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Area Church News May 19th edition
City Of Hope South At Second Baptist Church
   City Of Hope at Second Baptist Church is currently holding an Empowerment Hour Bible Study each Thursday night at 6:00 p.m. Bishopo Michael Moore is leading the study. Everyone in the community is invited to attend.
Long Branch Road Baptist Church Fish Fry – Forest City, NC
   Our Fish Fry will be held Friday May 20th from 5:00 P.M – 8:00 P.M. at Long Branch Road Baptist Church, located at 621 Long Branch Road, Forest City, NC. (Shiloh Community). On the menu:  Fish or Chicken Nuggets, Hush Puppies, Slaw, Fries, Drink & Dessert. The Cost Per Person - $8.00; Children 4 – 12 - $4.00; and Children 3 & under – Free. Take Out Available. For information call:  828-287-1314 or 287-1408. Rev. Jerry G. Ruppe, Pastor.
Stand Up For Jesus, Shelby
   The Stand Up For Jesus Ministry would like to invite Christian men and women to attend the “Relay For Life” event at the Cleveland County Fair grounds, and to come by the STAND UP FOR JESUS PRAYER TENT  to pray with or for others, between  6pm and 9:30pm, Friday May 20th.
New Life Ministries
   The church will have a Yard Sale & Hot Dog Sale, Saturday, May 21st, 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. New Life Ministries is located at 809 Batchelor Drive, Blacksburg, SC. All proceeds go to building fund.

Northside Baptist Church, Charlotte
  Modesty Rocks Fashion Show and Real Beauty Workshop will be held May 21st. This conference is designed for girls and teens to understand that what they choose to wear is a direct reflection of what’s going on, on the inside of them. The conference features sessions on beauty, style, and modesty and also includes a spectacular fashion show. Mothers are encouraged to attend with your daughters. Lunch is provided in the price of the ticket for this event. Tickets are available at northsidecharlotte.com for $15 or at the church. The church is located at 333 Jeremiah Blvd. Charlotte, NC.
Royster Avenue Church of God
   The Royster Avenue Church of God is sponsoring a Golf Tournament Fundraiser May 21st at Deer Brook Golf Club in Shelby. The tournament will feature $400 prize money to the winning team, $200 prize money to the 2nd place team, a $25,000 cash prize to the first golfer that makes a hole-in-one on the 14th hole, door prizes, prizes for closest to the pin and longest drive, and a $50 gift card to all registered golfers. Entry fee is $60 per golfer. A meal will be provided following play. Play will start at 1:30 pm. For more information you can call Louis Patterson at 704-487-5987. All proceeds will go to church building fund.
Zion Hill Baptist Church
    Zion Hill Baptist Church located at 8173 Old NC 18, Lawndale is having a community yard sale and breakfast on Saturday, May, 21st from 7am - Noon. Complete breakfast plates $5.00. Anyone in the community can rent a space for $10 and rent a table as long as they last for $5. Please contact Rev. Allan Barlow at 704-538-8551 to reserve a space or ask information. Reservations will be taken until May 17th. Leave a message if no answer and your call will be returned.  Proceeds to benefit the church building fund.

Missionary Methodist Church, Cherryville
    HOT DOG SALE at Missionary Methodist Church, located at 318 W. Ballard Street, Cherryville, NC. This event will be held Saturday,  May 21 beginning at 10:00 a.m. Dine-in, take-out, group orders. Call (704) 435-6934 for info. Total proceeds go directly to local and foreign missions.
Harvest Baptist Church, Kings Mtn.
    Harvest Baptist Church, 144 ware Road, Kings Mountain, NC is pleased to announce a Gospel Singing on Saturday, May 21,  featuring JAIDLYN’S Call from Dawsonville Georgia. Fellowship and refreshments will follow in the fellowship building. This group is an outstanding group who travel only for the Lords work. You can hear them on their website. www.jaidlynscall.com. Everyone welcome for a night of praising our Lord in song. There will also be special singing from the church.
Zion Hill Baptist Church Yard Sale
  Our community yard sale and breakfast will be Saturday, May 21st from 7AM-Noon. We have nine families committed plus the church.  We will have a complete breakfast with plates for $5. Zion Hill is located at 8173 Old NC 18, Lawndale, about 5 miles south of the South Mountain State Park.  For information call 704-538-8551.
Pleasant View Community Church, Forest City, NC
        On Saturday, May 21st from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, our Annual Ladies 2011 will be in charge of Praise and Worship with Teresa Davis and Wendi Norton. Fearless Faith, our own local women tell their stories of their faith. Amanda Scruggs McBrayer, Chasity Burdge, Betty Jones, Dee (Allen) Westcott and others. Lunch will be provided. A $5.00 donation is suggested. Please come and be with us to hear of Gods Amazing Faith in these womens lives.
St. John United Methodist, Blacksburg, SC
  We will have a Church Yard Sale on Saturday, May 21st at the church, located at 105 South Rutherford Street, Blacksburg, SC. The sale will begin at 7 am - 2 pm. We will also have a Biscuit Breakfast, Bake Sale and Hot Dog Lunch, available for a donation. Proceeds from the sale go to a local health need.
Oak Grove United Methodist Church
  On Sunday, May 22nd, we will have Memorial Day Services with Sunday School at 10:00 am and Worship at 11:00 am, followed by a covered dish lunch in the fellowship hall. For more information contact 704-538-8358. The church is located at 418 Oak Grove Clover Hill Ch. Rd., Lawndale, NC.
Westview Baptist Church, Shelby
       Roger Gardner will be in concert at Westview Baptist Church on Sunday, May 22, 6:00 p.m. He will give a concert of progressive Southern Gospel/Contemporary style Christian music. A Youth Drama Team from Swannanoa First Baptist Church will accompany Roger and perform several skits. Bring your family and friends for an inspirational night of worship!
Jeff Renn at First Baptist Church, Shelby
   Jeff Renn will be at First Baptist Church, Shelby for “Worship At The Piano” on Thursday, May 26, 2011, 6:30 p.m. Join us for  a night of musical worship as we feature some of the great hymns of the faith, set in a fresh and creative style through both piano and vocal selections. The church is located at 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby. This is a love offering concert. For more information call 704-480-8044 or visit www.hisidea.org.
Lily Memorial Baptist Church
  Lily Memorial Baptist Church Fundraiser Breakfast will be held Saturday, May 28th at 8:00 am. Buffet style: bacon, sausage, livermush, grits, gravy, cantalupe, biscuit/toast, coffee, and juice. Request donation of $5.00 for adults and $2.50 for kids. To go plates available. For more information call 704-482-2913 or 704-487-4956.
 Rock Springs Baptist, Blacksburg, SC
       PROVIDENCE is a traditional Southern Gospel singing group based in Shelby, NC. Come enjoy this exciting group as they present an uplifting program of Southern Gospel music at Rock Springs Baptist Church on Sunday, May 29, at 6:00pm.

