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Area Church News August 29th Edition
Tent Revival For Jesus, Kings Mountain
        Tent Revival For Jesus with Evangelist Scott Callahan of Fort Mill SC will be holding a Tent Revival under the Big Tent in Kings Mountain, NC, 215 East King St, in Downtown Kings Mountain, NC, (last day) August 29, 7:30pm. Live Music & Gospel Singing, Preaching & Prayer for the Sick nightly. All are welcome to attend.
Cornerstone Church of God, Kings Mountain
        Cornerstone Church of God, 202 Margrace Rd. Kings Mtn, NC  will be having an Auction Fundraiser, Saturday, August 31, 8:00am breakfast and preview, 9:00am auction will begin. Auctioneer: Jason Falls. Items include: Lamps, living room tables, washer, dryer, gas fireplace, 2-man pond hopper boat, lawnmower, rocking chairs, grill, many more new and gently used items, some antiques and much more. 
“Upward Soccer” New Hope Baptist Church, Earl
        New Hope Baptist Church, 2611 Blacksburg Road, Earl, NC will be having Practices for Upward Soccer”  beginning September 2. Games begin September 14. Awards Celebration: November 2. If you would like to help carry the gospel to hundreds of people each week, contact: Jason Chandler, 704-299-0446 or Sherri Jackson, 704-477-2419. Church, 704-487-6726. www.newhopeearl.com.
“Come To Me”  Women’s Retreat
        Register NOW before Sept. 2, for “Come To Me”, a powerful prayer retreat for Christian women that is being held on Oct 4-6, 2013 at The Cove/Billy Graham Training Center, Asheville. Join Fern Nichols, International author/speaker and founder of Moms In Prayer International, for an inspirational time of prayer, worship, reflection and teaching. In light of Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:28, Fern invites women to “step away from the ordinary for a time of rest, encouragement and refreshment. Come together to fan the flame of prayer that is so desperately needed for our children and schools.” Women from throughout the Appalachia and Southeast regions have filled the rooms and yet there is still room in the dining room, auditorium and workshops for YOU!! Because the sleeping rooms have all been reserved, registration fee has been lowered to $135 (until Sept 2, 2013) for the full Conference, which  includes 5 meals, all the sessions, workshops, and materials. Final registration deadline is Sept. 14. Those who register will need to make reservations at one of the hotels nearby, where rooms have been secured. For more information, visit www.MomsInPrayer.org. Click on: Events-Appalachia/Southeast. Download a brochure or register online. For questions, contact: FranComeToMeCove@gmail.com or 239-691-5158.
Rhema Outreach Ministry
        Rhema Outreach Ministry, 624 E. King Street, Kings Mountain, NC will be open beginning Tuesday, September 3, to the community every other Tuesday between 6:00-8:00pm for your clothing, shoes, houseware item needs and some nonparishable food items, only based upon income and family size.
2013 “Pure Heart’ Conference
        Faith Harvest Church, 1001 Buffalo St, Shelby will be hosting the 2013 ‘Pure Heart’ Conference, sponsored by Project 180 and Teen Straight Talk. The conference will kick off Friday, Sept. 6 at 7:00pm with a Praise and Purpose Rally that includes special musical guests, comedic poetic expression, theatre and dance. Educational empowerment sessions will be conducted Saturday Sept. 7 from 9:00am-1:30pm and will focus on sexual purity, STD’s, healthy relationships and building Godly character. The sessions are designed for both male and female ages 13-27, with parent/ adult sessions as well. The event will conclude Saturday at 4:30pm with a Pure Heart Ceremony Banquet with guest speaker Pastor Pierre Salmon, pastor of New Prospect Baptist Church in Enoree, SC.  Although Friday night’s event is free and open to the public, a registration fee is required for Saturday’s events and includes all conference classes, snacks, lunch, banquet dinner and ceremony certificate. Donations accepted. For registration forms or additional information, email pureheartevent@gmail.com or call (704) 300-0771.
St. Mary Catholic Church, Shelby
        St. Mary Catholic Church, 818 McGowan Rd, Shelby, NC, will be holding a fish fry (open to the public) at St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church. This will be held Friday, September 6, 6:00pm - 8:00pm at the church hall and sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 11946. Fish fry, complete meal. $7 adult / $4 child’s portion. Family value: Any size family $25.00 Meal includes: Two pieces of fish (only one in child’s portion) served with french fries, hush-puppies, coleslaw, and choice of drink. Proceeds will go to charities and our youth group.
