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Area Church News October 30, 2014
Long Branch Road Baptist Church, Forest City
        Long Branch Road Baptist Church, 621 Long Branch Road, Forest City, NC will be holding “Trunk or Treat”, Friday, October 31, 5:00-7:00pm.
        There will be a Pancake Breakfast, Saturday, November 1, 8:00-10:00am. Pancakes, sausage, fruits & drink. Cost $6. Children 3 and under, free. Take out available.
        They will be holding a Fall Bazaar/Vendor Day, Saturday, November 1, 8:00-11:00am. Mary Kay, Wrap It, Tupperware, Crafts, Beauty Control, Avon, Wreaths and more! (Vendor spaces still available).
        All events take place at Long Branch Road Baptist Church. For more information call 828-429-4479.
Second Baptist Church, Kings Mountain
        The Children’s Ministry Team and Second Baptist Church, 120 Linwood Road, Kings Mountain, NC, offers an alternative to trick or treat. This year it’s called “Good News Trail...Treats from the Bible”, which will be held Friday, October 31 between 6:30pm and 8:00pm. in the Life Enrichment Center behind Second Baptist Church. There will be games for 6th graders and younger while they walk down the trail of Bible stories. They will stop at each station to learn more about a Bible story and they’ll have a chance to win prizes and candy. At the end of the trail, enjoy hotdogs, chips, and candy. Children, parents and caretakers are welcome and they encourage you to bring your children for a safe, healthy way to enjoy treats and learn.
E. Gold St. Wesleyan Church, Kings Mtn.
        E. Gold St. Wesleyan Church, 701 E. Gold St., Kings Mountain, NC, will be holding their Annual Fall Festival, Friday October 31, 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Contest for Best Costume in the following age groups: Babies, K-5th Grade, 6th Grade - 9th Grade, 10th Grade - 12 Grade, and adults. (Reminder: this is a church function. Please no scary or inappropriate costumes). There will also be Hay  Rides, Cake Walk, Balloon Animals, Dinner, and tons of candy. Please join them and bring a friend.
Ross Grove Baptist Church, Shelby
        Ross Grove Baptist Church, 1225 Fallston Road, Shelby, NC is putting on a Community Trunk or Treat night on Friday, October 31, Halloween night, starting at 6:00pm. Gather in the Ross Grove Street parking lot with your costume, your decorated car, a smiling face, and plenty of candy to welcome children from the community to Ross Grove Baptist Church. Call 704-481-6051 or 704-477-3728 with questions.
Oak Grove UMC, Palm Tree UMC and Pleasant Hill UMC, Lawndale
        The Oak Grove United Methodist Church, Palm Tree United Methodist Church and Pleasant Hill United Methodist Churches are sponsoring “Trunk or Treat” and Supper. Free for all, Friday, October 31, 4:00-7:00pm, at Palm Tree United Methodist FLC, 1160 W. Stagecoach Trail, Lawndale, NC. They will be having pinto beans, chicken nuggets, cornbread, and drinks. Rain or shine. For more information, contact Kenny Sigmon, 704-974-6611.
St. Paul Baptist Church, Casar
        St. Paul Baptist Church, 337 Hull Road, Casar, NC will be holding their “Trunk or Treat/Hotdog Supper”, Friday, October 31, 6:00-8:00pm.
Westview Baptist Church, Shelby
        Westview Baptist Church, 500 Melody Lane, Shelby, NC, will have a Holiday Bazaar  Saturday, November 1, from 8:00am - Noon, in the church’s fellowship hall. Do your holiday shopping! There will be homemade crafts, homemade baked goods, books, cookbooks, music, yard sale items, holiday items, etc. All proceeds will go to missions or ministries of Westview Baptist Church. For more information, call the church office at 704-487-1213.
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Waco
        Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, 235 A.W. Black Street, Waco, NC, will be holding a Benefit Cruise In for Deacon Letcher Brown, Jr. (Double Lung Transplant Recipient), Saturday, November 1, 12:00-4:00pm. There will be Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Trucks, Bikes, Rat Rods, Old School Classics & New School Muscle! There will be Hot Dogs, Fish, Hamburgers, Drinks, etc. All proceeds will go to Deacon Letcher Brown Jr. Everyone is invited to attend!  For more information call 704-435-8842 or 704-913-4905.
