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Bible Study: The Goal Of The Church Today
The goal of the church today should be holiness. I am glad to say some churches achieve this goal, although they are few in number, therefore, they are on top with the Savior of all mankind. Some are property conscious and  member grabbers. Whatever happened to being Born Again Christians in order to get into a church. No longer do we hear of members being on trial (known as Watchcare) for a couple of years before they are a full-fledged member. I appreciate what a man told me. His congregation said to their new preacher who wanted to build an extra fellowship hall. They told Him, “We don’t want to build another building, then you leave and it is left for us to pay for it.” In a year, he was gone. Some just want to make a name in their group. Some stretch  the word of what Jesus did too far, as when Jesus once sat and ate with tax collectors and sinners (gentiles). That does not mean if a Christian sees a group playing cards or poker, they should go and join them. If we could ever get it into our minds, He does not answer everything done or prayed in Jesus name. Your good news must come through the Holy Ghost and that must be after He has saved and reborn you again. You have a new Father. You must get rid of your sins to be a Christian. The Savior will only call Christians to preach His word. Romans 11:29 says, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentence. You must be sin free to get one of a true calling from a trusting Savior God, and the Father, Son and Holy Ghost all must agree as one person. Your calling comes only by the Holy Ghost. You can’t go wrong if at times you refer to the Holy Ghost as a messenger. He is the working one of the God Head. After all, God sent Him back to do the work that Jesus, His Son, did while here on earth, to be a good bible scholar. The first thing you must do is to separate Abram from Abraham. If you can not, then you will mix up Ishmael’s children with the Hebrews, Jews as they are called today. You must see the difference in Abram and Abraham. Jesus told the disciples that they were not of the world, Abram is World - Abraham is righteous. Today we are separated as sinner or born again, saved Christian believers, (SAINTS). We traded God’s to get the true richness. How can I forget Jan. 6th, 2005, when I wrote  in the Shelby Shopper that you can only be saved when times of refreshing are upon you. I showed them from a good, black K.J.V. authentic Bible. Many people found out something about themselves, and they were very glad that I had written the truth. In Christianity, nothing moves the Savior of all mankind but the truth. You must be free from sin, prayed up and ready to go, at any moment’s notice. If you want Heaven. Christianity is not a religion as others are. It is fed with love - and love carries the load. If what you are doing is for anything but the Savior, it will come to naught, and you can rest assured that our Savior will never pronounce  anything good, about your work. I know two who tried, and they failed.

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