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Cleveland County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Request For Proposal

Cleveland County
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
Request For Proposal
The Cleveland County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council announces the availability of $277,984 in intervention and prevention funds for services to youths most at risk of court involvement. JCPC funds require a local cash or in-kind match of 20%.
Based on the JCPC planning process conducted to date, the continuum of program services and structures needed in this county have been identified to be the following:
Parent/Family Skill Building
Home Based Family Counseling
Assessment Services for: Psychological/Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse Counseling/Treatment
Sex Offender Specific Assessments and Treatment
Interpersonal skills and Conflict Resolution
Temporary Foster Care/Shelter Care
Community Service/Restitution/Teen Court
Any organization interested in applying is required to attend a mandatory orientation meeting on Friday, January 29 at 10:00 am in the Ollie Harris Board Room on the second floor.
Local public agencies, 501(c)3 non-profit corporations and local housing authorities wishing to submit applications for programs to provide any of these intervention services will need to access application forms and other necessary information from the NC ALLIES website with instructions at http://www.ncdps.gov/index2.cfm?a=000003,002476,002483,002482,002514 or by calling Linda Graney at the Area Office of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention at 828-296-4743. Private non-profits are also required to submit No Over Due Tax forms, Conflict of Interest Statements, and proof of 501(c)(3)status.
Program Applications are to be submitted electronically by February 19 at 1:00 p.m. and a copy of the application should be sent to Sara Brunner at sara.brunner@ncdps.gov Please attach a copy of the most recent agency audit.
Interviews with the program committee will be scheduled February 23 for all applicants.
For more information please call Sara Brunner at 704-480-5648.

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