Bethel Baptist Church, Shelby
       Turning The Tide Tour, Turning the heart of America Back to God, with Dr. Phil Hoskins and The Old Paths will be our guest Friday, June 3 at 7:00 pm. Our church is located at 606 South DeKalb St., Shelby.
Hoyle Memorial United Methodist Church
       Our United Methodist Men will have a Yard Sale on Saturday, June 4th from 7:00 am until Noon at the church, located at 1741 Fallston Rd., Shelby. There will be something for everyone plus FREE Breakfast.
Pleasant Hill U.M.C. Breakfast
  Our Country Ham Breakfast Buffet will be Saturday, June 4th from 7 am until 11 am at the church, located on Warlick Road, between Belwood and Casar. The price is $6.00 for adults, $4.00 for children and under 6 eat Free! The proceeds go to the church budget. We will be serving scrambled eggs, country ham, bacon, sausage, livermush, pancakes, gravy, grits, biscuits, coffee and orange juice. We will also have a fruit bar and snack bar. All you can eat! Carry outs available! For more information call 704-538-7985 or 704-538-3995.
Anew Beginning Baptist, Kings Mtn.
  Our Seniors is having A HUGH YARD SALE, Raffle and Breakfast Biscuits, Saturday June 11 from 7am - Until at the Church, located at  415 Dixon School Road, Kings Mountain (I-85 exit 5 Across from the Truck Stop) Rain or Shine. Proceeds will go toward a Church Van and the Building Fund.
High Shoal Baptist Church, Henrietta
  High Shoal Baptist Church, 2nd Annual Fun Day and Fun Raiser, 284 High Shoals Church RD., Mooresboro, NC (Henrietta Community). The Baptist Men of High Shoal Baptist Church will sponsor their second annual Fun Day and Fund Raiser on June 11 from 11a.m to 3p.m. Hamburgers, hotdogs, with all the fixings will be available. Outside activities will include water games, face painting, and an inflatable bounce house. All proceeds will go to the Baptist Children’s Home of North Carolina and the Hands of Hope for LIFE (The Resource Center). For more information visit www.highshoalbaptist.org or call (828) 657-6448.
  Also: You’re invited to Vacation Bible School, June 12-17 begining at 5:30 PM nightly. Theme: BIG APPLE ADVENTURE. The church is located at 284 High Shoals Church Rd., Mooresboro, NC (Henrietta Community). For more information visit www.highshoalbaptist.org or call (828) 657-6448.
Victory Baptist Church, Ellenboro
  Dr. Robert Toney, Interim Pastor of Victory Baptist Church, 531 Soco Gap Road in Ellenboro, invites everyone to attend their Homecoming Services on Sunday, June 12. Worship hour will begin at 11:00 with special music by the choir and Rick Strickland. Those attending are asked to bring a well-filled basket for lunch immediately following morning worship. A singing will begin at 2:00 pm featuring Rick Strickland and the Hopper Family.
VBS–Peach Street Baptist Church, Shelby
        SON, SURF, BEACH BASH, THE SEA,THE SAND,THE SON. Come Join Us For Vacation Bible School At Peach Street Baptist Church, 116 Peach Street Shelby,N.C. 704-480-9832 For Bible Stories*Crafts*Games + Songs Where Kids Meet Up With Jesus June 12th-16th from 6:00 ‘til 9:00 Kids 2-4, K-6th. Pre-register on line at www.peachstreetbaptistchurch.com and follow the link.
City Of Hope South At Second Baptist Church City-Wide Revival
   City Of Hope South at Second Baptist Church will hold a City Wide Revival “Fresh Wind-Fresh Fire - Fresh Annointing” on May 31-June 2, at 7 p.m. nightly. Revival Host is Bishop Moore and Elder Sandra Moore. Guest speakers include: Monday, May 31st,  Reverend Melvin Clark of Washington Missionary Baptist Church of Waco; Tuesday, June 1st, Elder Billy D. Houze of Lawndale First Baptist Church, Lawndale and Wednesday, June 2, Reverend William Thompson of St. Peter Baptist Church, Grover. Second Baptist Church is located at 1114 South Lafayette Street, Shelby, NC.
Reigning Through Righteousness Ministries
  You are invited to experience the anointed ministry of Gwendolyn Myrie, June 24 at 7pm and June 25, 9 am - 5 pm at Grover Town Hall, Grover, NC, as she preaches and teaches the Gospel of the Kingdom wth demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power. Registration begins at 6:30 pm and the fee is $20.00. For more information call Gayla Crocker at 704-937-7911 or Carla Wilson at 980-285-6139.

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