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Area Church News August 2nd Edition
Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, Lawndale
  Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, 762 Warlick Road, Lawndale, NC will hold their  Prayer Time on Monday nights 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Anyone with a prayer need is welcome to come.  You may also call if you have prayer requests or questions. 704-538-9200
Crossway Baptist Church, Mooresboro
  Crossway Baptist Church, 419 West Main Street, Mooresboro, NC 28114  will be holding Friday Night Services at  6:00 pm. For more info. please call 828-453-1653.
Davidson Memorial Baptist Church, Shelby
       Davidson Memorial Baptist Church, 900 Mark Dr., Shelby invites you to come out  and worship with them and meet their new pastor, Danny Phillips. Sunday School: 10 a.m.; Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. and Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 7 p.m.
Bethea United Methodist Church, Bessemer City
    Bethea UMC is having a  drive-thru prayer time every Wednesday until Aug. 29, between 5-6 p.m.
Washington Missionary Baptist Church, Waco
       Washington Missionary Baptist Church feeds about 4,000 clients a month in their outreach ministry. They are in dire need of a panel van to be donated to their non-profit ministry for transportation of food products. Hunger is a major problem in Cleveland County. Please partner with them and help them to secure this van to feed the hungry of Cleveland County.
East Gold Street Wesleyan Church, Kings Mtn.
   East Gold Street Wesleyan Church, 701 E. Gold Street, Kings Mountain, NC, will hold their  Vacation Bible School - Dates:  August 3rd,  from 6:00 - 8:30 PM.  August 4, from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM.  August 5, 2012 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Prizes will be given out Sunday at 11:00 for those in attendance. Call 704-739-3215 for more details.
Zion Hill Baptist Church, Lawndale
   Zion Hill Baptist Church located at 8173 Old NC 18, Lawndale will have a country breakfast, August 4th from 7-10 AM.  Plates are only $5 and include your drink. Proceeds go to the building fund.  Zion Hill is located five miles south of South Mountain State Park.  For information call 704-538-8551.
El Bethel UMC, Kings Mountain
  El-Bethel United Methodist Church, located on El Bethel Rd., Kings Mountain will have their Country Breakfast and Bake Sale August 4th from 6:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Eggs, Grits, Gravy, Homemade Biscuit, Homemade Jellies, Coffee, Juice. Carry outs available, call 704-739-9174. For information contact Corrine Swofford 704-739-6978.
Ledford Grove Baptist Church, Lawndale
  Ledford Grove Baptist Church, located at 327 E. Double Shoals Road, Lawndale will hold a revival August 5 - 10 @ 6:00 pm on the 5th and 7:00 pm the 6th thru 10th. Speaker will be Jamie Coulter (Skateboard Preacher). Everyone is welcome. Come receive a blessing - bring a friend.
Pleasant View Community Church, Forest City
  Pleasant View Community Church, located at 129 Micheal Drive, Forest City will be holding a revival and homecoming August 8-12. Evening services 7:00 p.m., Sunday morning Homecoming worship service 11:00 a.m. Jaret McKinney preaching and Edwards Family singing. Ralph Sexton will be preaching August 13-14, 7:00 p.m.
New Hope Baptist Church, Vale
 New Hope Baptist Church will be having Homecoming services on August 5th @3:00 pm. The guest speaker will be Rev. Robert Coleman of Hoppers Chapel Baptist Church in Shelby, NC. Our revival services will be on August 6 - 8 @ 7:00pm each night. The guest speaker will be Rev. Rodney Freeman of Mt. Zion Restoration Church in Gastonia, NC. The young people night will be on August 9 -10 @ 7:00 pm. The guest speakers will be Thursday night Minister Chris Gash and Friday night Rev. Donnie Thurman. Both speakers are from Palmer Grove Baptist Church in Kingstown, NC. The New Hope Baptist Church family along with our Pastor, Rev. Larry D. Roseboro, invites everyone to attend these glorious events. For directions or more information, contact the church at (704) 462-4010 or emails: nhbcvale@yahoo.com www.nhbcvale.com.
Old Time Outdoor Prayer Meeting
  An Old Time Outdoor Prayer Meeting will be held on August 9-11, 2353 Curt Ledford Rd., Lawndale. Gospel group & preaching each night. For info, call 704-538-8679, Homer or Angie.
Temple Baptist Church, Shelby
  Temple Baptist Church will hold a Yard Sale, Biscuit and Hot Dog Sale on Saturday, August 11th from 6:30 AM until. Special gospel music will also be provided. The church is located across from the back parking lot of Shelby High School.  Proceeds go towards rebuilding the church. Your help and prayers are appreciated.
Friendship United Methodist Church, Fallston
  Friendship United Methodist Church invites children to Kingdom Kids, a Wednesday night children’s ministry. Bring your child for Bible lessons, music and lots of fun. Every Wednesday night from 6:00 until 7:00 pm. The Church is located at 111 Friendship Drive, Fallston, NC. For more information contact Bethany Clay at 704-538-9243. Friendship United Methodist will have their monthly community meal on Thursday, August 9th from 5:30 until 6:30 pm. Due to construction, the meal will be served in the building behind the Church. There is no cost or obligation. We would love for you to join us for food and fellowship. Come as you are - all are welcome!
White Harvest Ministries, Shelby
   White Harvest Ministries, 1014-6 Industry Drive, Shelby, will hold a Benefit/Yard Sale for 8 month old Justin Thomas Styers, who was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma (a rare form of brain cancer). The benefit will be held on Saturday, August 4, 7:00 a.m. until. Anyone wishing to donate can bring donations to 2608 Cleveland Ave., Grover or call Tammy @ 704-472-2974 or Edna @ 704-819-7056. They will be glad to make arrangements to pick up donations. Anyone who wishes to make a cash/check donation can do so through Facebook: Prayersforjustin.com, using paypal or an accounts has been set up for Justin.  Please send payments to PO Box 503, Kings Mtn., NC. Make checks payable to Justin Styers.
Crestview Baptist Church
   A Fundraising Benefit will be held for Associate Pastor Mel Campos, who has been diagnosed with bone cancer. Crestview Baptist Church is raising funds to help pay for the upcoming cost of the treatments. The event will be held at Boiling Springs Friendship Masonic Lodge #388 located at McBrayer Homestead Rd. on August 18, 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. All You Can Eat Spaghetti, salad, dressing and garlic bread. $8.00 for advance tickets. $10.00 for tickets at the Lodge. Checks can be made to Mel Campos Family. If you would like to help in any way please contact Larry Hammett 704-472-2919 or Whitey Greene at 828-429-4463.
Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church
  Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church will be having a Country Ham Breakfast Buffet on August 18, 2012. The time is 7 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Adults $7.00. Children $4.00. Under 6 eat free! Proceeds go to the Church Budget. Serving: Scrambled eggs, country ham, bacon, sausage, livermush, pancakes, gravy, grits, biscuits, coffee, orange juice. Also: Fruit Bar and Snack Bar. All you can eat! Carry outs available! For more information: Call 704-538-7985 or 704-538-3995.
Poplar Springs Baptist Church
  Poplar Springs Baptist Church will be hosting a Chicken Pie Supper on Saturday, August 25th.  The time is 5:30 til 8:30. The cost is $8.00 per plate.  Take out plates are available.  Proceeds to benefit the Transportation Committee.  Please contact the church office at 704-487-8802 for more info or for tickets. Poplar Springs Baptist Church is located at 1106 Poplar Springs Church Road, Shelby (off Hwy 150 past the Shelby Airport).

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