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Bible Study: I hate you?
 Twenty-six books of a good Bible uses the word hate. When worldly humans use the word hate, it is usually in a forced condemnation of something that has happened toward them. Some say, if someone tells an out-out lie on me,   I HATE him for that. IRAQ, that is the first place we find the devil in modern day Iraq. Our God let him have his way until the end of time. He is the devil as we know him. The Bible refers to the devil in Isaiah 3:14 (How art thou fallen from Heaven, O-Lucifer son of the morning; how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations. Read verse 13). As God separated Abram to Abraham,  let us be reborn out of the wordly traditions of a fallen man, into the loving hands of a Savior. Now, we have a different look and opinion of mankind, because our Savior has put in to us a different kind of Spirit. When our God or our Savior uses the sentence, “I hate you”. It should mean you are not first in my life. What kind of God would he be if he hated just like Lucifer’s children do. When our God or Savior uses hate, it means you are not first in my sight. We are supposed to follow in His teachings. A born again Christian must do this to come forward in the end times. So many people say, “I am a Christian” but have no testimony and no feeling of the Spirit in them. Like the man who said that he had been saved by Billy Graham FOUR times. They just repeat some words. Then it is off to the races living the same way, doing the same things as before. One man I know,  would not pay up his debts. He said the Lord pays everything. Preachers, please tell them they have to be convicted and sorry for the way they have lived before their Savior will forgive them. Then they must confess before men as to what the Savior did for them. Many preachers will not preach a death bed repentence. With the right spirit in you, you will not curse, drink and swear to false lies. I saw a man on the TV who thought nothing of lying to people. Everyone does it. Our GOD hates and hears all this and says, I hate that kind of life and I still love them. Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, was a man who swore that he did not know Jesus and he had been with Jesus for around three years. Jesus hated to hear that. He just let Peter punish himself. The writer sees this happening today and then some are really reborn, saved from a devil’s hell. For us to come out of the grave on our own merits, we must as much as possible live the life that Jesus did here on earth.

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