Crossroads Baptist Church, Fallston
        Crossroads Baptist Church in Fallston (across from BB&T), will sponsor a benefit singing and hamburger/hot dog sale and yard sale, Saturday, September 7, for Brenda Hudson. Yard sale: 10:30am; Hamburger/hot dog & bake sale: 11:00am; Gospel Singing: 6:00pm, Singers: The Blackwoods, The group, Forgiven, and Heaven Sent.
Zion Hill Baptist Church, Lawndale
        Zion Hill Baptist Church will be having a huge yard sale and country breakfast, September 7, located at the church, 8173 Old NC 18, Lawndale, five miles south of South Mountain State Park. To date there are nine families plus the church will be participating. They will also be having their monthly country breakfast which begins at 7:00am. The yard sale begins at 8:00.  Breakfast plates are only $5 and include your choice of several meats, gravy, grits, eggs, biscuit, and drink. For more information call 704-538-8551. 
Sandy Plains Baptist Church, Shelby
        Sandy Plains Baptist Church, 2112 New House Rd., Shelby, NC will have “Sandy Plains Annual Barbecue” Saturday, September 7, 12:00 noon until. All You Can Eat, Ole Timey Pit Cooked Barbecue Pork & Chicken. French Fries, slaw, pickles, hush puppies, buns, cake, ice tea, coffee. Adults $12; Children 6 to 10 years $6; 5 and under free. Will deliver 10 or more plates. Sandy Plains welcomes and appreciates your participation in their Annual Barbecue. Whole Barbecue Pork Shoulder and Slaw for sale, $50. To reserve call: 704-434-2347 or 704-300-9000. Church phone: Day of BBQ, 704-434-6552.
Long Branch Road Baptist Church, Forest City
        Long Branch Road Baptist Church, 621 Long Branch Road, Forest City, NC will be having their Annual Emergency Services “Appreciation Church Service”, September 8. Sunday School – 10:00am; Worship Service, 11:00am. Lunch will follow the Worship Service. Contact Kaye Ruppe at 828-287-1408 if you plan to attend.
First Baptist Church, Shelby
        First Baptist Church, 120 North Lafayette Street “Uptown Shelby”, will be offering Free English Classes All Levels. Mondays 6:30-8:15pm, beginning September 9. Call 704-487-6094 or 704-482-3467. www.fbcshelby.org.

South Mountain Family Camp, Casar
        South Mountain Family Camp, 142 Mace Road, just outside Casar, NC off Highway 10, invites you to an Old-Fashioned Camp Meeting, September 13-15. Under the big pavilion overlooking beautiful South Mountain you’ll be inspired by Evangelist Dr. Ray Barnwell, enjoy gospel and bluegrass music, and feast on hot dogs, hamburgers, funnel cakes, ice cream and more! The fun begins on Friday, September 13 at 7:00pm; Saturday, September 14 with a Cabin Dedication at 4:30pm and service at 6:00pm; and concludes Sunday, September 15 with the final service at 5:00pm. You can find them on Facebook at southmountainfamilycamp, call 704-840-5160, or  email: esthermullinax@gmail.com.
Casar Tabernacle Baptist Church
        Casar Tabernacle Baptist Church, 151 Corinth Ch. Circle Drive., Casar, will be having a Blue Grass Gospel Singing, September 14. Everyone welcome. For more information call Rev. Tessneer, 704-538-8679.
New Bethel Church of Shelby
        New Bethel Church of Shelby, 706 Hamrick St. will be celebrating their 91st Homecoming September 15. The Carolina Quartet with Scott Whitner will be with us providing music. Starts at 10:00am and will be followed with an old fashion lunch on the grounds. Bring a friend and your favorite covered dish and enjoy a great time of fellowship.
Elizabeth Baptist Church, Shelby
        Elizabeth Baptist Church, 301 N Post Rd, Shelby, NC, will have their “3rd Annual Purse Extravaganza”, Saturday, September 21, 8:00-11:00am, at Christian Life Center. Sponsored by: The G.E.M.S. Admission is just one gently used clothing item. Proceeds go to support local missions. Donated clothing items will go to the Clothing Closet of EBC. Also accepting gently used purses and bags, along with accessories-necklaces, scarves, bracelets, rings (no earrings). Donations can be put in The G.E.M.S.’ collection box located at the Donation Station in the hallway.
