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Area Church News Dec. 2nd edition
Temple Baptist Church
        Temple Baptist Church would like to invite everyone out to be a part of our church services. We are excited to let you know how the Lord is blessing us and how He can bless you! We are growing and love to have you to come grow with us. Our services are every Sunday, 10am for Sunday School, 11am for Morning Worship and 6pm for Evening Services, also 6pm on Wednesdays. We are starting practices for our Christmas play and would love to have all that want to come be a part of it to come out. Come seeking a blessing and leave with a blessing!

Restoration Church International
        “The Rapture” presented by Restoration Church International, located at (I-85 exit 95) 1905 N. Limestone St., Gaffney, SC. Doors will open 2 hours before performance (Limited Seating-First Come, First Served). Performance Times is every Saturday at 6:00 pm through - Saturday, Dec. 18th; and Friday, Dec. 31 at 6 and 9:30 pm. Suggested $3.00 Donation at the door. A love offering will be received. For group reservations of 10 or more call (864-489-1755).

Edwards Chapel Baptist, Toluca, NC
        We will be celebrating 6 years of Pastoral Leaderships of Pastor Randolph and Vickie Wray with services beginning at 7:00 pm nightly December 2, 3, & 4 with the celebrations ending Sunday, December 5th at 5:00 pm. For information call 704-349-0731.

Sandy Plains Baptist Church
        For the fourteenth year, Sandy Plains Baptist Church will be presenting “Come to Bethlehem”, an outdoor Christmas drama which honors our Lord’s Nativity. This drama is a walk through experience whose visitors actually pass through fifteen separate, realistic that would have existed in the ancient city of Bethlehem. The dates are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, December 3, 4, and 5 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Admission is free; however, we are inviting people to bring a canned food donation to be distributed among area food banks. For more information and directions go to our website: www.sandyplainbaptist.org. You may contact Rev. Garin Hill at 704-477-6266 or Wayne Whitaker at 704-434-6930. The church is located at 2112 New House Road, Shelby.

Christian Freedom Baptist Church
        Christian Freedom Baptist Church/Grace Christian Academy, Kings Mountain, NC invites you to come join us for a free spaghetti dinner on Friday, December 3 from 5:30pm until 8:00pm at Christian Freedom Baptist Church. We will have a a Christmas Sale during this time also, featuring baked goods and candies made by the Senior Adult Class, different tables with greeting cards, jewelry, gift ideas for Christmas. Come out for a free dinner and shop for Christmas.

Prospect Baptist Church, Mooresboro, NC
        Our 7th Annual Live Drive thru Nativity will be held December 3rd and 4th from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm. The church is near Duke Power Steam Plant, follow signs in area, off Hwy. 150 and US 221A. Come experience the presentation of live scenes leading to the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Features live animals and people. Narrated thru your CD or tape players, available as you drive thru and enjoy free hot chocolate and cookies. Church vans and group home vehicles welcome. Join us as we celebrate Jesus birth. Free to everyone. Call Lisa Scruggs at 828-755-4842 for more information.

Crestview Baptist Church
       will have our monthly breakfast Saturday, December 4th, beginning at 7 am. Everyone is welcome. Variety of breakfast items, homemade biscuits and our special sweet potato pancakes. Price $5.00. For more information, please call 704-487-7485. For take out orders on Saturday morning, call 704-487-8309. The church is located at 1090 Old Boiling Springs Road. Join us for great fellowship and food.
El-Bethel United Methodist Church
        El-Bethel U.M.C., located at 122 El- Bethel Rd., Kings Mtn. will have a Country Style Breakfast and Bake Sale Saturday Dec. 4th beginning at 6:30 am ‘til 10:00 am. The proceeds will benefit the building fund. The breakfast crew welcomes all!

Heaven Bound Baptist Church, Ellenboro
        There will be a Benefit Hot Dog Supper and Gospel Singing December 4th for Billy Holland (Diagniosed with a mass on his brain, affecting his ability to work or drive, needs help with finances). The church is located at 285 Friendship Dr., Ellenboro, NC. The Hot Dog supper begins at 4:00 pm an donations will be accepted. The singing will begin at 6:00 pm. Our singers will be Harriett Memorial Free Will Baptist Choir and Gospel Notes. Please come out and enjoy a blessing.

