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Church News 12/12/24
Sunday, December 22
What: Christmas Play
When: 6:00 pm, December 22
Where: Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, 762 Warlick Rd., Lawndale, NC.
More Info: Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. For more info: Pastor Scott Holand: 980-295-0234
Tuesday, December 24
What: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service:
When: 5:00 pm, December 24
Where: First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC.
More Info: Invites you to a beautiful and traditional. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Experience the joy of Christ's birth through special music provided by our Orchestra, Soloists, and Choirs. December 24th, 5:00 PM. Celebrate this Holy Night with candlelight, carols, and communion. All are welcome--come and share in the wonder of Christmas!


Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. Nar-Anon is a support group for those affected by someone else's drug addiction. We meet in the classroom of Dale St., between Sumter and Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-692-2092 or the church office, 704-482-3467.

Al-Anon Family Groups Support: Al-Anon Family Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else's drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at 12noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.

Church Announcements & CHURCH Display Ad Deadline:

Friday, 3 PM Prior to Thursday Publication

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