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Area Church News October 4th Edition
Putnam Baptist Church, Shelby
  Marriage 911 First Response - Is your marriage in crisis? Do you see the signs that your marriage is headed towards crisis? Are you separated and on the path towards divorce? There is a reason to have hope! For more information call 704-477-1168. Premarital- Enrichment- Crisis/Separated- Stepfamily. www.allinmarriage.com. allinmarriage@gmail.com
Temple Baptist Church, Shelby
  Temple Baptist Church, 1105 Bridges Street, Shelby, NC would like to announce their new Pastor, Rev. Tommy Dean Price. The new Pastor and the entire church family would like to invite everyone to take part in our worship service. Sunday School, 10:00 am; Preaching, 11:00 am; Sunday evening, 6:00 pm; and Wednesday night, 7:00 pm.
Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Shelby
  Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Shelby, between Hollis and New House, will be having Rev. Loyd Swafford preach each Sunday morning during the month of September.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Shelby
   Aldersgate United Methodist Church is having a breakfast the second Saturday of each month, 7-9:30 am. We serve eggs, grits, sausage gravy, pancakes, and french toast (made to order), country ham, sausage, bacon, and livermush with coffee and juice. Cost is $6 for adults, $3 for children. All you can eat. Monies go to our building fund and is sponsored by The United Methodist men’s and women’s groups.
  Aldersgate United Methodist Women extends an invitation to their community friends to attend their annual Card and Games Benefit which takes place Thursday, Oct. 11, 7:00pm in the Epworth Building.  Tickets are $10 each and are available in the church office (704-487-8491) or may be purchased from UMW members.  All proceeds benefit LOCAL missions. Get your friends and bring your favorite cards or games. Door prizes will be given and Refreshments will be served.  Come enjoy the fun!
Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, Lawndale
  Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, 762 Warlick Road, Lawndale, NC will hold their Prayer Time on Monday nights 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Anyone with a prayer need is welcome to come.  You may also call if you have prayer requests or questions. 704-538-9200
Crossway Baptist Church, Mooresboro
  Crossway Baptist Church, 419 West Main Street, Mooresboro, NC 28114  will be holding Friday Night Services at  6:00 pm. For more info. please call 828-453-1653.
Davidson Memorial Baptist Church, Shelby
  Davidson Memorial Baptist Church, 900 Mark Dr., Shelby invites you to come out  and worship with them and meet their new pastor, Danny Phillips. Sunday School: 10 a.m.; Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. and Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 7 p.m.
Friendship United Methodist Church, Fallston
  Friendship United Methodist Church invites children to Kingdom Kids, a Wednesday night children’s ministry. Bring your child for Bible lessons, music and lots of fun. Every Wednesday night from 6:00 until 7:00 pm. The Church is located at 111 Friendship Drive, Fallston, NC. For more information contact Bethany Clay at 704-538-9243. Friendship United Methodist will have their monthly community meal on Thursday, Oct. 11th from 5:30 until 6:30 pm. Due to construction, the meal will be served in the building behind the Church. There is no cost or obligation. We would love for you to join us for food and fellowship. Come as you are - all are welcome!

Bethea United Methodist Church, Bessemer City
  Bethea UMC is having a  drive-thru prayer time every Wednesday until October 24 from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., at 605 East Maryland Ave., Bessemer City, NC. If you have a concern, drive by and have someone pray with or for you.
Washington Missionary Baptist Church, Waco
 Washington Missionary Baptist Church feeds about 4,000 clients a month in their outreach ministry. They are in dire need of a panel van to be donated to their non-profit ministry for transportation of food products. Hunger is a major problem in Cleveland County. Please partner with them and help them to secure this van to feed the hungry of Cleveland County.
Harriett Memorial Free Will Baptist Church of Caroleen
  Harriett Memorial Free Will Baptist Church of Caroleen will sponsor a fish fry on Saturday, October 6, 3:00pm. The meal will consist of flounder filet or catfish filet with french fries, slaw, hush puppies and drink for a donation of $8. The proceeds will go to help repair the parking lot pavement. Take out plates will be available. Call 828-657-9446 to place your orders. The church is located at 1938 Hwy. 221-A in the Caroleen community (one mile south of Harrelson Funeral home and Hardin Drugs).
