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Bible Study: Jesus Not Just A Man, When Truth Spoke
John 7:28 says, “Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying, Ye both know me, and ye know whence I am: and I am not come of myself, but he that sent me is true, whom ye know not.”  No short cuts to Jesus.  The Father must be first.  You cannot serve Jesus and leave out His Father, God.
I was in a church in another state and people were saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; standing up sliding their feet forward one foot at a time and repeating Jesus’ name.  That’s the way they were worshiping.  Yes, Jesus did say I and my Father are one.  He was showing where He got His strength.  Jesus always gave God the praise!  God, through Jesus, can save the world.  That is the purpose of Jesus being in the world today in Spirit.  The price is paid.  All we have to do is accept it by confessing to God that we are sinners and claiming the victory that Jesus has already won for us.  Then we have the right to claim Jesus as our Lord and let Him save us by His Holy Spirit and cleansing power.  You will know when it happens and you will want to tell the world and give God the glory.  He grants us salvation because we are not ashamed to tell others what He has done for us.
     God can now trust us with spiritual holiness which is a closer and deeper life to live with a greater responsibility.  He may call you to do a special kind of work such as preaching or teaching or healing; all under your Savior’s supervision and all for the glory of God.
     I have heard some preachers say they were called to preach in a certain denomination when the truth may be that they have not been called at all.  I heard a so-called preacher say that he had crossed the ocean twice and preached.  Then on  Friday night he said, from the pulpit, that he was just saved during that past Tuesday night service.  It can’t be.  Jesus saves, then he calls, and all the glory goes to God.

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