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Bible Study: Your Flesh Is Your Enemy
Paul wrote, “Do not let sin reign in our bodies.” We have to also guard against LUST.  Lust is a word that can be dangerous to the soul. It will lead a person to the point that they will say I just have to have it. A very good way to go about something is to ask yourself,  how would Jesus go about doing this? Sin can not conquer us. It can only tempt us. Thanks to the Almighty God, we can break away from sin if we wish to. We can say “Get behind me Satan and leave me alone.” If you really mean it, your Savior will slip in and satan has to leave. We can now be free from sin and be servants to our Lord. Giving ourselves over to God is what has been the road to travel ever since we drew our first breath. We have to learn as we travel life’s pathway. As I grew up remembering hearing some say, the older we get the wiser we get. I have lived to see some of that come true. One thing is for sure: you can not carry sin in your hip pocket and expect the Lord to pass you a blessing. He does not work that way. Think back to when Jesus used the camel going through the eye of the needle. The point in the parable is that the camel got through - but how? Was the point that he had to get down on his knees to go through? What a lesson for us to learn.

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