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Area Church News June 23, 2016

New Camp Baptist Church, Kings Mtn.
New Camp Creek Baptist Church, 863 New Camp Creek Ch. Rd., Kings Mountain, NC (Just up from Woodbridge Golf) will be holding a hotdog supper, Saturday, June 25, 2016, 5:00pm to 8:00pm Price: donations only. Plate consists of 2 hotdogs (your choice of toppings and condiments) baked beans, chips, drink. All proceeds will go thru New Camp Creek Baptist Church directly to The Zoey Mills Project Fund. Zoey Mills is a 5 year old girl with numerous mental and physical health issues which require daily/hourly therapy sessions. The project will include enclosure of her parent's carport and will require all essentials to be completed to make the room fully functional for Zoey's needs; (includes wiring, heating, air conditioning, plumbing). Licensed contractors will spearhead the project. Any questions, call: 704-913-3881.
Ross Grove Baptist, Shelby
Ross Grove Baptist Church, 1225 Fallston Rd, Shelby, NC, invites your children to their One Day Vacation Bible School, Saturday, June 25, 2016. The goal of "NotAboutMySelfie #selfie" is to teach kids that we should live a Christ-centered life rather than a self-centered life. Event will be from 10:00am to 3:00pm. open to ages Pre-K - 6th grade.
Lowesville Gospel Concerts
The Jackson Family Bluegrass Band from Hurley, VA will be the featured artist at Lowesville Gospel Concerts/Living Word Ministries, 1062 South Hwy 16, Lowesville (Stanley) NC, Saturday, June 25, 2016. They are asking everyone to bring a covered dish and have food and fellowship, beginning at 4:30pm, prior to the singing at 6:00pm. The Concert will be no charge, however a freewill offering will be received. Church is located 1.8 miles south of intersection Hwy 73 & 16 business. Southern Gospel Music on every 2nd Saturday evening and Bluegrass Gospel on every 4th Saturday. Any questions call Carroll Cooke 704-618-9762 and check the schedule for the year at www.gospelgigs.com/lowesvilleconcerts.
Ascension Lutheran Church, Shelby
Ascension Lutheran Church, 300 N. Lafayette Street, Shelby, NC, is having a yard sale to raise retreat and camp scholarships for children and youth. Items for sale will include gently used furniture, clothing, household items, sports equipment, books and DVDs. Sale begins at 8:00am on Saturday, June 25, 2016, rain or shine.
Oak Grove Baptist Church, Kings Mountain
Oak Grove Baptist Church, 1022 Oak Grove Rd., Kings Mountain, NC, will be holding a Hotdog and Hamburger Benefit for Aaron Evans, son of Charlie and Jennifer Evans, on Saturday, June 25, 2016, from 11:00am to 5:00pm. Aaron has a Grade 3 Anaplastic Astrocytoma Brain tumor. Plates are $6. Tickets can be purchased from members of the church or call 704-739-4833. Tickets not required.
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Shelby
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, 235 A.W. Black Street, Waco, NC, will hold Youth\Graduates Day, Sunday, June 26, 2016 at 11:00am. Speaker: Reverend Curtis Degree, Youth Pastor at Shiloh Baptist Church in Shelby, NC. For more information on either event contact the church office at 704 435-8842 or via email at macedoniamissionarybaptist@yahoo.com.
Fallston Baptist Church, Shelby
Fallston Baptist Church, 109 Circle Drive Fallston, NC, will be hosting the first of their Wacky Water Camps June 26-29, 2016 (ages 5-8), 6:00pm to 8:00pm. All camps are free. For more information call the church office at 704-538-7161. Lots of fun water activities and more! Bring a friend!
Fairview AME Zion Church, Earl
Fairview AME Zion Church, Earl, NC will hold a singing Sunday, June 26, 2016, 3:00pm, featuring: The Knight's of Zion, The (5) Singing Stars, The Vocalairs, Mountain View Choir and The Smith Family. This is a fundraising program. For more information call Fairy Borders, 980-829-9285.
Galilee United Methodist Church, Kings Mtn
Galilee United Methodist Church, 117 Galilee Church Road, Kings Mountain, NC, invites you to Vacation Bible School. Kick off, Theme: Joy In Jesus, Everywhere! All Time! Sunday, June 26, 2016, 1:00-3:00; Monday, June 27 - Wednesday, June 29, 2016, 5:45-8:00. Ages: 3 to Senior adults. All are welcome. Pastor: Betty Brown. For more information call 704-472-6830.
