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Neighborhood Calendar - November 4th edition

Council On Aging/Neal Senior Center

11/4 – Thursday – Blood Pressure Check – 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 pm at Council On Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby, NC. 

11/5 – Friday – Holiday Bazaar – 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 pm at Council on Aging, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby. Senior Center’s mouth watering Ham Biscuit at $2.50, Livermush Biscuit at $2.00, and Plain Biscuit at $1.00. Bulk orders may be placed by calling Mary Hamrick at 704-482-3488 or fax orders to 704-481-0151. Pinto Bean Plates will be available for lunch. Vendors will also be available with lots of homemade crafts and goodies. Anyone interested in being a vendor contact Lisa Abernethy at 704-482-3488.

11/9 – Tuesday – Flu and Pneumonia Shots – 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon at Boiling Springs Baptist Church, 307 S. Main St., Boiling Springs, NC. Flu Shots for persons without Medicare-B (55 & Older) will require a fee of $30.00. Without Medicare-B the Pneumonia shots will require a fee of $45.00. (Be sure to bring your Social Security Card Numbers). Flu shots are free with Medicare-B card.

11/11 – Thursday – Seminar on “Do I Need a Will or Not” – 12:00 p.m. at Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby – Free coffee and conversation. Program provided by Journey - Partnership for End-of-Life Issues. Please call the Senior Center at 704-482-3488 to register. For further info call Pam Isaacs at 704-487-4677. 

11/12 – Friday – 11:30 am –Veterans Celebration – at Council on Aging, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby. Sponsored by Council on Aging, Healthy at Home and Dover Foundation. Veterans free and guest $7.50. Veterans who wish to attend should call 704-482-3488 to get permission to attend.

11/15 thru December 31, 2010 – Monday – Open Enrollment for Medicare D – 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 pm - By appointment only at Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby. SHIIP volunteers will be available to assist you. 

11/16 – Tuesday – National Memory Screening Day – 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 pm at Council on Aging, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby. Must have an appointment. Call the Senior Center at 704-482-3488 for further information or to make an appointment.

11/18 – Thursday – Blood Pressure – 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm at Council on Aging, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby.

11/19 – Friday – Thanksgiving Feast – 12:00 noon at Council on Aging, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby. Come by the Senior Center to register and pick-up your tickets. Cost $7.50 per person.

12/17 – Friday – Christmas Feast – 12:00 noon at Council on Aging, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby. Come by the Senior Center to register and pick-up ticket. Cost $7.50 per person.

12/31 – Friday – New Year’s Eve Dinner and Dance – 6:00 p.m. - 12:30 am at Council on Aging, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby. Please call the Senior Center for more information.


Hospice Cleveland Co. – Upcoming Events

11/21 – Fall Memorial Service – Sunday – 2:00 pm - Family members will be receiving a special invitation. The service will be held at First Baptist Kings Mountain, 605 W. King Street, Kings Mountain, NC.

11/30 – Memory Making with Ornaments – Tuesday – 10:00 am - Noon or 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Please RSVP to ext. 166 if you plan to attend. This workshop will be held at Kings Mountain Hospice House, 321 Kings Mountain Boulevard, Kings Mountain, NC.

12/2 – Memory Making with Ornaments – Thursday – 10:00 am - Noon or 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Please RSVP to ext. 166 if you plan to attend. This workshop will be held at Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC.


Caregivers To Be Honored With Prizes

To honor caregivers, a local coalition is offering prizes for caregivers who register during the month of November, which is National Caregivers Month. The coalition is called Journey: A Partnership for End-of-Life Issues, which recognizes caregivers through ongoing programs to educate and support the family members who care for those who are ill or disabled. If you care for someone, you are invited to register at one of three locations in Cleveland County: Care Solutions at 208 E. Grover St. in Shelby (across the street from Cleveland Regional Medical Center) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; or either location of Life Enrichment Center Adult Day Care, 222 Kings Mountain Blvd. in Kings Mountain (across from the KM Intermediate School) and 103 T.R. Harris Dr. in Shelby (across from the Neal Senior Center) between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. A drawing will be held weekly for prizes donated by area businesses and individuals. You may register once a week. Winners will be notified to pick up their prizes. For more information about Journey, please call Chaplain Len Byers at Cleveland Regional Medical Center. Interested individuals are invited to a free breakfast meeting to determine if you would like to join Journey, which meets at 8:30 a.m. the third Wednesday of every month in the staff dining room (just off the cafeteria) at Cleveland Regional Medical Center. For more information about caregivers month, call Anzie Horn at Care Solutions at 980-487-4771 or Linda Cabiness at Life Enrichment Center at 704-484-0405.


