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Area Church Briefs July 29th edition
 Gantt’s Grove Baptist Church

Family Fun Day will be held Saturday, July 31st at 6:00 pm at the church, located at 618 Gantt’s Grove Church Road, Mooresboro, NC. There’s fun for all ages. We will have live music, games, food and fun. For more information call 704-472-2169.


Sunrise Baptist Church, Kings Mtn.

We will observe Homecoming at the church on Sunday, August 1. Worship Service will be at 10:00 am with a special speaker. Singing will be at 11:00 am featuring “Heavenly Stars”. Lunch will be held after the singing at Bethlehem Baptist Church (old fellowship building). Sunrise Baptist Church is located at 208 Mail Rd., Kings Mtn., NC (Midpines Community).


Lawndale Missionary Methodist Church

Revival “He’s All I Need” with Rev. Dick Whitener will be held Sunday, August 1st thru Wednesday, August 4th. The service starts at 6:00 pm on Sunday and 7:00 pm Monday thru Wednesday. Special singing each night and refreshments following the service.


New Hope Baptist Church, Vale, NC

Located at 5186 Hope Road, Vale, NC, will be having Homecoming Services on Sunday, August 1st at 3:00 pm. The guest speaker for this event will be Overseer Eugene Kirby of Bethlehem Holiness Church in Winston-Salem, NC. Our revival services will follow on August 2-6, starting at 7:00 pm each night. The guest speakers will be Monday, Rev. Kimberly Moore of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Gastonia, NC; Tuesday, Rev. Melvin Clark of Washington Missionary Baptist Church, Waco, NC; Wednesday, Bishop Darryl Freeman of Abundant Life Ministries of Shelby, NC; and Thursday & Friday, Bishop James E. Wiley, Jr. of Liberty Temple Church of Shelby, NC. Everyone is invited to these glorious events each night. For more information call 704-462-4010 or email: NHBCVALE@yahoo.com. 


Full Gospel Church of Jesus Christ

We will have our Revival beginning Sunday, August 1 thru Wednesday, August 4. Service starts Sunday at 5 pm with Pastor Jerry Grogan, Pastor Tim Suitter will preach on Monday, Pastor Cody Shew will preach Tuesday and Wednesday. Services start at 7:00 pm nightly Monday thru Wednesday. Everyone is welcome. Cody Shew is a Youth Pastor so bring your children and teens with you. They will leave with an awesome blessing. For directions call 828-391-8138 or E-mail us at fullgospelactivities@yahoo.com or visit us on the web http://www.fullgospelchurchofjesuschrist.com.


Living Light Baptist Church

Beginning on Monday evening, August 2nd and continuing through Friday evening, August 6th, our church will host our annual Vacation Bible School. Our theme will be “Suit Up For Service”. Sessions will be from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm each evening. All children ages 5-12 are invited. Refreshments will be served. For more information call the church at 704-484-3802. ALSO on Friday, August 6th, the church will sponsor a “Chicken Pie Lunch” to help with the expense of putting water lines on our property. Plates will include: Chicken Pie, slaw, green beans, macaroni & cheese, roll, and brownie. Cost is only $6.00 and we will deiver orders of 3 or more plates. Orders must be in by noon on Thursday, August 5th. To place an order call the church office at 704-484-3802. Leave a message if no answer. The church is located at 1540 Kings Road, Shelby.


Catalyst 127 Ministries

Catalyst 127 Ministries presents “A Praise and Worship Event”, a free concert, Friday August 6th at 7:00 pm at Cleveland Community College Amphitheatre, Shelby, NC, featuring the band, “The Unworthy Beloved”, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. For more info: follow us on Face book at Catalyst 127 Ministries or go to www.catalyst127ministries.org. For more info contact Ren Ramsey at 704-460-4634 or Steve Putnam 704-487-1954. 


Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church

The church will have a Giant Yard Sale & Bake Sale on Saturday, August 7th beginning at 7:00 am to 12:00 noon, rain or shine in the Family Life Building. Come and purchase sausage and livermush biscuits. All proceeds will go to the paving fund. The church is located at 198 Pleasant Ridge Church Road. 

