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Bible Study: A Chief Corner Stone
Yes, we are talking about Jesus. As we all know the Corner stone on a building must be able to carry all weight put on the corner. Jesus could accept or take all mockery against himself and never stumble, regardless if it came from Spiritual Leaders of the day. They did turned on him, and used the excuse:  he wants our job, and just a lad. Some marveled at what he knew, when as a small boy, he could tell them about the prophets of old and answer any question they put forth. What a child he was that the elders of the day could not understand. They would look at Jesus as just another Hebrew boy and that was their biggest fault. One day Jesus said destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days. Not knowing that he was talking about his body. They poked fun at him about that statement. That had already happened one time when Elisha replaced Elijah. And when they put a dead solider on Elisha, he came back to life. It is believed that made twice the spirit of Elijah. The marvelous thing about all this is that Jesus knew all about this. He was alive in Heaven. When the angel said that it is conceived of the Holy Ghost. Notice the of not by, and when a good bible says all the born again people are the Temple of God that staggers their mind.
Who’s temple are  you? It is simple. We were bought with a price (not money), Jesus’ flesh and blood that day on Mt. Calvary’s cross. A man who knew no sin, neither was there any fault in him. Yet he gave his body a ransom for our sins. Some would not believe that he was dead and they would poke mockery at him. One said something about putting his hand into the side, and Jesus told him to thrust his hand, and then he said “My Lord and my Saviour”. You and I must believe on his name because we can not see and touch him. That is where a good bible comes in handy, one that we can trust with our soul. An authentic Bible like the red letter edition.

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