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Area Church News April 21st edition
Camp’s Creek Baptist Church
        Camp’s Creek Baptist Church would like to extend an invitation to everyone to visit their church. Sunday Schedule: Sunday School, 9:45 AM; Morning Worship 11 AM; Evening Worship 6 PM. Wednesday: Evening Worship & Mission Organizations, 7 p.m. The church is located at 2318 Camps Creek Church Rd., Mooresboro, NC 28114. 704-434-2354.

Temple Baptist Church, Shelby
  Temple Baptist Church located on Dekalb Street across from the Shelby High School would like to extend an invitation to all to come worship with us. Services are held Sunday morning at 10, Worship Service at 11 and evening services are held at 6pm, also Wednesday night at 6pm. We have a church van now and anyone that needs at ride to our church can contact our Pastor Robert Hensley @ 980-429-8067. Come seeking a blessing and you will leave with a blessing!

True Gospel Holiness Church, Kings Mtn.
  True Gospel Holiness Church would like to invite everyone to visit our church. Sundays: Sunday School at 10 AM; Morning Worship at 11 AM; Evening Worship at 6 PM. Wednesdays: Evening Worship and Youth Meeting at 7 PM. The church is located at 1608 Shelby Road, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 just 1/4 mile west of Food Lion Shopping Center. Call 704-739-6764 for more information.

Zoar Baptist Church, Shelby
  Zoar Baptist Church will hold an Easter Egg Hunt on Friday, April 22nd, beginning at 6:30pm. We’ll hunt eggs all over our softball field & playgrounds (if it rains, we’ll still hide eggs in our gym). We will then have dinner for all who come and a special guest to talk to us about the importance of what Easter is all about! If you would like to come and need transportation, please contact John Miller (john@zoarchurch.com, 704 482-4151). The church is located at 1740 South Lafayette Street, Shelby.

Bethel Baptist Church, Shelby
  Our Adult Choir will present “The King is Coming” on Saturday, April 23 at 7:00 pm. Our Easter Sunrise Service will be Sunday, April 24th at 6:30 am with a lite breakfast to follow. Sunday School at 9:45 am and at 10:45 Morning Worship with our Adult Choir presenting “The King is Coming”. Our Evening Worship will be at 6:00 pm. Our church is located at 606 South Dekalb St. Shelby, NC.
Friendship United Methodist Church
  Friendship United Methodist Church will hold a Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 23, 2011, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at  the church, which is located behind the post office at the stoplight in Fallston, NC. Free prizes, candy, money. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Please bring your kids with their Easter baskets for fun, games, fellowship.

Northside Baptist Church, Shelby
  Northside Baptist Church will hold their Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 23, 10 a.m.-12 P.M. There will be over 2,600 eggs, a Scavenger hunt, face painting, Easter story, snacks and crafts. For more information call 704-482-9091 or Sharon at 704-473-5739. The church is located at 1220 Scenic Drive, Shelby, NC on Hwy. 180 across from Stacy’s Garden. They are located on Facebook.

Buffalo Baptist Church
  Buffalo Baptist Church will hold a Blood Drive on Saturday, April 23, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Donors will receive Chick-fil-A coupons and a chance to win Delta airline tickets. Donors should eat high iron-rich foods two weeks before donating blood. Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine on the day of the drive. ID registration required.

