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Bible Study: Twenty-Seven Christian Soldier Ethics
 1. To uphold and defend the Christian way of life
 2. As a single church unit, lifting up the Savior to a lost world
 3. To spread peace and goodwill to all denominations
 4. To hold and to maintain Christ as Savior at all cost
 5. To hold onto the doctrine that we MUST be born again
 6. To pull away from world lust so as to seek and find help for others
 7. To always seek a deeper insight with the Savior of all mankind
 8. Commit to never lying down until you have talked to the Savior
 9. The winning team is God first, others second and me last
10. Stay prayed up and ready to go up at a moment’s notice
11. Making things that seemed impossible yesterday, become a reality today
12. To love others regardless of what they say/think of the Cross
13. To strive to become like Jesus
14. Holiness always kills sin. Think of the Savior’s policy
15. Where Holiness is, love always abounds
16. The kingdom of God is formed here on earth, his foot stool
17. Don’t let death slip up on you. No sin will enter into Heaven
18. Don’t forget that you are the carrier and not the other person
19. God put the responsibility on you. What are you doing about it?
20. Don’t judge unless you live a perfect life and can walk on water.
21. Remember that our Savior can always use another minister
22. Let God do the calling.
23. Always remember that God doesn’t make mistakes.
24. Attendants that get into Heaven are first assembled here on earth
25. An authentic Bible, studied in depth is 1% education and 99% revelation
26. What joy can we say, Praise the Lord (Home at last)
27 Now let’s have a meal with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. AS PROMISED

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