Fallston Baptist Community Youth Rally
  Fallston Baptist Church will have their Community Youth Rally, October 6. Come join us as Chris Walker, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Chaplain, at The University of Tennessee Chattanooga comes to lead us. Chris played four years of SEC football at the University of Tennessee and was very active in their Fellowship of Christian Athletes program. We will have special music and just a great time worshiping our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Please plan to attend this special event with us. Young and old alike are welcome.
El Bethel United Methodist Church, Kings Mtn.
 El Bethel United Methodist Church, 122 El Bethel Rd., Kings Mountain, NC will have their Country Breakfast Oct 6, 6:30am - 10:00am. We invite all to join us for good food and good fellowship. The menu is as follows: bacon, sausage, country ham, grits, gravy, eggs, homemade biscuit, homemade jellies, coffee, juice, milk. We will also have a bake sale which will include cakes, pies, candies, sourdough bread and homemade jellies.
Kings Mountain Baptist Church
    Kings Mountain Baptist Church, 101 W. Mountain Street, Kings Mountain, NC, is hosting a yard sale on October 6, from 8:00am - 1:00pm. Items will include appliances, golf clubs, name brand clothing, boys bicycle, antiques and collectibles. They will also be selling biscuits, coffee and other refreshments. All proceeds and/or donations will go to support the Building Fund.
Big Springs Baptist Church, Casar
    Big Springs Baptist Church, 453 Corinth Church Circle, Casar, NC is having  their 1st annual 5k walk/run and fun run, October 6, 8:00am. Starts at  Polkville Fire Department. Cost $20 for 5K and $10 for fun run. pre-register and get a free t-shirt. Please call 704-538-5001, email teacherfulbright@gmail.com or go to www.bigspringsbaptist.org to get a form.
Zion Hill Baptist Church, Lawndale
    Zion Hill Baptist Church, 8173 Old NC 18 Lawndale, will be having a country breakfast and huge yard sale October 6. Breakfast will begin at 7:00am, yard sale at 8:00am. Breakfast plates are only $5 and includes drink.  Zion Hill is located 5 miles south of South Mountain State Park. For more information call 704-538-8551.
Duncan’s Creek Presbyterian Church, Ellenboro
   Duncan’s Creek Presbyterian Church, 1658 Duncan’s Creek, Ellenboro, NC, is having a Country Ham Supper, Saturday, October 6, 4:00 - 7:30pm. Special music: “Strings of Joy”. For information call Elaine, 828-245-8808 or Brenda Mode, 828-245-6702.
Rhema Outreach
    Rhema Outreach, 624 E. King Street, Old Frady Florist Building, Hope for Kings Mountain and Cleveland County Free Community Giveaway, Friday, October 12, Saturday, October 13, 8:00-2:00. Inclement weather reschedule Fri.-Sat., Oct. 20-21. Men, Ladies, children clothes, home decor, toys, some furniture items, etc.
Driven By Grace Biker Ministry of Lincolnton Church of God
   Driven By Grace Biker Ministry, A Ministry of Lincolnton Church of God, 1435 Riverview Rd. (Hwy 150 Bypass West), Lincolnton NC Presents: Britt’s 6th Annual Bike Show & Auction, Saturday, October 13, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. $15 Entry Fee includes lunch. All bikes must ride in! Bike judging at 1 p.m. Food, Live Band, Auction Items, Prizes, Shirts, Vendors and more. EVERYONE WELCOME! Call the church, 704-732-0012 for info. Rain Date: Oct. 20.
Waco Baptist Church, Waco
   Waco Baptist Church, 262 North Main St., Waco, NC is having their annual Barbecue, October 13. Dine in/Carry out. Plates $9.00, including drink and dessert, 4:30-6:30pm. Boston Butts, $35.00. Preorder by 9/30/12. 704-435-9300, 704-435-2675.