Pleasant View Community Church, Forest City
Pleasant View Community Church, 129 Michael Drive, Forest City, NC, will be holding VBS, June 27 - July 1, 2016. Monday - Thursday: meal 5:00-5:45, VBS time 6:00-8:30pm, Friday: VBS Program and family night, starts 6:00pm. Hamburgers, hotdogs served after program.
Shoal Creek Baptist Church, Shelby
Shoal Creek Baptist Church will sponsor Summer Youth Ministry, June 27 thru July 22, 2016, Monday-Friday, 9:00am-2:00pm. Open to children ages 6-15, for a small donation of $15/week or $20/week if transportation is needed. Program activities will center around Bible Study, self esteem, field trips, games and crafts. Space is limited so call 704-487-7133 for registration information.
Zion Hill Baptist Church, Lawndale
Zion Hill Baptist Church will hold Vacation Bible School June 29 through July 2, 2016. June 29th to July 1st there will be a light meal at 6:00pm. VBS sessions will be from 6:30-8:30. July 2nd, the session will be from 2-4 pm and will conclude with a hotdog supper at 5:00pm. Children ages 3 through 12 are invited to attend. Zion Hill is located at 8173 Old NC 18, Lawndale, NC, about 4 miles south of South Mountain State Park. For more information contact 704-538-8551.
Corinth Baptist Church
Attention: Date change for July! Corinth Baptist Church in partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina will have a Food Distribution Friday, July 8, 2016, 4:00-7:00pm. (Everyone please note the time change for distribution.) The Clothing Room is also open during this time. Corinth Baptist Church is located at 324 Corinth Church Road, Casar, NC. The distribution will be in the basement of the new fellowship building. July Clothing and Food Distributions will be the 2nd and 4th Fridays the month of July. Everyone welcome as we share our ministries with the community.
Living Word Ministries, Lowesville
The Bledsoes Southern Gospel Trio from Dobson, NC will be our featured artist at Lowesville Gospel Concerts/Living Word Ministries, 1062 South Hwy 16, Lowesville (Stanley) NC, Saturday July 9, 2016. The singing will begin at 6:00pm. The Concert will be no charge, however a freewill offering will be received. Church is located 1.8 miles south of intersection Hwy 73 & 16 business. Southern Gospel Music on every 2nd Saturday evening and Bluegrass Gospel on every 4th Saturday. Any questions call Carroll Cooke 704-618-9762 and check our schedule for the year at http://www.gospelgigs.com/lowesvilleconcerts.
New Covenant Baptist Church, Shelby
New Covenant Baptist Church, 215 Morton St., Shelby, NC, will hold VBS Tuesday-Friday, July 12-15, 2016, 6:00-815pm; Jesus:The Ultimate Superhero. For more info Contact Denitrice at 704-466-7094.
Washington Baptist Church, Shelby
Because of a scheduling conflict at the Washington Missionary Baptist Church, the regular fourth Sunday Cleveland County Branch NAACP Meeting will be held at the Canaan Ministries Church, 300 E. Ross Grove Road, Shelby, NC, at 4:00pm for this particular Sunday only. Contact information, call 704-877-2439.

Pleasant View Community Church, Forest City
Pleasant View Community Church, 129 Michael Drive, Forest City, NC, will be holding Vacation Bible School "Expedition Norway", June 27-July 1, 2016. Monday-Thursday: meal 5:00-5:45, VBS time: 6:00-8:30pm; Friday: VBS program and family night, starts 6:00pm, hamburgers, hotdogs served after program.
Putnam Baptist Church, Shelby
Putnam Baptist Church, 1146 County Home Road, Shelby, NC. Marriage 911 First Response - Is your marriage in crisis? Do you see the signs that your marriage is headed towards crisis? Are you separated and on the path towards divorce? There is a reason to have hope! For more information call 704-477-1168. Premarital- Enrichment- Crisis/Separated- Step family. www.allinmarriage.com. allinmarriage@gmail.com.
West Lincoln United Methodist Charge, Vale
West Lincoln United Methodist Charge is hosting the Summer Worship at the Park every Sunday evening in July and August starting at 6:00pm! Join them at the West Lincoln Park, 369 Hulls Grove Church Rd., Vale, NC, for Praise and Worship. Guest Speakers, Special Music, and more! Don't forget to bring your lawn chair!

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