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Area Church News Dec 28, 2017

Lowesville Gospel Concerts/Living Word Ministries, Stanley
The Hinson Girls Bluegrass from Lancaster SC, along with The Spencer Mountain Quartet will be in concert at Lowesville Gospel Concerts/Living Word Ministries, 1062 Hwy 16 South, Stanley (Lowesville), NC Saturday, December 30, 2017 at 6:00pm. This is a free concert and everyone is welcome. Southern Gospel every 2nd Saturday and Bluegrass every 4th Saturday. Contact Carroll Cooke 704-618-9762.
Peoples Baptist Church, Kings Mountain
Peoples Baptist Church 1010 Groves St., Kings Mountain, NC, will hold a New Year's Eve Service on Sunday, December 31, 2017, at 10:30pm. They invite everyone come and fellowship with them and bring in the New Year celebrating and thanking God for all that he has done and will do in the lives of his people.
Ledford Baptist Church, Lawndale
Ledford Baptist Church, 327 East Double Soals Rd., Lawndale, NC, will hold a New Year Service with the Street Family, Sunday, December 31, 2017, at 6:00pm. For more information call 704-538-6803.
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Washington Missionary Baptist Church, Zion Hill Baptist Church and Fairview Baptist Church will be joining together for Watch Night Service on Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 10:00pm at Washington Missionary Baptist Church. The guest speaker will be Pastor Les Howard of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. Everyone is invited to attend.
Dover Baptist Church, Shelby
Dover Baptist Church, 1501 Polkville Rd., Shelby, NC, will be holding a Chicken Pie Supper on Saturday, January 6, 2018, from 5-7pm. The cost is $7 per late, dine in or carry out. They invite you to come and enjoy the delicious food and good fellowship.
Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church, Belwood
Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church, 1102 Warlick Road, Belwood, NC, will hold a Country Ham Breakfast Saturday, January 13, 2018, 7:00am til 11:00am. (snow date is Saturday, January 20, 2018) Price: $8 adults, child 6-2 $5, under 6 eats free. Menu: scrambled eggs, country ham, bacon, sausage, liver mush, pancakes, gravy, toast, biscuit, coffee, tea, water, drinks, orange juice, donuts. Proceeds go to fuel oil fund. For information call Doris Hamby, 704-538-3995.
Putnam Baptist Church, Shelby
Putnam Baptist Church, 1146 County Home Road, Shelby, NC. Marriage 911 First Response - Is your marriage in crisis? Do you see the signs that your marriage is headed towards crisis? Are you separated and on the path towards divorce? There is a reason to have hope! For more information call 704-477-1168. Premarital- Enrichment- Crisis/Separated- Step family. www.allinmarriage.com. allinmarriage@gmail.com.
"Truth & Tea Time" Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, Shelby
"Truth and Tea Time" will be held at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, 198 Pleasant Ridge Church Road, Shelby, NC, Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 6:15-8:15pm. The main speaker for the evening is Cindi Wood. Cindi is the author of Lifeway's bestselling Frazzled Female series. She is a sought after speaker and Bible teacher, guiding women to deal with daily stress by experiencing a practical and deep relationship with Jesus Christ. Her Frazzled Female Events have taken her across the United States and into other countries, sharing the Good News about Jesus with thousands of busy women who struggle with the many demands of 21st Century living. Biblically based teaching coupled with humor from daily experience, her message offers hope and encouragement to women of all ages and walks of life. Tickets are $12 and can be obtained online at prbcshelby.org/truth-tea; Teresa Davis at 704-477-0002 or calling the church office at 704-434-6431.

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