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Bible Study: Repentance
Why write on repentance? In America, some have just about put true individual repentance in a box and shipped it out. This is what the Father of all goodness hates (not first). No Godly sorrow. The Bible says that Godly sorrow is repenting. Never does it say forgive me of my many sins. In the book of Ezekiel, it talks about many sins. It says but if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statues and do that which is lawful and right he shall surely live and he shall not die (go to hell). All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him in righteousness and that he shall live. I hear so many praying on radio and in churches saying Lord forgive me of my many sins. When I heard this, I asked them to tell me one sin they had committed. They could not. The bible is against sinning. Never just say a prayer. Pray it. I hear some say I don’t believe He hears my prayer. If you are a sinner, he will only listen when you ask for forgiveness. Mark 1:15 says: “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel”. There is a saying that I heard as a small boy growing up in the South. You can depend on God, the question is, can he depend on you? Living a Christian life is not easy until you have submitted your whole soul, mind, and body to him. That means that a good Spirit is in control. Not just the body. Then happiness is true in your life, because you have some of your Saviour’s Spirit in you. That adds up to everlasting life where there is always peace and contentment. I have heard a person say “the Lord made me do that”. I can tell you of assurance the Lord will never cause you to do wrong under no circumstances. It is true that you can feel you have been done wrong, are overpowered in something. But you can feel assured that the Lord does not and never will work against you. No Christian or even a sinner. If you study the life of Jesus, you will see that while he was here, he always worked for the best. And he expects the same in all Christians.

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