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Area Church News July 26, 2018

Saturday, July 28, 2018
What: Worship with "The Joyaires of Harriman, TN"
When: 7:00pm, July 28
Where: New Testament Missionary Baptist Church, 2103 Capernium Road, Waco, NC
More Info: The Joyaires of Harriman, TN will be coming to sing. Everyone is invited and there is no charge for admission. A love offering will be taken up. For more information please contact: Laurine McCracken, 704-240-1169 (anytime) or David McCracken, 704-435-1769.
What: "Not Easily Broken" Ministry Event
When: 10:00am, July 28
Where: Cleveland County Library, 104 Howie Drive, Shelby, NC
More Info: Evangelist Robin Bamberg and the Women of Thirsty Thursdays Women's Ministry will host a "Not Easily Broken" Ministry Event. This event is Free! Refreshments served. All women invited to attend. Thirsty Thursdays is a non-denominational Christian Women's Ministry that empowers and encourages women through Biblical teaching. It includes Praise and Worship, testimonials, and fellowship for women of all ethnicities.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
What: Pastor Claude London's 4th Pastorial Anniversary
When: 3:00pm, July 29
Where: A Glimps of the Kingdom Ministries, 702 Buffalo, Shelby, NC.
More Info: The Guest Speaker will be Rev. Dr. Tommy London from Salem, VA. Come celebrate with us.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
What: Good Samaritans Supper Club
When: 5:00pm (meal) 6:00pm (Singing), August 4
Where: The Good Samaritans Supper Club, The Eighth Street Church of God, 906 S. 8th Street, Bessemer City, NC
More Info: The Samaritans will be singing. Meal is served at 5:00pm and the singing starts at 6:00pm. The cost for the meal and singing is only $10; singing only is only $5. Come on over and enjoy some good food and good Southern Gospel Music. Information 704-860-3492 and 704-629-9202. Find us on Facebook at The Good Samaritans Supper Club.
What: Country Breakfast
When: 6:00-10:00am, August 4
Where: El Bethal UMC, Kings Mountain, NC
More Info: Menu: Country Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Eggs, Grits, gravy, jellies. Coffee and Juice. We will also have a Bake Sale. Take Outs are available. Call 704 739 9174.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
What: Vacation Bible School
When: 5:30-8:30pm, August 5-8
Where: Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, 198 Pleasant Ridge Church Road, Shelby, NC
More Info: Supper will be served each evening. This year's theme is Rolling River Rampage and there will be classes for both children and adults. You may call the church office at 704-434-6431 for more information.
What: Singing "Resounding Glory"
When: 6:00pm, August 5
Where: St. Paul Baptist Church, 337 Hull Rd., Casar, NC
More Info: Join us as we worship with "Resounding Glory"
What: Palmer Grove Baptist Church's 89th Anniversary Celebration
When: 3:00pm, August 5
Where: Palmer Grove Baptist Church, 1606 Kingstown Rd., Kingstown, NC
More Info: Speaker will be Rev. Paul C. Gash MDIV. of New Zion Baptist Church, Spindale, NC. Dinner will be served. Sr. Pastor James L. Smith MDIV.
Monday, August 6, 2018
What: "More Than Conquerors" Revival
When: 7:00pm nightly, August 6-8
Where: Palmer Grove Baptist Church, 1606 Kingston Rd., Kingstown, NC
More Info: Speaker will be Rev. Ronnie Williams of Genrostee Baptist Church, Anderson, SC. Sr. Pastor James L. Smith MDIV.
What: Community Meal
When: 5:30pm, Every Second Thursday of Each month
Where: Friendship United Methodist Church, 111 Friendship Drive, Fallston, NC, in the Fellowship Hall Downstairs.
More Info: Come as you are - all are welcome. No charge for meal. Come expecting fellowship that will lift your spirits and good food.
What: Christian Movie
When: 6:00pm, Last Monday of Each Month
Where: Friendship United Methodist Church, 111 Friendship Drive, Fallston, NC.
More Info: The church will show the movie "I Can Only Imagine" with Dennis Quaid and Trace Adkins, the inspiring true story behind Mercy Me's hit song. Running from a troubled home life and a broken relationship, Bart Millard found escape in music. Bart and his band hand an amazing journey that was uplifting, and beautifully illustrates the power of forgiveness and God's love. For more information call the church and leave a message, 704-538-9270.
What: Summer Worship in the Park
When: 7:00pm, Sunday Evenings in July & August
Where: West Lincoln Park, 369 Hull's Grove Ch. Rd., Vale, NC.
More Info: Different speakers and musicians each night. For more info contact 704-276-1411, westlincolncharge@outlook.com, www.facebook.com/westlincolncharge
What: Marriage 911 First Response
When: Is your marriage in crisis? Do you see the signs that your marriage is headed towards crisis? Are you separated and on the path towards divorce?
Where: Pleasant City Church, (formerly Putnam Baptist), 1146 County Home Road, Shelby, NC.
More Info: There is a reason to have hope! For more information call 704-477-1168. Premarital- Enrichment- Crisis/Separated- Step family. www.allinmarriage.com. allinmarriage@gmail.com.
What: Temple Baptist Church
When: Sunday and Wednesday Services
Where: Temple Baptist Church, 132 Franklin Rd., Mooresboro, NC
More Info: Please join us in our services. Sunday School: 10:00am; Morning Worship: 11:00am; Evening Worship: 6:00pm; and Wednesday Night: 7:00pm. 828-453-8577.

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