Community Fall Festival, Fallston
  Friendship United Methodist, Kadesh United Methodist, and St. Peters United Methodist Churches are sponsoring the Community Fall Festival, Saturday, October 13, 3:00 - 6:00pm, at walking track in Fallston (behind the post office). Bring your family and enjoy the fun! Event free of charge! Bouncy houses, dunking booth, ice cream & food, candy drop, children games, cake walks, bingo, and much more!
East Gold Street Wesleyan Church, Kings Mtn.
  East Gold Street Wesleyan Church, 701 E. Gold Street, will be holding the following events: Call 704-739-3215 for more details.
      Homecoming Service October 14, 11:00 AM Speaker will be Rev. Harold Bumby. Fellowship dinner to follow service. Call 704-739-3215 for more details.
  An interdenominational ultra-contemporary service, October 20, at The East Gold Street Wesleyan Church Family Life Center. Starts at 6:00 with food and games and the service starts at 7:00 with Praise Band, “3:16” and speaker, Rainey Belt from East Gold Street Wesleyan Church.
      Fall Festival, October 27 at 5:00pm - 8:00pm. Come join us for food, games, cake walk, prizes, candy, hay ride and more! Call 704-739-3215 for more details.
   Revival: October 28, 11:00 am & 6:00 pm; October 29-31, 7:00 pm. Speaker will be Rev. Dale Freed. Nursery provided during services. Call 704-739-3215 for more details.
Trinity Baptist Church, Bessemer City
  Trinity Baptist Church, 304 W. Indiana Ave, Bessemer City, NC, will be having Revival, October 15-18, Monday thru Thursday, 7:00pm each night. Guest Preacher: Bro. Clifford Philips from Gaffney, SC. Special Singing by The Philips Family,The Pressley Family, Tabernacle Trio and others! For more info call: 704-691-4838.
Bess Chapel United Methodist Church, Cherryville
 Bess Chapel United Methodist Church, 6073 Flay Road, Cherryville, NC, will have a country breakfast, Saturday, October 20, 7:00 - 10:00am. $6 Adults, $3 Children. Sponsored by The United Methodist Women. Come hungry!
The Way of The Cross FWB Church, Shelby
  The Way of The Cross FWB Church, 875 E. Zion Church Rd., Shelby, NC is having their Annual BBQ Fund Raiser, Saturday, October 20, 11:00am - 6:00pm. Advance Tickets (age 12 & up), $8. At the Door (age 12 and up), $9. Children (age 4-11), $4. Children (3 and under dine in only), free. Preordered Whole Butts w/slaw and sauce, $35. Menu: BBQ or chicken plate with slaw, baked beans, hushpuppies, french fries, dessert and drink. Tickets on sale now. For more info. call 704-406-9214.
Morris Memorial Baptist Church, Casar
  Morris Memorial Baptist Church, 421 Moriah Church Rd., Casar, NC, will be having Revival, October 21-24. Guest speaker and special singing Sunday morning, 11:00am and Sunday night, 6:00pm. Monday - Wednesday 7:00 pm., with Dr. Alford Willis preaching. Nursery available. Old Fashion Preaching!
Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, Lawndale
  Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, 762 Warlick Rd., Lawndale, NC, is having a Revival, Sunday, October 21, 11:00am and 6:00pm. Monday thru Wednesday, October 22-24, 7:00pm. Guest speaker: Rev. Earl Godfrey.
Springwood Church of God, Gastonia
  Springwood Church of God, 1007 Hickory Grove Rd., Gastonia, NC will be having a “We R Forgiven” event, Sunday, October 21, 10:30 a.m. For more information call 707-880-0705.
Elizabeth Baptist Church, Shelby
 Elizabeth Baptist Church Community Artist Series presents Gold City, November 17, at 7:00pm, in the Christian Life Center. Tickets are on sale now for $20 and are available in the church office at 301 N. Post Rd., Shelby, NC. Call 704-482-6339 for more information.

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