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Area Church News Dec. 15th edition
Friendship United Methodist Church, Fallston
       Friendship United Methodist Church invites children to Kingdom Kids, a Wednesday night children’s ministry. Bring your child for Bible lessons, music and lots of fun. Every Wednesday night from 6:00 until 7:00 pm. The Church is located at 111 Friendship Drive, Fallston, NC. For more information contact Bethany Clay at 704-538-9243.
Oak Grove United Methodist Church, Lawndale
   Oak Grove United Methodist Church Kids Club, 418 Oak Grove-Clover Hill Church Rd. (grades K-6th) meets the first and third Sunday of each month from 6-7 p.m. Everyone is invited. For more information call 704-538-8358.
Springwood COG  
   Springwood COG, 1007 Hickory Grove Road, Gastonia will present a Christmas program, “An Unexpected Christmas” on Sunday, December 18, 11 am. This will include music, drama, comedy, praise and worship! Free admission. 704-880-0705 for information.
Corinth Baptist Church, Ellenboro  
   The public is invited to attend a free Christmas concert featuring Bryan Hutson and the Foothills Choir at Corinth Baptist Church on Friday, December 16 at 7:00 PM. The program will feature some of your favorite Christmas songs, some gospel classics and a surprise or two. Bryan Hutson is the current lead singer for the Kingsmen Quartet. The members of the Foothills Choir are from 25 churches in Rutherford and Cleveland counties. Corinth Baptist Church is located on Pinehurst Road between Old US Hwy 74 and Tiney Road in Ellenboro. A love offering will be received. For more information, call 828-248-3559.
Long Branch Road Baptist Church, Forest City  
   Long Branch Road Baptist Church, 621 Long Branch Rd., Forest City will hold a Luminary and Children’s program on Sunday, Dec 18 at 6:00 p.m. They are selling luminaries “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of”. $10.00 each. Order by December 11th. For information or to order luminaries call 828-287-1408 or 828-287-1314. Cornerstone Baptist Church  
   Cornerstone Baptist Church, 4357 W. Dixon Blvd., Mooresboro will hold a Christmas play, “Daddy Come Home”on Friday and Sunday, December 16 & 18, 7 p.m. each night.  For information call 704-434-4949 or www.cbc-web.org.
Chapel Grove Baptist Church, Crowders Mtn.
   Chapel Grove Baptist Church invites you to their annual FREE DRIVE THRU NATIVITY. Friday-Sunday, Dec. 16, 17 and 18, 6:30pm - 9:00pm. 9 living scenes from the life of Jesus. Over 700 vehicles visited our nativity last year. Located 15 minutes from Kings Mountain near Crowders Mountain at 716 Camp Rotary Road.
Hudson Memorial Baptist, Lawndale, NC  
   Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, 762 Warlick Rd. Lawndale NC 28090 is holding a Christmas play on Sunday, December 17, 6:00 p.m.

First Love Independent Baptist Church, Gaffney, SC
   First Love Independent Baptist Church, presents “The Last Mile” on Saturday, December 17, 5:00 p.m. Take Hwy. 18S towards Gaffney, pass the First Broad River Bridge and the church is on the right Come receive a blessing. Don’t be left behind. Contact: Pastor Buster Griffin at 704-418-4314 for more info.
Dover Baptist Church, Shelby
   Dover Baptist Church, 1501 Polkville Rd., Shelby will hold their Christmas Cantata, “We Have Our Savior”. It will be presented by Dover Adult Choir with combined video and piano accompaniment Sunday, December 18, 11:00 a.m. worship service. Directed by Ashley Smith, Minister of Music. Michael Lewis, pianist. Dr. Bulo Price, Pastor. 704-487-8462.
Flint Hill Baptist Church, Shelby
   The Adult Choir of Flint Hill Baptist Church, 2207 Flint Hill Church Rd., Shelby will present the Christmas musical, “Down From His Glory” on Sunday morning, December 18th at 10:55. The children’s choir will be featured. For more information call the church at 704-434-9517. www.flinthillbaptist.org.
Restoration Family Church, Shelby  
   Restoration Family Church will hold their Children’s Christmas Musical on Sunday, December 18th at 10:30 AM. They will also have a Christmas Celebration on Sunday, December 25th at 10:30 AM. The church is located at 1667 S. Lafayette St. Shelby (beside Hoyle Plumbling).  For more information, contact Fannie Propst at 864-384-4038.