Lawndale Baptist Church
        Lawndale Baptist Church will be having a BBQ Fundraiser, Saturday, September 21, 4:00pm - 6:30pm (or until we run out). Menu: BBQ, BBQ sauce, BBQ slaw, busn, potato salad or chips, baked beans, desserts (homemade), sweet tea/drinks. Adults $9, Children $5 (under 12 yrs.). All proceeds go to the Building Fund. Eat-in or take out.
First Wesleyan Church of Cherryville
        First Wesleyan Church, 800 N. Pink St, Cherryville, NC, will be having a concert featuring Lee Young, formerly of the Gaither Vocal Band, Sunday, September 22, 2013 at 10:45am. For more information contact the church office at 704-435-6069 or by email at fwccherryville@att.net.
Friendship United Methodist Church
        Friendship United Methodist Church, 111 Friendship Drive, Fallston, NC, will have their “5th Annual Golf Tournament, Saturday, September 28, 1:00pm Shotgun Start, Deerbrook Golf Club, Shelby. Contact Steve Hudson, 704-482-3632. Proceeds help with misisons and scholarships. Friendship United Methodist Men and United Methodist Women.
John Knox Presbyterian Church, Shelby
        John Knox Presbyterian Church, 610 Charles Road, Shelby, NC is having a Christmas Festival November 9, 9:00am to 4:00pm, and is looking for exhibitors. All arts and crafts must be handmade (no buy/sell or commerical items). Both indoor and outdoor booths available on a first come, first serve basis. Food will be available. Reasonable booth fee (no commisison taken). Contact Debbie Lesenger for entry form and details. Debbie Lesenger, johnknoxshelby@gmail.com or John Knox Presbyterian Church, 610 Charles Road, Shelby, NC 28152. 704-487-7953.
Putnam Baptist Church, Shelby
        Marriage 911 First Response - Is your marriage in crisis? Do you see the signs that your marriage is headed towards crisis? Are you separated and on the path towards divorce? There is a reason to have hope! For more information call 704-477-1168. Premarital- Enrichment- Crisis/Separated- Stepfamily. www.allinmarriage.com. allinmarriage@gmail.com.
Friendship United Methodist Church, Fallston
        Friendship United Methodist Church, 111 Friendship Drive, Fallston, NC invites children to Kingdom Kids, a Wednesday night children’s ministry. Bring your child for Bible lessons, music and lots of fun. Every Wednesday night from 6:00 until 7:00pm. For more information contact Bethany Clay at 704-538-9243.
God’s Garden, Polkville Baptist Church
        Polkville Baptist Church is once again providing a fresh food ministry... Those wishing to receive free fresh produce need to be at the Church and registered by 10:00am on Saturday mornings. The community is invited to bring garden produce donations to the Church by 9:00am on Saturdays for distribution the same day. This “neighbors helping neighbors” ministry is appropriately called “God’s Garden”. You can find “God’s Garden” in the basement  of Polkville Baptist Church, which is located at 4214 Polkville Rd., (Hwy 226 N.) in Polkville, NC.
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, Shelby
        Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, 198 Pleasant Ridge Ch Rd., Shelby, NC, is calling all Single Seniors, Widowed, Never-Married, Divorced, anyone over 55, you are welcome! Join the on the 3rd Saturday of each month for wonderful food, fun and entertainment. Everything begins at 5:00pm. If you need transportation, contact the Pleasant Ridge church office at 704-434-6431. All gatherings will be in the Family Life Building. Please sign up by the 2nd Saturday of each month in order to attend.
Crestview Baptist Church, Shelby
        Crestivew Baptist Church, 1090 Old Boilings Springs Rd., Shelby, NC will be presenting “2 or More”, Thursday nights, 7:00pm. Pastor Justin Martin. Come Worship with us!
Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Shelby
        Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 1207 W. Dixon Blvd., Shelby, is having a breakfast the second Saturday of each month, 7-9:30am. We serve eggs, grits, sausage gravy, pancakes, and french toast (made to order), country ham, sausage, bacon, and livermush with coffee and juice. Cost is $6 for adults, $3 for children. All you can eat. Money goes to our building fund and is sponsored by The United Methodist men’s and women’s groups.

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