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Bowman Wins 10 Year Old Category In Kiddie Tractor Pull
 This year at the Belwood Tractor Pull Levi Bowman pulled in the Kiddie Tractor for his last year in the 10 year old category.  Age 10 is the highest age that can pull.  He has won first place in his division every year since he was 3, except for two years ago because he did not attend the pull.  The Belwood Kiddie Pull happens every year on Saturday afternoon of the Belwood Antique Tractor Pull. The kiddie sled was put into operation 18 years ago after Kenny Warlick, Yates Warlick (his father) and a friend, Alan Lattimore, built the sled.  London Warlick, Kenny’s son, pulled the sled the first year and every year after until he became too old.  After he became too old, he started pulling the real tractors.  The sled works by the puller pedaling the tractor then as they pedal a basket pulls up the sled to add weight which makes it more difficult to pull.  Each age division has different amount of bricks added to the basket as the ages increase.  Children are generally given a prize or ribbon in recognition of their participation.  This event is enjoyed by all who participate or spectate.  For several years there were around 60 participants.

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