Lincolnton Lions Club Looking To Expand Their Membership
“Did you know that Lions Club International, the world’s largest coeducational service organization with over 1.36 members in 46,322 clubs and 753 districts in 207 countries and geographical areas, is actively seeking to expand their membership in Lincoln County?,” emphasized Lion Faye Poovey, Denver resident and President of The Lincolnton Lions Club. “The Lincolnton Lions Club meets the first and third Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Elm Classroom at Carolinas Medical Center-Lincoln Medical Plaza building,” stated Poovey.
In keeping with Lions Club International motto “WE SERVE”, the Lincolnton Lions Club, the only Lions Club physically located in our county, provides services throughout the county, state, and internationally. Some services provided by our local Lions Club includes purchasing eyeglasses and eye examinations for the needy, collecting and recycling cell phones, eyeglasses, and hearing aids, sponsoring blind campers to Camp Dogwood, sponsoring Annual Christmas Party/Luncheon For The Blind Of Lincoln County, sponsoring 4 Lions College Scholarships, sponsoring an Annual Lions Club Peace Poster Contest at our county’s public, private, and charter middle schools, sponsoring the NC Lions 21st Century Mobile Vision Screening Unit at area elementary schools, supporting Christian Ministry of Lincoln County and other local Lions Club Charities. At the district and state level, the Lincolnton Lions Club supports Blind/Deaf Retreat at Camp Dogwood, Clinical Eye Research at UNC-Chapel Hill, Duke, and Wake Forest Medical Schools, Marjorie McCune Memorial Center, NC Boys & Girls Home at Lake Waccamaw, NC Eye & Human Tissue Banks, and NC Lions Visually Impaired Fishing Tournament at Nags Head. In addition to supporting sight conservations at the International level, the Lincolnton Lions Club supports diabetes awareness, disaster relief, environmental programs, etc.
For information about attending a future Lincolnton Lions Club to explore the possibility of joining, please contact Lion Faye Poovey, President of The Lincolnton Lions Club at 704-460-2233.