        They will hold a Fall Festival, Saturday, November 1, 6:00-8:00pm at the Church. There will be games and activities for all ages including adults. Everyone is invited to attend! For more information please contact the church office at 704-435-8842 or via email at macedoniamissionarybaptist@yahoo.com.
Hoey Memorial United Methodist Church
        Hoey Memorial United Methodist Church, 2300 Hoey Church Rd.(Hwy 74 east of Shelby, NC), will hold a Bazaar and Bake Sale, Saturday, November 1, 7:00am - 1:00pm. Breakfast: Biscuits and coffee; lunch: hotdogs, cakes and desserts. There will be a drawing for a handmade quilt and a wood swing at 1:00pm. Proceeds will go to the special needs fund of the Lanier Circle. For more information on the day of event, call 704-471-0803.
Central United Methodist Church, Shelby
        Central United Methodist Church, 113 S. Piedmont Ave., Shelby, NC will be holding a “Breakfast”, Saturday, November 1. It will be a country style buffet (all you can eat). They will have eggs, grits, biscuits, toast, sausage, liver mush, gravy. Drinks will be coffee both regular and decaf, juice, milk, and flavored soft drinks. Asking for a $6.00 donation if you have it. Children 6 and under are free. This will be the last breakfast this year. Their next breakfast will be the first Saturday in January and the first Saturday of each odd numbered month next year. Please invite all your friends, neighbors, Facebook friends, Twitter and email friends. This is a fundraiser for their Costa Rica Mission Trip. For information or directions, call the church, 704-739-2471 or Gib Brazzell, 704-739-8676.
Ascension Lutheran Church, Shelby
         Ascension Lutheran Church, 300 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC will be hosting a Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat Saturday, November 1, at 5:00pm. Friendly ghosts and goblins will be roaming the grounds as the congregation hosts its annual fall festival with a complementary hot dog dinner, carnival games, costume contest and Trunk or Treat. Test your divination skills predicting how many candy corns are in a jar; try your hand at “organ donation”, Witch’s Pitch and cornhole. The games will begin at 5:00pm and the contest will be held at 6:00pm. Trunk or treating will begin after the contest winner is announced and continue until 7:00pm. All children, youth and families are invited to enjoy the decorations, games, food and candy. All activities are free and open to the public. For more information or with questions, contact Pastor Christina Auch at Ascension Lutheran Church at (704) 487-5679.
Fall Fesival, Shelby
        There will be a Fall Festival, Saturday, November 1, 5:30-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall, 1415 Buffalo Church Rd., Shelby, NC (off Highway 150). Free hot dog meal, games for all ages, hay rides, scout and scamper drama, marshmellow roast, trunk or treat, free candy. All invited to come.
Bethlehem United Methodist Church, Cherryville
        Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 6753 Highway 182, Cherryville, NC, will be holding it’s Annual Fundraising BBQ, Saturday, November 1, 4:00-8:00pm. Adults, $10; Children, $6; Children under 5 eat free. There will be barbecue pork and chicken with all the trimmings. Call 704-482-4331 for more information.
John Knox Presbyterian Church, Shelby
        The John Knox Presbyterian Church, 610 Charles Road, Shelby, NC, will be holding their first annual event, “Taste of Autumn..With a  Song”, Saturday, November 1, 2:00-4:00pm. A day of sing along, education about the power of music and caregiving, as well as gastronomical treats from the local region! For caregivers, healthcare professionals and volunteers, they are offering two CEU’s for registered attendees. Tickets are $20. Call 919-913-7151 or email tasteofautumn2014@gmail.com for more information or to register for seminar.
        The John Knox Presbyterian Church is needing Crafters for the Annual Arts and Crafts Festival, Saturday, November 8. Limited indoor spaces but outdoor spaces are allowed. Entry is $25 for 6 foot table and chairs, indoor only. Outdoor vendors are responsible for their own tables and tents. Go on line for reservation package, www.johnknoxshelby.org. Or call 704-487-7953. Deadline for reservations is November 1, 2014. Food will be sold. Santa will attend.
Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church, Belwood
        Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church, 1102 Warlick Road, Belwood, NC will be holding a BBQ Supper (pork or chicken), Saturday, November 8, 4:00-8:00pm. Adults, $10; Children 6-12, $5; under 6 free. Menu: BBQ pork or chicken, BBQ slaw, buns, pickles, baked beans or green beans, desserts, cakes, pies, coffee, tea, bottled water, can drinks. Carry out available. Proceeds go to church budget. For information, call Doris Hamby, 704-538-3995.
United Methodist Church, Lawndale
        United Methodist Volunteers in missions are hosting a Medical Mission Team Fundraiser, the “Annual Craft Show”, Saturday, November 8, 8:00am - 4:00pm., at Pat Farley’s Home, 1020 Belwood, Lawndale Rd., Lawndale, NC (Belwood Community). 704-538-0122. Email: grampat1020@yahoo.com. Handmade items, dried spice fruit items, gingerbread items, country spice potpourri, country spice potpourri oil, oil candles, wreathes, swags, country collectible items and memorabilia, Raggedy Ann and Andy Collectible Items and lots of gift items.
Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Shelby
        Faith Missionary Baptist Church, 822 Churchill Drive, Shelby, NC will be holding and event called Nehemiah Project “Take Me Back”, Sunday, November 16, 3:00pm. They are asking all Hymnal Choir Singers, Long- Short- Common Meter Singers to attend. They are also asking Line Hymn and Note Singers to come and enjoy. Rev. Dr. Anthony Negbenebor, Pastor. For more information please contact: Miss Sherlene Gantt, 704-300-5904.
Putnam Baptist Church, Shelby
        Marriage 911 First Response - Is your marriage in crisis? Do you see the signs that your marriage is headed towards crisis? Are you separated and on the path towards divorce? There is a reason to have hope! For more information call 704-477-1168. Premarital- Enrichment- Crisis/Separated- Step family. www.allinmarriage.com. allinmarriage@gmail.com.
Friendship United Methodist Church, Fallston
        Friendship United Methodist Church, 111 Friendship Drive, Fallston, NC invites children to Kingdom Kids, a Wednesday night children’s ministry. Bring your child for Bible lessons, music and lots of fun. Every Wednesday night from 6:00 until 7:00 pm. For more information contact Bethany Boggs at 704-538-9243.
Crestview Baptist Church, Shelby
        Crestview Baptist Church, 1090 Old Boiling Springs Rd., Shelby, NC is having a breakfast the first Saturday of each month, 7:00am - until. $5 donation for all you can eat. 704-487-7485.
First Baptist Church, Shelby
        First Baptist Church, 120 North Lafayette Street “Uptown Shelby”, will be offering Free English Classes All Levels. Mondays 6:30-8:15pm. Call 704-487-6094 or 704-482-3467. www.fbcshelby.org.
Greater Cleveland County Baptist Association, Shelby
        A Support Group for Persons of Bariatric Surgery meets 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:00pm, at Greater Cleveland County Baptist Association 1175 Wyke Road Shelby, NC (Behind Dover YMCA) For information contact Cindy Melton 704-434-9217 cynbmel49@gmail.com.
The Orthodox Christian Community, Shelby
        The Orthodox Christian community in Shelby meets at the old parish hall of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer at 502 West Sumter Street, Shelby, NC. The parish hall entrance is on Martin Street, next to The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Cleveland County. They meet for Compline Services at 6:00pm, on Wednesdays. All are welcome. For more information call 704-300-8667.
Fresh Fire Ministries, Shelby
        For people who can not leave their house or may be in the hospital that would like to hear some preaching. Call 1(712)432-3022 access code: 930900 every Thursday night at 9:00pm. Senior Pastor CEO/Founder of Fresh Fire Ministries, 212 Elizabeth Church Rd., Shelby NC.  is Evangelist Linda Faye Rogers.

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