Crestview Baptist Church

  will have our monthly breakfast Saturday, August 7th, beginning at 7 am. Everyone is welcome. Variety of breakfast items, homemade biscuits and our special sweet potato pancakes. Price $5.00. For more information, please call 704-487-7485. For take out orders on Saturday morning, call 704-487-8309. The church is located at 1090 Old Boiling Springs Road. Join us for great fellowship and food.


Corinth Baptist Church, Ellenboro

The Ruppe Sisters will present a concert of gospel music at Corinth Baptist Church on Sunday, August 8 at 6:00 PM. The church is located at 767 Pinehurst Road (between Old US 74 and Tiney Road) near Ellenboro, NC. A love offering will be received. Call 828-248-3559 for more information.


Bess Chapel United Methodist Church

Bess Chapel United Methodist Church located at 6073 Flay Road, Cherryville will have their 2nd Sunday Luncheon on August 8th beginning at 12:00 noon.  Donations to Bess Chapel Building Fund.


Westwood Heights Baptist Church

We’re having a Public Service Luncheon for all Military, Veterans, Law Enforcement, and Fire and Rescue Personnel on Monday, August 9 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (Drop-In), at the church. Westwood Heights Baptist Church is located at 650 Dellinger Rd., Shelby. There is no charge. Please RSVP to Teresa Edmonson at 704-434-2842. Reservations are encouraged but not required. 


Polkville United Methodist Church

The UMW will be having a Yard Sale Saturday, August 14 from 7:00 am until.... Proceeds will benefit the scholarship fund. For more info please call 704-538-9486.


Shelby Missionary Methodist Church

On August 14, Shelby Missionary Methodist Church, located at  1402 Earl Road, Shelby NC, will have our VBS Saddle Ridge Ranch. We invite every one to come be apart of GOD, fun, horse riding, and games. Pre-registration is needed. Contact Jennifer Hunt at 704-477-4586 or Danny Hunt at 704-477-3564. Please do come out and be a part of VBS. Will end with a old fashion camp fire and smores.


Hoey Memorial United Methodist Church

We will have a Breakfast Fundraiser Saturday, August 14 from 7:00 am until noon. We’ll have ham biscuits and coffee, some baked goods and some flowers for sale. The proceeds will go to the special needs of the Lanier Circle. The church is located at 2300 Hoey Church Rd., Hwy 74 East of Shelby. For more information on the day of the event, call 704-471-0803.


Main Street Baptist Church, Spindale

Every Monday night in August is SunMonday night at the church and you’re invited. During the month of August we are moving our Sunday night worship service to Monday night. We have invited some of the best preachers in the surrounding counties to come and challenge us with the Word of God, and we would love for you to come and celebrate Jesus with us. The services begin at 6:30 pm each night. August 2nd - Rev. Brian Henderson, pastor of Etowah Baptist Church in Hendersonville, NC; August 9th - Dr. Tracy Jessup, campus minister at Gardner-Webb University; August 16th - Dr. Rit Varriale, pastor of Elizabeth Baptist Church, Shelby, NC; August 23rd - Rev. Tony Hall, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, Hendersonville, NC; and August 30th - Rev. Chip Sloan, pastor of First Baptist Curch, Kings Mtn., NC. Join us for great music, and a church full of new friends to meet. The church is located at 329 E. Main Street, Spindale, NC. For directions or more information call the church office at 828-286-2291 or visit our website at mainstreetbaptist.com. 


Buffalo Baptist Church

We will have Buffalo Famous Butts for sale Labor Day Weekend. You can pick up September 4 10:00 am until 3:00 pm at the church fellowship hall. Plates will cost $8.00 and children $5.00. Butts with sauce and slaw will cost $30.00. The Butts must be purchased by Sept. 1. Purchase at Swifty’s, 612 N. Post Rd., Shelby or call 704-482-6911 and leave a message. Our delicious baked goods and some canned goods will also be available for sale. 

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