Zion Hill Baptist Church
        We are having a Christmas Bazaar at the church Saturday, December 4th from 8:00 am until 12:00 noon. Breakfast, Crafts, Quilt, Baked and Canned Goods will be for sale. The church is located at 8173 Old NC 18 Hwy., Lawndale, NC. For more information call 704-538-9224.

Polkville United Methodist Church
        The UMW (United Methodist Women) Bazaar will be held Saturday, December 4th beginning at 7:00 pm until... Come out and shop for our Crafts, Baked Goods and Gifts. Our Men (UMW) will also have a Biscuit Sale at 7:00 a.m. For more info, please call 704-538-9486.

Christmas Tree Lighting, Blacksburg, SC
        Saturday, December 4th we will have our Community Christmas Tree Lighting at 5:00 PM at St. John United Methodist Church, located at 105 S. Rutherford Street, Blacksburg, SC. Hot chocolate and cookies will be served along with singing Christmas Carols. Everyone welcome. Come and kick off the Christmas Season with us. For more information call 864-839-2466.

Elizabeth Baptist Church
        The Senior Adult Choir of Elizabeth Baptist Church, Shelby, will present the musical “All Over the World...It’s Christmas,” Sun., Dec. 5, 6:00 p.m. The service will include carols and customs from other countries, including well known carols that we sing each year at Christmas.

Carpenter’s Grove Baptist Church
        Carpenter’s Grove Baptist Church Annual Community Christmas Tree Lighting, will be held December 5th beginning at 3:00 p.m. Everyone is invited! Come join us for fun, food and fellowship! Special Music and Crafts for children! Let Jesus’ Light Shine through you as you join us for a day of celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Pisgah Baptist Church, Casar, NC
        Poor Mans Lunch, Sunday Dec. 5th at 12:30 at Pisgah Baptist Church Family Life Center, Casar NC, off Hwy 10 onto Wards Gap. Donations go toward Pisgah Baptist Church Youth Fund. Everyone Welcome!

Hoyle Memorial United Methodist Church
        Tony Award Winning Baritone: Eugene Brancoveanu will be singing at our church on Sunday, December 5th at the 11:00 am worship service. Our pastor is Rev. Veranita Alvord. For more information call 704-487-9522. The church is located at 1741 Fallston Rd., Shelby, NC.

Westview Baptist Church
        Westview Baptist Church’s Made4Praz Children’s Choir will present a Christmas Musical, “Angel Alert” on Sunday, December 5, 6:00 p.m. Everyone is invited

Putnam Baptist Church
        Putnam Baptist Church will sponsore a Christmas Drive Thru Experience on Friday, December 10, 7-9 PM; Saturday, December 11, 6-9 PM and Sunday, Dec. 12, 6-9 PM. There will be 10 life-sized scenes, beautifully portrayed by Putnam members within newly created sets, depicting the eternal message of Christmas: God is with us! This is a free gift to the community in celebration of God’s great gift to us -- Jesus! The church is located at 1146 County Home Road, Shelby, NC.
Big Springs Baptist Church, Ellenboro, NC
        Turkey Shoot-December 11th, at Big Springs Baptist Church,  534 Big Springs Church Road, Ellenboro, NC, only 4.5 miles from Polkville 10 am until 1 pm. Chance to win a turkey every round. Bring your shotgun, we supply shells. For more information & directions go to http://www.bigspringsbaptist.org. ALSO: Cornhole Tournment Saturday, December 11th, at the church, 10 am until...  Double elimination $20 per team, $100 grand prize will play inside fellowship hall if cold.

Aldersgate United Methodist Church
        We will have a Country Breakfast Fundraiser on Saturday, December 11th at the church, located at 1207 West Dixon Blvd., Shelby. The breakfast begins at 7:00 am to 9:30 am and the cost is $6.00 for adults. The monies will go to our building fund...”Here We Grow Again!!”

Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
        The Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Choir will present the Christmas musical, Come and Worship: A Christmas Invitation on Friday, December 17 at 7:00 PM and Sunday, December 19 at 10:45 AM. There is no charge for this event. The church is located at 1227 Mt. Sinai Church Road, Shelby, NC. For more information please call the church office at 704-482-5871 or Minister of Music, Bruce Wilson at 704-482-3411.\

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