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Cross Words: The Incomparable Christ

Last week I wrote of the importance of keeping Jesus as the centerpiece of all teaching within the church, or as one commentator has stated, “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”  With that as our backdrop I thought I would share a few things about my Savior that you might not know.

Jesus never traveled outside of a 100 mile radius (roughly the distance between Spartanburg and Charlotte) yet the entire known world marks time by the date of His birth.  We relate historical events as either being B.C. or A.D.

More books, essays and papers have been written about His life than any other person who ever lived, yet He never penned anything Himself.  You cannot find a single book, even within the Bible that claims His authorship.  The only recorded incident of Him giving anyone something to read was when He bent down and wrote in the dirt in order to stop a group of religious zealots from stoning an adulterous woman (John 8:8).

His ministry lasted a mere 3 plus years (a failure by most standards) yet when He left this earth He had converted the long standing Old Covenant into the New and gained followers who would lay their lives down in order to preach His message of grace and reconciliation between God and man.

More than likely He preached and taught every day during His ministry, sometimes many times a day, but never did He carry an alliterated outline or refer to sermon notes.  No copy of the Old Testament could be found under His arm, yet He quoted the Scriptures at will and more importantly lived them out to their fullest meaning.

No one has ever left their mark on the world the way in which He did.  No single person has transformed more lives than He. He remains to this day unmatched, unparalleled and incomparable.  It is my prayer that you know Him and if you don’t that you’ll seek to discover just how special He really is.

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