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Bible Study: Sanctification
 Is not redemption, it is a follow up of redemption, but not a follow up automatic. That is to each individual as our Savior chooses. There seems to be a price to pay, with this gives you energy to overcome certain circumstances of life, and to always move in closer to your Saviour, regardless of circumstances of life, that will come your way. Our problem through this period of life is, we build up fear because we do not have strong preaching enough, from the pulpit, I am aware of some who say, just set yourself aside and move on. Christ died for our sins. We are all Christians. Let God know that you love this Church, and that is their testimony.
Then the question arouses, Who is the Church? The Building, NO, all people in the building, could be, But to our Lord Jesus. The Saviour of all mankind, only the ones He has saw fit to Reborn and those who have testified to same, Have SALVATION  are the TRUE CHURCH. No other way. Any other way, He said is like a thief and robber. Common sense tells us that no thief and robber will be in Heaven with His Saints that He has cleansed.
Uncle Bud Robinsons Mother received Holy Ghost Baptism on up in age and she started shouting. This is what my buddy has been talking about and she shouted until sometime after twelve midnight. You may not  shout like that. One thing I can assure you of is that you will have an experience that you will never forget and you will be glad to tell it to the world.
Let me make it straight, you must have been born again - SAVED - some time back for this to happen to you. This is the something that happens to the disciple at Pentecost in Acts 2. You do not have to speak in tongues, only when it is needed, will this happen. Jesus said, He came not to judge the world, but that the world might be saved.
Then one day He told the disciples that they were not of the world. The were saved from Condemnation. That was the only way they could bear what we today call the Pentecost experience Holy Ghost Filling-Baptism. With this Holy Ghost Baptism, you can laugh off things that people say about you and go forward and let the Lord handle them. The writer has done this many times. Holiness is the name of the game with a true and living God. There is no Holiness outside of our God. Only when our God comes calling, He must have the right response from the believer. Our God will never put Holiness where it is not wanted. Holiness is really Christ living. It is true that a lot of people don’t want Holiness because they just don’t understand. I have heard some make practical jokes about Holiness, saying He is a holy jo. Others say if he is holy, I don’t want anything to do with that Holiness. It is true that you can’t live good enough to be holy or to get rid of your sins.
I ask you this question,  doesn’t it look possible that a Holy God and Saviour would want some Holy people on the earth that He spoke into existence. The only way that they can have true Holiness is by God giving it to them, actually making them Holy. God can’t be truthful if He would hold back anything that He possesses.

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