Art Show – 20 Local Artists

Twenty local artists will exhibit their paintings on Friday and Saturday, November 5th and 6th. All are students in the Studio Oil Paining Classes offered through the Continuing Education Department of Cleveland Community College. The exhibit will be held in the Fellowship at John Knox Presbyterian Church, located at 610 Charles Road, Shelby. The public is invited to the Opening and Reception on Friday, November 5th from 4 pm to 7 pm. the exhibit will continue on Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. A cordial invitation is extended to this exhibit which will honor the memory of fellow artist, John “Red” Painter of Belmont, NC. Directions: Hwy. 74W (Dixon Blvd.) to traffic light at Charles Road. Left on Charles Road. John Knox Church is two blocks down on the right of Charles Road.

Boys & Girls Club Basketball Sign-UP

Registration is underway for the Boys & Girls Club Basketball Program for students in Grades K through six.  Students must attend Graham, Jefferson or James Love Elementary, Marion Intermediate or Shelby Middle Schools. Sign-ups for players and cheerleaders will be ongoing, space permitting, now through November 24.  Registrations are being held at the Boys & Girls Club building at 412 West Sumter Street, directly behind Shelby Middle School in Shelby.   Registration materials for the basketball program can be picked up at the Boys & Girls Club weekdays 1 until 7 pm. There is a non-refundable $10 registration fee for the program which includes membership in the Boys & Girls Club After-School Program for the current school year. There are no additional program fees. A birth certificate is required for all registrations. Current members of the Boys & Girls Club can register at no additional charge. Adult volunteer positions in the basketball program are also available for coaches, scorekeepers and concession workers. For additional information please call the Boys & Girls Club office at 704-471-2582 (CLUB).


Yokefellow Service Center, Spindale, NC

Yokefellow Service Center is holding a storewide half price sale now through Saturday, November 6th. Sales floor restocked daily. Located at 132 Blanton Street, Spindale. Cash, credit or debit only. No Checks.


2010 Carolina Crossfire Tryouts

Carolina Crossfire is starting a new 8U travel softball team. We will hold tryouts on November 6th at 1 pm at Crest Middle School softball field. Tryouts are open to any girl that is 8 years old or less on January 1st. For more information call Alex at 704-692-7321. Hope to see you there!


Relay for Life Charity Auction

A Charity Auction will be held Saturday, Nov. 6th at Starnes Auditorium. You can preview at 4:30 and the Auction begins at 6:00 pm. The Cherryville Schools are hosting this event. For more information call Tina West at 704-435-6800 or 704-435-0986.


Benefit Motorcycle Ride for Bobby Jones

The Red Knights International Firefighters Motorcycle Club Inc. NC Chapter 14 is holding a benefit motorcycle ride for Bobby Jones, retired Captain of the Shelby Fire and Rescue Dept. and former Chief and current member of Boiling Springs Fire and Rescue Dept. on Sunday, November 7th. Mr. Jones is battling throat cancer and all proceeds will go to the Jones family to help with medical expenses. The ride will start at 1:30 pm at Shelby Fire Station III, located on Kings Rd. ext. Bikes and cars are welcome. Registration will begin at 12:00 pm. It will be an escorted ride throughout Cleveland County, passing by several county V.F.D.’s. The ride will end at Boiling Springs Fire and Rescue Department where there will be a Hot Dog Supper for $5.00 a plate. Prices for Ride is $20 per bike or car (includes 2 meal tickets). T-Shirts will also be available at $10.00 each. Make checks payable to Red Knights Chapter 14. 


Shelby City Park 2010 Basketball Sign-Ups

Sign-ups for Midget and Junior Basketball Leagues will be held at Shelby City Park beginning Monday, November 8th and continue through Friday, December 3rd. The Midget League is for league ages 10-12 and Junior League is for league ages 13-15.  All league ages are as of August 31st, 2010. Sign-ups will be held Monday-Fridays from 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. At sign-up a parent or guardian must be present along with a copy of player’s birth certificate (if did not play in the league last year) and a $22.00 registration fee if residence is inside Shelby City Limits or a $37.00 fee for all others. Both new and returning players must sign-up in order to participate. The park office will be closed on Thursday November 11th for Veterans Day and Thursday and Friday, November 25th and 26th for Thanksgiving. Instructional League sign-ups for league ages 7-9 years will be held beginning Monday, November 8th  through Friday December 17th.  Sign-up times, league ages and rules are the same as those above for Midget and Junior Leagues. For more information call the City Park office at 704-484-6811 or visit us on the web @www.cityofshelby.com/parks.


