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Bible Study: With No Claims
In a conversation, the subject arose about church going. I have been in church many years. What is your purpose of going to church, just a happy place to go on Sunday morning, been doing it all my life. Ever go to Sunday School? Just about every Sunday came the reply. What do you talk about in your Sunday School Class? This is where the trouble starts, and I have to say is followed in the pulpit. Thank the Lord it is not that way in all. The person that I talked to will know that this is true. Sports is good if approached right but never takes place of teaching or preaching. Most people today can tell you things their teacher taught them in Sunday School. When the Methodist started Sunday School under John Wesley the Founder of Methodism, it was to teach the bible so as to understand easier what the preacher or leader said. Even to the Circuit Rider who at that time traveled to his places on horseback staying at a different place each time day, or night, until he made his round of stops, and is said that he started a lot of new churches. The message of the circuit rider was this, God has said to me. You tell this person, I have not forgotten him, and he can know this for sure, for I have sent you to him. You don’t send messages to people you have forgotten. Now a joined prayer: Lord, I thank you for my life, and all the good things you have let come into it. I am sorry for my sins, and I have turned from them. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He died for me on the cross. I am not ashamed to confess him as my Saviour, Lord I want a better life, and with the help from the Holy Spirit I will live for you. I thank you for hearing me in Jesus’ name. Amen. From what the writer has learned about these men, they were well dedicated Ambassadors for the Savior. We were not as well settled as we are now, and at times no trouble they were at risk of life. The last one I heard of was in or near Ashville, NC. With the conveniences we have of traveling, we have no excuse of not attending some church. Try one and if you are not satisfied, just look a little further down the road. You will find one. That is the advice I gave a person after I was through preaching. I had just started a church for them in the mountains of NC. Yes they are in church.

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