Cross Country Cowboy Church, Shelby
  Our church is having a Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 am April 24th. The service will be held outside by the pond on Bob Melton’s Quarter Horse Farm, 125 Melton Drive. Biscuit breakfast to follow in the barn. All are welcome, come as you are. Call pastor Howard Chaney at 704-747-3251 for more information or for directions visit Crosscountrycowboychurch.org.
Peoples Baptist Church
  We will have our Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 am on Sunday, April 24 and after the service, we will have breakfast. Regular Worship Service will begin at 9:00 am with Rev. Bobby Callahan, guest speaker.
Westover Baptist Church
  Westover Baptist Church, located at 114 Westover Drive, Kings Mountain, NC is having an Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00 am, April 24th. Breakfast will be served after the service. Sunday School and Worship Service will follow the breakfast. No Sunday Night Service.
Kingdom of God Ministries
  Our church is located at 902 S. Battleground Ave., Kings Mountain, NC. We will have our regular 11:00 am Worship Service Easter Sunday, April 24. For more information contact Elder Bryan P. Curry at 704-734-7179.
Saint Paul Baptist Church, Casar
  Our church will have a Chicken Pie Supper on Saturday, April 30 until 5pm until. A freewill love offering will help with the new fellowship building.
Polkville United Methodist Church
  Our church will have a Bake Sale on Saturday, April 30th from 8:00 am until 11:00 am at the church. For more info. please call 704-538-9486.
Double Springs Baptist Church
  Shop, eat, help to cure cancer at April 30 sale. The Conqueror’s Relay for Life Team is springing for a cure by offering a great shopping experience and breakfast Saturday, April 30, from 7:30 to 11 a.m. in the family life center of Double Springs Baptist Church. Start with a biscuit breakfast before shopping the many items for sale including baked goods, crafts (including handmade birdhouses), books, handmade soaps, cancer awareness bracelets (made with colors representing different kinds of cancers), miscellaneous household items and more. All proceeds will go Relay for Life so that we can “create a world with more birthdays.” Double Springs Church is located at 1130 Double Springs Church Road, off Washburn Switch Road.

Sharon United Methodist Church
  Our church will have a Silent Auction and BBQ dinner on Saturday, April 30th starting at 4 pm. Take out and Eat  in available. Whole Boston Butt dinners for sale (including buns, 2 liter drink, slaw and sauce. Call 704-473-9968 to pre-order or for more details. Our church is located at 871 College Ave., Shelby, NC.
Church Fundraiser at Church of Wicca
  The North Carolina Piedmont Church of Wicca would like to invite you to the Beltane Brouhaha on April 30 at Camp York in Kings Mountain State Park at 1277 Park RD Blacksburg,SC 29702. Come celebrate May Day and Spring with a 28 foot tall May Pole, torch and foot races, family activities, workshops, vendors, and religious services. We will also be collecting items to make summer aid packets for the area’s homeless. Food and gourmet coffee is available for purchase or bring a picnic. Admission at the gate is $15 for adults, $5 for children 5-12, and free for children under 5. Gates open at 9:30 AM. For more information about the event, activities on Friday night, or to prepay for a discount, please visit: http://churchofwicca.org/beltane/. For more information, please call(704)300-6608 or (704)434-8275 or email contact08@churchofwicca.org. This is a rain or shine event.
Westwood Heights Baptist Church, Shelby
  Ladies’ Luncheon Saturday, April 30, 11:00 A.M. Westwood Heights Baptist Church 650 Dellinger Road Shelby, NC 28150 Variety of Salads and Desserts will be served; also Bread and Beverage Cost: $5.00 Entertainment: Kim Sheeks (The Hat Lady) Call 704-434-2783 for ticket information Ladies’ of all ages are invited to enjoy the fun and fellowship.
City of Hope South “Block Party”
  City Of Hope South will hold a “Block Party” on Saturday, April 30th at 4:00 p.m. at their new location, 1114 S. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC (Second Baptist Church parking lot). Hot dogs will be served. Worship music, dancing and fun games for the kids will be provided. Everyone is invited to attend. City Of Hope South will also hold a nightly Revival, entitled “Fresh Wind-Fresh Fire-Fresh Annointing on Tuesday, May 31 thru Thursday, June 2. Revival Host will be Bishop Michael Moore and Elder Sandra Moore. Guest speakers will be Rev. Melvin Clark of Washington Missionary Baptist on Tuesday, May 31; Elder Billy Houze of Lawndale Missionary First Baptist Church on Wednesday, June 2 and Rev. William Thompson of St. Peter Missionary Baptist Church on Thursday, June 3. Services will begin each night at 7:00 p.m. in Second Baptist Church sanctuary. For more information please contact Bishop Moore or Elder Moore at (704) 300-0093. Everyone is invited and welcome to these events.
Elizabeth Baptist Church
  The Guy’s 3rd Annual Car, Truck, Motorcycle and Tractor how will be held at Elizabeth Baptist Church, located at 301 N. Post Road, Shelby on April 30th from 10 am to 3 pm. (Rain Date will be May 7th at 10 am - 3 pm). Registration begins at 8:30 with Awards at 3:00 pm. Prizes in each class. $20 for 1st vehicle and $15 for each after. We will have hot dogs, Snacks and Drinks for sale. Proceeds to benefit youth mission trip to Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico. For more information, call 704-482-6339 or email david@elizabethchurch.org.
Friendly Chapel Baptist Church
  Homecoming will be held Sunday, May 1st at the church, located 2-1/2 miles East of Fallston, NC on Sugar Hill Road. Special singing will be by Joe Willis from Morganton, NC. Sunday School begins at 9:45 am and preaching begins at 10:45 am. Everyone is Welcome!
Missionary Methodist Church, Cherryville
  We are having a gospel singing Sunday, May 1 at 6:00 pm. The church is located at 318 West Ballard Street, Cherryville, NC. The Harvesters will be singing. Everyone welcome. For more information contact: Rev. Bob Holtscaw at 704-435-6934.
Shelby’s Central United Methodist Church, Shelby
  Shelby’s Central United Methodist Church and the Methodist Men will host a Boston Butts sale & BBQ lunch at the church on May 1st. The Boston Butts sell for $35.00 and must be reserved and paid for by April 22nd. Pick up is at the church on the day of the event. Lunch will be served from 11:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. on May 1st. The tickets are $8.00 and may be purchased at the church office. Proceeds will go to the Central’s Mission Disaster Building Team. Call 704-487-6336 for tickets.

