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Cross Words Anything For A Buck

In the final chapter of  1 Timothy, the author, the apostle Paul, simultaneously tackles the subjects of false teaching and greed.  It is unusual that any literary work would address two such heavy-hitting themes within such a small amount of space, yet the writer in this case interweaves the two topics as if they go hand in hand.  The reason is because they do.

Wherever you find false or incorrect teaching within the church the motive is almost always greed; be it for money or for power.  The reverse is also true, for wherever you find an over eager desire for money and authority within the ministry, the Bible must be interpreted incorrectly to support such behavior. Read 1 Timothy 6:3-10 for clarification.

The great danger is that religion provides the most fertile hunting ground for masters of deception.  They prey on the guilt of parishioners.  They fund their extravagant lifestyles from within the wallets of those who are promised riches for themselves if only they ‘sow a few more seeds’ into the ministries of these malcontents.

In order not to be taken to the cleaners on your way to heaven, here are three qualities that false teachers have in common.

1) They speak about money more than they do about mercy.  Jesus asked, “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? (Matt.16:26). 2) Their focus is on earthly riches rather than heavenly rewards.  “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.....”(Matt. 5:19-20).  3)  They only quote scripture in selected bits and pieces.  In discussing his obligation to the church Paul stated, “I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness” (Col. 1:25).

Each of us is instructed and obligated to give to the work of spreading the Gospel, but we are also required to be good stewards of our money.  With that in mind, make sure you guard your heart as well as your wallet.

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