “neighbors helping neighbors” ministry is appropriately called “God’s Garden”. You can find “God’s Garden” in the basement of Polkville Baptist Church, which is located at 4214 Polkville Rd., (Hwy 226 N.) in Polkville, NC.
183rd Annual Denver Campmeeting
One of the area’s largest ever free, non-ticketed Bluegrass Gospel Music concerts will be featured Saturday, August 10, 7:00pm during the 183rd annual Rock Spring Methodist Campmeeting. Headlining the program will be the King James 1611 Boys, a group that was voted 2012 Emerging Bluegrass Group of the Year. Other groups on the bill include Black Creek, The Gospel Plowboys and The Log Cabin Boys featuring Dave Leatherman of the Cumberland Highlanders show which is seen weekly on RFD TV. “These groups of pickers and singers are noted for rich harmony and instrumental hardiness, coupled with old-fashioned revivalism, which will create an enjoyable evening for the entire family,” said campground trustee Van Barker, Jr.“ One thousand sheltered seats will be available under the historic Arbor built between 1830-1832. Lawn chair seating around the facility offers a perfect view of the stage. Rock Spring Methodist Campground is located one half-mile east of Business NC 16 on Campround Road in Denver. Additional information may be obtained by calling 704-483-2710 or 704-483-2099.
Ledford Grove Baptist Church, Shelby
Ledford Grove Baptist Church, Double Shoals Rd., Just off Hwy 18N, will have a Revival, August 5-9, 7:00pm nightly. Get a blessing from Jamie Coulter, this little skateboard Preacher in word and in song. Everyone welcome. For more information call 704-600-7619, 704-538-6803.
Ryburn Memorial Presbyterian, Shelby
Ryburn Memorial Presbyterian, 1329 Frederick Street, Shelby, will be present “R.O.C.K.2” Reclaiming Our Community Kids, Saturday, August 10, 3:00pm - 6:00pm. Worship on the Lawn event (inside if too hot). Free: Hot dogs, chips, drinks and water for everyone! Courtesty of “Men and Women of Purpose”. Raffles: $1 per ticket. Great prizes. Gospel singing, K-9, Fire-truck. Also featuring: Patricia Allen, Shelby’s Gospel Star, and many others! Free school supplies for kids (while supplies last). Bring your family, friends and your lawn chairs! We will be praying and standing in the gap to save our children, please attend and show your love and support to our youth and communities. Call Elder Renee Warthen, 704-974-6187.
Pleasant View Community Church, Forest City
Pleasant View Community Church, 129 Michael Drive, Forest City, will be having Revivial/Homecoming, August 7-11, with Jared McKinney preaching. Services Wed.-Sat 7:00pm. Sunday, August 11 Homecoming, Sunday School 10:00am, Worship Service 11:00am.
Upper Cleveland County Family Fun Day
Upper Cleveland County Family Fun Day, Saturday, August 10, 11:00am - 3:00pm at Polkville Park in Polkville. This is a free event sponsored by area churches. There will be a DJ and live music, demonstration by the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Dept K9 Unit, Bingo, Games, Face Painting, Haircuts for Kids, School Supplies & Backpacks for students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade, Hotdogs, Drinks & Ice Cream. For more information call 704-974-6611.
Safe Harbor Community Church, Kings Mtn
Safe Harbor Community Church, 301 S. Battleground Ave., Kings Mountain, NC, will be having the nationally known record group “The Dosses” singing on Sunday, August 11, 6:00pm. Everyone is invited to come and bring a friend. For more information contact Pastor Stephen Raby at 828-474-9366.
Restoration Family Church, Shelby
Restoration Family Church Men’s Ministry, 1667 S. Lafayette St., Shelby (beside Hoyle Plumbing), will be having a “Women’s 6 Week Bible Study”. Price of Bible Study Guide: $15. It is based from the book: Named By God: By Kasey Norman. On Overcoming your past; Transforming your present; Embracing your future. August 12, 26 - Classes from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. Any questions please contact Pastor Fannie Propst at 864-838-0269.
Hoey Memorial United Methodist Church, Shelby
Hoey Memorial United Methodist Church, 2300 Hoey Church Rd., Hwy 74 East of Shelby, will have a fundraiser, Saturday, August 17, 7:00am - 1:00pm. There will be a variety of items for sale, also baked goods and some flowers for sale. The proceeds will go the special needs of the Lanier Circle. For more information on the day of the event, call 704-471-0803.
Friendly Chapel Baptist Church
Friendly Chapel Baptist Church, located 2.5 miles east of Fallston, 735 Sugar Hill Rd., Lawndale, will hold their third Sunday night singing on Sunday, August 18, 6:30pm Featured singers will be “Truly Blessed”! Everyone Welcome!
“Come To Me” Women’s Retreat
“Exciting Opportunity....A powerful prayer retreat for Christian women is being held on Oct 4-6, 2013 at The Cove/Billy Graham Training Center. Join Fern Nichols, International author/speaker and founder of Moms In Prayer International, for an inspirational time of prayer, worship, reflection and teaching. In light of Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:28, Fern invites women to “step away from the ordinary for a time of rest, encouragement and refreshment. Come together to fan the flame of prayer that is so desperately needed for our children and schools.” Invite your friends to join you for this life-changing retreat. The featured speaker is Fern Nichols, author, speaker and founder of Moms in Prayer International. Women from throughout the Appalachia and Southeast regions have filled the rooms and yet there is still room in the dining room, auditorium and workshops for YOU!! Because the sleeping rooms have all been reserved, registration fee has been lowered to $135 for the full Conference, which includes 5 meals, all the sessions, workshops, and materials (until Sept 2, 2013). Those who register will need to make reservations at one of the hotels nearby. Rooms have been secured. For more information, visit Click on: Events-Appalachia/Southeast. Download a brochure or register online. For questions, contact: or 239-691-5158.