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Bible Study: You Can Know Your Saviour!

Some people teach, thinking that God has called them. You hear them giving their opinion, not willing to study and give the Lord a chance to help out.

The Lord wants to help out. He will come at His right time. Only when you can say, I AM TRUE WITH THE VINE, and it be a true statement of hope and learning, then your Savior will slip in and things will come by easier. You can learn the Parables without depending on someone else or just guessing. Your Lord does not like guess work.

Keep in mind that He went to the Cross to give you forgiveness and you can confess Him to others and He will grant you Salvation. This is the road map toward Heaven to stay on as you work for Him. He has never saved a person and set him over on the seat to do nothing and he never will.

At your earliest convenience, read a KING JAMES BIBLE, Chapter 15 of St. Johns Gospel. Notice the reward that is promised if you do as He says and the energy is promised to the worker not just to the PREACHER. The closer you are to your Lord, the more enjoyment you will receive for your work of labor for your Saviour. At times you will feel His Spirit of Love POP UP IN YOU. Sometimes it brings tears to the eye. You will always find Joy and Contentment in working for and with Your Lord. Verse 5 says...I am the vine, Ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in Him, the same bringeth forth much fruit. For without me, you can do nothing. (WHAT A LESSON TO LEARN).

Always, when you visit for your Lord, take a Testament and have it marked at a certain place that you are acquainted with, to read when you need it. Whatever happens, go in with a smile, and leave with a smile and you can feel assured that you did some good. Your Saviour will smile on it.

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