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Bible Study: Abram No...Abraham
Sinner...No...Christian. We have a lot to learn about a man who went through a change in his life, the same as we do. That is, if we want to be with Abraham in Heaven, Abram will not be there. Same as no sinner will be there. All sinners will go to be with Esau, Jacob’s brother. Disobeying his Lord’s wishes or commands, sent him there.  If we do not obey God’s only Begotten Son, we will not be in Heaven and He said, I give My Life for your sins that day on Mount Calvary and you push me aside. You can not get to where Abraham and all true born again Christians will be. Please do not use going to church as an excuse, as many are doing, and have no testimony for the Lord Saving them. Jesus says if you believe that way and don’t confess me before man, you have no salvation and  you can not get to heaven, and you had better do something about your soul, or it will burn in torment and as The  Savior says where the flames are and are never quenched. And if Sodom, Gomorrah, and Admah is an example for us to know their flames are still burning. I hate to say so, but our nation is getting filled up with plural gods to worship and some are in politics and will cover up until they get in the office and then they will slowly but surely let it be known. There is no unrighteous compromising with a true and living God. What a lesson the Hebrew people learned but too late. They had to bear the punishment - watch out America. We all live with a spiritual Father. Aren’t you glad we get to say who he is? Under grace we get a free ride, that is until we become of age. And you know when it comes in. Mom and Dad start at home. Schools are not the place to depend on for eternity. Grandpa and Grandma, every time I dedicate a child, I let them know what the Savior of all mankind expects out of them. Please don’t dodge your responsibility.

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