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Area Church News July 13, 2017

Rehobeth United Methodist Church, Shelby
Rehobeth United Methodist Church, 2036 Rehobeth Church Road, Shelby, NC, will be hosting a Chicken Pie Supper with all the trimmings Saturday, July 15, 2017 from 5:00pm til 7:30pm. Adults, $10; children under 6, $5. Dine in or carry out.
Shelby Missionary Holiness Church, Shelby
Shelby Missionary Holiness Church, 1402 Earl Road, Shelby, NC, will be holding Church Bible School, Saturday, July 15, 2017.Registration will be from 8:30-9:00am. Activities will be from 9:00-2:00pm, for ages 4-13 years old (must be potty-trained). Children will learn about important Bible events, sing songs, do arts and crafts, and participate in outdoor activities. There will be outdoor activities involving water so please have children bring along an extra pair of clothes or a towel, if you want them to be dry when they leave. Morning snack and lunch will be provided. To register, please contact Bambi Myers at 828-748-3633 or Corrie Holiday at 803-487-1222 with the following information: child's name, age, address, emergency contact, allergy information, and phone number. You do not have to pre-register to attend.
Temple Baptist Church, Mooresboro
Temple Baptist Church, 132 Franklin Road, Mooresboro, NC, (In Six Points) will be holding a "Free Clothes and Groceries Event", Saturday July 15, 2017, from 9-11am. Free clothes and groceries.
Cherokee Street Baptist Church, Kings Mtn.
Cherokee Street Baptist Church, 421 Cherokee Street, Kings Mountain, NC, will be holding a Gospel Singing Sunday, July 16, 2017, at 6:00pm, featuring Award-winning Gospel Singer, Brian Burchfield, formally of Melody Trio. Public welcome. For information call 704-718-9341.
West Lincoln United Methodist Church, Vale
West Lincoln United Methodist Church will sponsor these events:
Three 16 Band Total Night Of Worship - Summer in the Park. Live performance . Free entry. 369 Hulls Grove Church Rd., Vale, NC 28168.
Summer Worship In The Park will be held Sundays, July 16, July 23, July 30 and August 6, 2017. Starting at 7:00pm. For more information on these events contact 704-276-1411, www.facebook.com/westlincolncharge.
Lily Memorial Baptist Church, Shelby
Lily Memorial Baptist Church, 406 Whitener St., Shelby, NC 28152 will be holding Vacation Bible School starting Sunday, July 16, 2017. VBS kickoff and registration will be Saturday, July 15, 2017 2pm to 4pm. The kickoff will have K-9 officer and partner, games, refreshments, classes; preschool through 6th grade.
VBS will be Sunday July 16, 2017 through Thursday July 20, 2017. Supper each night at 5:45pm. There will be a worship rally, crafts, music, recreation, and lesson time. Each evening ends at 8:30pm. The theme of VBS is Galactic Starveyor. For more information call 704-692-8538.
Mulls Memorial Baptist, Shelby
Mulls Memorial Baptist, 3299 Fallston Road, Shelby, NC, will be holding Vacation Bible School: "Galactic Starveyors" - Kick-off will be Sunday, July 16, 2017. Vacation Bible School will be July 17-21, 2017, 6:00 - 8:30pm. Classes for all ages. Stay with your children or drop them off. Meals provided each night of VBS.
Living Word Ministries, Stanley
Amantha Mill Bluegrass from Boone and Valor III, a Southern Gospel trio from Statesville, NC, will be in concert at Lowesville Gospel Concerts/Living Word Ministries, 1062 Hwy 16 South, Stanley (Lowesville), NC, Saturday, July 22, 2017, 6:00pm. This is a free concert and everyone is welcome. Southern Gospel music every 2nd Saturday and Bluegrass music every 4th Saturday. Contact Carroll Cooke, 704-618-9762.
Charity Baptist Church, Lawndale
Charity Baptist Church, 113 Charity Church Rd., Lawndale, NC (Fallston), will be holding Revival with Evan. Don Anderson. July 23-26, 2017. Sunday, 11:00am & 6:00pm and Mon.-Wed., 7:00pm. Crossroads Rescue Men will be singing Monday and "Enlightners" will be singing Tuesday. Contact them by calling 704-419-4574 or 704-466-8774, www.charitybaptistfallston.org.
Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, Lawndale
Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, 62 Warlick Rd., Lawndale NC, will be holding Vacation Bible School Monday, July 24, 2017 to Friday, July 28, 2017, 6:30-8:00pm. What Does Your Garden Grow? The Fruit of The Spirit. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." Galations 5:22-23 KJV.
First Baptist Church, Shelby
First Baptist Church, 120 N Lafayette St., Shelby, NC, will be holding "Summer SingleFest", an event for active Single Adults 40 years and older, on Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 6:30pm in the Dover Activities Building. This is a free admission event sponsored by Solo Flight, a community of singles at First Baptist. Festivities will include a barbecue supper, door prizes, fun activities, and music provided by New Mercy, a Christian ladies quartet. Take this opportunity to meet other single adults from the area. For more information call the church office at 704-482-3467.
New Bethel Baptist Church, Lawndale
New Bethel Baptist Church, 112 New Bethel Church Rd., Lawndale, NC, invites you to join them for their Mission Meal Fundraiser starting at 12:00 noon on Sunday, July 30, 2017. All are welcome to come help spread Jesus' love to all peoples and nations. Dine in or take out. Menu is meatloaf, green beans, potatoes, slaw and roll. Cost is by donation.
Putnam Baptist Church, Shelby
Putnam Baptist Church, 1146 County Home Road, Shelby, NC. Marriage 911 First Response - Is your marriage in crisis? Do you see the signs that your marriage is headed towards crisis? Are you separated and on the path towards divorce? There is a reason to have hope! For more information call 704-477-1168. Premarital- Enrichment- Crisis/Separated- Step family. www.allinmarriage.com. allinmarriage@gmail.com.
Charity Christian School, Lawndale
Charity Christian School, 113 Charity Church Rd., Lawndale, NC (Fallston), is currently enrolling students for the upcoming school year, 2017-2018. Low teacher-student ratio! If accepted for enrollment some students may qualify for a scholarship through the NC Opportunity Scholarship Program. The school includes grades K through 12th. Call the office number, visit their facebook page, or webpage for more information. 704-419-4574, www.charitychristianschool.org.

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