Polkville Baptist Church, Polkville  
  Polkville Baptist Church is offering their  Gift to the  Community. Drop in on Sunday December 18th between 6:30-8:30 PM for Caroling, a Live Nativity, and Refreshments.The church is located at 4214 Polkville Rd., Polkville.
 Friendly Chapel Baptist Church, Fallston
   Friendly Chapel Baptist Church will be having their annual Christmas Play on Sunday, December 18th at 6:30.  Everyone is invited to join us in celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  The church is located 2.5 miles east of Fallston at 735 Sugar Hill Rd.  For more information, call Towana Sisk at 704-538-1014.  Friendly Chapel will also be having their annual Night Watch Service on Saturday, December 31st from 7PM till Midnight.   Special guests will be the Golden Valley Crusaders and The Rogers (Lebron and Betty).  We will be ringing in the new year with worship, song and praise.  Food will be served in the fellowship building about midway through the service.  For more information, contact Ellen Mull at 704-538-7680.  EVERYONE IS INVITED AND WELCOME!
Blessed Way Baptist Church, Lawndale
   Blessed Way Baptist Church, 254 Falls St., Lawndale, NC will hold their Annual Christmas program on Sunday, December 18 at 6 pm. Their program is not a traditional Jesus in the manger setting, for they believe Jesus is no longer in that manger. He is in Heaven, by His Father’s side, guiding us through our daily lives and making plans to come to gather His children one day soon. Please plan to attend and come with an open heart and mind. What better way to celebrate this wonderous time of the year than by praising Him! If you have not already given your life and heart to Jesus, now is the time. What better gift for the Christmas season than accepting eternal life through Christ!
Central United Methodist Church, Shelby
   On Saturday, December 24th, Central United Methodist Church in Shelby, cordially invites you to either of the candlelight  Christmas Eve services.  The 5:00 p.m. service will be family-friendly and will be led by the Praise Ensemble, with music beginning 10 minutes before the service.  The 11:00 p.m. service welcomes back the quartet “Celtic Wynd.”  They will offer an instrumental prelude at 10:40 p.m. On December 25th, One service will be offered at 10:00 a.m. featuring lots of familiar carols.  An Acappella vocal ensemble will also offer a rousing spiritual titled “Run to the Manger”.  Invite friends and neighbors and join us as we celebrate this special season and the birth of our Savior.
 Liberty Baptist Church, Ellenboro
   Liberty Baptist Church Adult Choir will perform the Mike Speck musical “Down From His Glory” on Sunday, December 18 at 11:00 am. Join Pastor Owen Duncan at 11 a.m. for a Christmas message on (Christmas) Sunday morning, December 25. The church is located at 821 Webb Rd., Ellenboro, NC. For directions call 828-453-0186 or visit www.thelibertypulpit.com.
Shelby Missionary Methodist Church
   On Friday December 23rd the Food Ministry of Shelby Missionary Methodist Church will have their second annual Bar-B-Q Butts sale.The cost is only $30.00. This includes the butt, slaw, sauce and buns. All the proceeds go right back into helping families with food. Please come out and enjoy some great food and help someone. Tis the season. To order please call Jennifer Hunt @704-477-4568 or Danny Hunt @ 704-477-3564. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Aldersgate Methodist Church, Shelby
   Aldersgate UMC, 1207 West Dixon Blvd., Shelby, will hold “Service of the Longest Night” on Thursday, December 22, 6:00 p.m.  Christmas can be a painful time for some. It may be the first Christmas without a loved family member who has recently died; it may be a time that has always been difficult. The holidays are billed as a joyous time of the year. Images of misty-eyed adults singing Silent Night and wonder-eyed children on Christmas morning are part of what comes to mind. The constant refrain on the radio and television, in shopping malls and churches, about the happiness of the season, about getting together with family and friends, reminds many people of what they have lost or have never had. Broken relationships, insecurity of unemployment, weariness of ill health, pain of isolation – all of these can make us feel very alone in the midst of the celebrating. For some people it is the most depressing time of year.  As the darkness grows around us, there is a battle waged in many people’s lives and in our community –against depression and loss, against violence and forces of evil. Our spirits sink, as the days grow shorter. We feel the darkness growing deeper around us. We need encouragement to live the days ahead of us. For these reasons Aldersgate United Methodist Church offers a special “Longest Night” service. Come out and join us in sharing and hearing prayers, scripture, and music that acknowledge that God’s presence is for those who mourn, for those who struggle – and that God’s Word comes to shine light into our darkness. May the Christ Child, born in a lowly stable himself as an outcast, bring light, comfort, peace and joy this holiday season. Everyone, regardless of church background is welcome.

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