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Cross Words: Proper Proclamation
 We’ve spent the last few weeks discussing our obligation as Christians to share the truth of the Gospel which God has entrusted to us.  Too often we feel inadequate and ineffective causing us not to share as we should.  It is my prayer that this week’s lesson will give us some encouragement and some practical insight into fulfilling the role God has assigned to those whom He has forgiven.

Evangelism must first be done prayerfully.  Prayer is the dynamic by which everything within the church is to be accomplished.  Especially evangelism.  If we spend more time strategically mapping out a witnessing grid within our city than we do in praying for spiritual ‘directions’ we will have missed the mark.  Because of the fervency of prayer within the early church, an angel of God told Philip exactly what road to take in order to encounter the Ethiopian eunuch who was primed and ready to accept the message of God’s forgiveness (Acts 8). Door to door witnessing is effective and biblical, but through prayer God prepares the hearts of those living behind the doors of which we are to knock.  Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him” (John 6:44).

Evangelism must be personal.  With witnessing in mind, Peter said, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15).  Peter did not say to give a reason for the hope your parents or your grandparents or even your nation has.  The Gospel must have penetrated your heart.  You personally must have had an encounter with God.  When sharing your faith you needn’t have the entire Bible memorized  nor do you need a theological degree.  You simply need to retell the story of how you came to know Jesus Christ.  Jesus gave sight to a man born blind.  When questioned by some PH.D.’s in religious studies as to how the miracle occurred, the once blind man admitted that he didn’t know much except that, “I was blind but now I see” (John 9:25).  If our ‘sight’ has been restored, we have a story to tell as well.  If not we are merely the blind leading the blind.

Evangelism must be physical.  Jesus said, “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16).  Jesus didn’t just talk about love, He extended it.  He didn’t just preach, He served.  He not only taught the Scriptures, He lived by them.  As the saying goes, ‘People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care’.  We must be willing to open not only our mouths but our hands as well.

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