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Bible Study: Eternity Endlessness
A lot of questions arise about the word; Eternity.  When does it start?  When or how does it end?  Are we living in Eternity now?  A good illustration is a pair of field glasses or anything sighting with two parallel views side by side.  It is two parallel lines going into infinity and never touching.  That is a true statement as long as they stay parallel.  Eternity does not apply to all things.  As you know, now we have ways of even destroying an atom, which I will not get into now.  Brother Einstein worked out that formula.
The Eternity most people speak of is in Christianity. It is hard to comprehend anything that has no end or something moving that will never stop.  People ask “when does it start”?  God says that He breathed into a human and he became a living soul.  Now, regardless of how long that soul lives in a physical body, at the time that life expires here on earth, the soul lives on.  So Eternity starts the moment a person is given a soul.
The Bible teaches that there are only two places where a soul will live for Eternity; in Heaven where there is joy, peace and contentment, or in hell where there will be eternal torment, a place where the worm (soul) dieth not and the fire is never quenched (Mark Chpt 9). Thanks to a gracious, loving and living God, we have the choice as to where we will spend Eternity.  We are all born sinners and bound for hell, but God sent his son as payment, a gift to everyone that would accept it so that we could live for Eternity with Him.
We read in our Bibles about the time Jesus was asleep in the bottom of the boat when a storm comes.  They awake Him and he instantly calms the wind that caused the waves that He had started in the first place.  God wanted to teach the disciples a lesson.  Sometimes today, we just learn half the lesson because we never give thought to the One that allowed the wind that moved the water that made the waves in the first place.  Just keep in mind that there are NO accidents with God’s people.  Everything that happens with a saint of His is for a purpose. 
Many times we do not understand God’s ways.  In Biblical times, he dealt more with whole nations, putting one nation in captivity twice for long periods of time.  Sometimes they refused to serve Him and he allowed confusion so that they destroyed themselves. Now, before you jump to conclusions, always remember that He created us to worship Him and He is a jealous God.  That is a fact!  But He still loved them till the end.  There is no way to destroy the love of God because God IS love.  He has rules and if we break them, we must suffer through righteous judgment.
Yes, Eternity starts here on earth, but when you leave this earth, you will spend Eternity in one of two places.  God set that up and only He knows when your life here will end and your Eternity in Heaven or Hell will begin.  I am afraid of Hell.  I live for Heaven where there is joy and contentment far better than words can explain.  It goes on forever and ever and ever.  Eternity in Heaven is spent in a glorified body like that of Jesus. Bless His Holy Name!  Thank you, Jesus, for going to the cross for me.  I have hope that the little things I have done for you and God the Father for the last fifty some years were pleasing in your sight.  Thank you for the privilege to serve you and to say thank you for saving my soul from a devil’s hell.  My Lord and Savior, I thank you for sanctifying me with your Holy Ghost Spirit, and for calling me into your ministry.

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