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Bible Study: Who do we call on when in trouble?
I have covered a lot of the earth’s land and it belongs to a true and Living God. There is so much uncertainty now. Many are talking about the state it is in and every person has his own ideas of the cause. We must not forget that we are judged by a true and living Lord God, one person at a time. Some say that it is a warning that we are so close to the end of the world. When asked my opinion, I tell them that if they feel this way, and they are not saved, they should get themselves a good King James Bible and study.They should ask the Lord to set them free from the World.  “The Lord wants to forgive you so much that He gave His life one day on Mt. Calvary for your sins. All He asks is for You to let Him set you free from your sins. When you are free, then you can live righteous and Holy and join Him and thousands more in Heaven at your death. You have to get prepared for that now. You can know Him as your Lord and Savior. If the sun does not rise for you tomorrow, you will be with Him in Heaven. We have a “know so” salvation, which means you can tell others about what Jesus as Lord has done for you.  He grants you salvation. As the country preacher said, that is your ticket paid for Heaven. Staying prayed up and ready to go at any time is the right way to live. Now, read what David said in Psalm 43.

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