Double Springs Baptist Church
  “Hats Off to the Ladies” will be the theme of the annual Ladies Night Out at Double Springs Baptist Church Tuesday, May 3. The theme was chosen to honor the many roles that women fill, symbolized by the many hats they wear. Mary Ruth Dixon will provide inspiration in her unique way. The meal begins at 6 p.m. Tickets  are $10 and must be obtained in advance by calling Debbie at 704-434-2258 or 704-692-2975; leave a message if no answer.
Women of Shelby United
  A gathering of Christian women who are concerned for their families, this city, and our country will be held at Western Sizzlin on Dixon Blvd., Friday, May 6th at 6:30 PM. This is a non-denominational, interracial event calling women of Shelby to unity with an emphasis on prayer and fasting.  Micah 5:2, “Now gather yourself in troops, O daughter of troops . . .”  For more information or to confirm your plan to attend, please call Joan Bridges at 704-472-8956.
First Baptist Church, Shelby
  First Baptist Church, Shelby Youth Group will hold “A Chord For Hope” Benefit Concert for Relay for Life on Monday, May 9, 2011, 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m in the church sanctuary. Admission is free but will accept donations.
    They will also hold a Relay Night at Pizza Inn, Shelby, on Tuesday, April 26, 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. The youth will be working as servers at the restaurant during these hours. Come out for dinner that night and support Relay - all you have to do is eat!

Crestview Baptist Church, Shelby
  It’s about time for our Custom Car Show, to be held May 14 from 10 am - 4 pm at the church. All cars welcome. Entry fee is $10.00. We will  have music, cornhole tournament and first place prize will receive a set of cornhole boards. Concessions on the ground and Door prizes. Contact for more info: 704-300-0425. The church is located at 1090 Boiling Springs Road, Shelby. Proceeds will go the Youth Camp and Baptist Men’s Ministry.
Oak Grove United Methodist Church
  Our Men’s Breakfast will be held Sunday, May 15 at 7:30 am. All men are welcome. Our Worship Service will be held at 9:00 am followed by Sunday School at 10:00 am. On Sunday, May 22nd, we will have Memorial Day Services with Sunday School at 10:00 am and Worship at 11:00 am, followed by a covered dish lunch in the fellowship hall. For more information contact 704-538-8358. The church is located at 418 Oak Grove Clover Hill Ch. Rd., Lawndale, NC.
Northside Baptist Church, Charlotte
  Modesty Rocks Fashion Show and Real Beauty Workshop will be held May 21st. This conference is designed for girls and teens to understand that what they choose to wear is a direct reflection of what’s going on, on the inside of them. The conference features sessions on beauty, style, and modesty and also includes a spectacular fashion show. Mothers are encouraged to attend with your daughters. Lunch is provided in the price of the ticket for this event. Tickets are available at northsidecharlotte.com for $15 or at the church. The church is located at 333 Jeremiah Blvd. Charlotte, NC.

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