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Bible Study: Truth: Past, Present, Future, Eternal
God’s Word was true when it was written. It’s still true today and it will be true tomorrow and next year and for all of eternity. It is settled in Heaven and will never change. When God said “Let there be light”, there was light with a double meaning. He gave light to the world and became the Light OF the world.
Life on earth seems to be getting shorter. In the Old Testament, people lived to 900 plus years. Today very few make it to 100. We have poisoned this earth that God gave us. We have poisoned the bodies He gave us. We keep poisoning the atmosphere and eating what was never intended to be eaten. In the olden days, food was roasted or raw with no chemicals, fat, preservatives and additives. Then the body did what it was supposed to do.
The truth is, God gave us a good body to begin our life with and He gives us everything we need to sustain our bodies and help them to grow healthy. We choose what we feed our bodies and how we care for or abuse them. The truth is, God gave us work to do that would help keep our bodies strong, but many times we choose not to do it.
The truth is that God gave us commandments to live by. These commandments were not only for the past but for the present and the future. God said “thou shalt not” about a lot of things. Not because He is a controlling and demanding God, but because He loved us enough to give us guidelines for a happy, healthy and productive life. Then God told us what we needed to receive Eternal life in Heaven. When God’s son told Nicodemus “you must be born again”, that was meant for all of us; past, present and future.
I believe it breaks God’s heart that some churches teach that you can live right and go to Heaven. It is impossible without accepting the saving grace of your Lord and Savior first. We live right as a result of our salvation. Serving God shows fruit we bear and Heaven is our reward. Have you read the Bible? It is the truth. Have you been saved? It is the only way to Heaven. Jesus came. He died on the cross for our sins. He was buried and rose the third day. He ascended up into Heaven. He’s coming back again to take His children home. The Bible tells us so. The Bible is God’s Holy Word and the Bible is True. Are you ready? When you accept Jesus as your Savior, the sins of the PAST are forgiven and forgotten, the PRESENT is better, you have hope for the FUTURE and your destiny is ETERNAL life in Heaven.....and that’s the TRUTH!

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