Friends of the Library Presents...

Mark Hughes will ber our guest speaker Tuesday, November 9th at 6:30 pm in the large meeting room at CCML. Mark Hughes is the author of “Civil War Images” and “The New Civil War Handbook”, a complete up-to-date guide for American Civil War enthusiasts of all ages. Mr. Hughes is an electronics instructor widely recognized as the authority on Civil War cemeteries. The only author to publish books on both Union and Confederate cemeteries, his books include: Bivouac of the Dead, The Unpublished Roll of Honor, and Confederate Cemeteries (2 vols.). In addition he has written articles on a variety of subjects. 

New Wilderness Adventures

Fall Adventure

New Wilderness Adventures Ministry will sponsor a Fall Hunt (Fall Adventure) to Brent, Alabama, on November 10-14. This event is open to men and father/son pairs (12 and up). 10 spots open for hunters and 5 spots for non hunters for this event. Base price is $375 or $600 for father/son pairs (12 & up). This includes: 9 meals (2 out at your expense), lodging and guide fees, materials, NWA Fall Adventure T-Shirt, and you can take a doe every day. To add a hot it is $50.00 per day. Processing not included, more fees may apply. Please go to www.newwildernessadventures.com or www.facebook.com/newwilderness for more info, to register and to enter our contest to win this trip on Facebook. Only 5 spots are left. This event will focus on Godly initiation.


“Wills & Trusts” –

What Do You Really Need?

Partnership for End-of-Life Issues invites you to Coffee & Conversation with Pete Gilbert. On Thursday, Nov. 11, Noon to 1:00 pm at the Neal Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby; and Thursday, Nov. 18, Noon to 1:00 pm at Patrick Senior Center, 909 East King Street, Kings Mountain. Free and open to the public. Light refreshments sponsored by: Sterling House Shelby and Carillon Assisted Living. for more information call Len Byers at 980-487-3855.


Cleveland County Veterans Council


Veterans Day – Thursday, Nov. 11th at 11:00 am we will celebrate Veterans Day North side of the old courthouse, or inside the gym at Shelby City Park in case of bad weather. There will be a recognition of all Veterans, POW’s and other guests and placing wreaths. Come out and let’s show our support and honor our Veterans. 


American Legion Post 82, Shelby

The American Legion, Post 82, Shelby, NC, located on South Lafayette St. (Hwy. 18 South) across from Thomas Petroleum, will be serving coffee and donuts from 8:30 am to 10:30 am on Veterans Day, Thursday, Nov. 11th to all Veterans. Please drop by and then go uptown and enjoy the Veterans Program on the Square. Contact for more information, Libby Lavender at 704-482-1163; Donald Schenck at 704-538-5544 or Ned Cash, Commander of American Legion, Post 82, Shelby.

Kings Mtn. Historical Museum Exhibit

The Kings Mountain Historical Museum is proud to announce the opening of the annual Honor Our Veterans Exhibit on Now – November 13. This year we are featuring World War II with uniforms, weapons, equipment, photos, and memorabilia. The exhibit also includes other US Military campaigns and World War I. The Museum is located at 100 East Mountain Street, Kings Mountain, NC  28086.  Our hours are Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 – 4:00.  For more information please call 704-739-1019 or check out our web site www.kingsmountainmuseum.org


Children’s Miracle Network Fall BBQ     

Wal-Mart Parking Lot, Shelby 

The Children’s Miracle Network Fall BBQ Fundraiser will be held Saturday, November 13th from 10 am until 2:30 pm in the Wal-Mart Parking Lot. We have Boston Butts for $35.00 with Slaw and Sauce; Chopped Sandwiches for $3.00; or 1 lb. Chopped BBQ for $8.00. Our Family Special is $10.00 which includes 1 lb. BBQ, 1/2 lb. slaw and 4 buns. We’ll also have Baked Goods & Crafts. See You There!

Crowders Mountain State Park

Come join the fun at Crowders Mountain State Park on Saturday, November 13 from 10 am ‘til 2 pm. This is our Annual Fun, Fangs and Feathers Fall Festival and  the event is FREE and open to the public. Free games, local music, Smokey the Bear, S’Mores at the campfire, firetrucks, hiking educational programs, fishing, etc. Enjoy the day outside, take a hike, watch the leaves turn. Located off Sparrow Springs Road, 522 Park Office lane, Kings Mountain, NC.


Southern Christmas Show

With Shelby City Park

A trip to the Southern Christmas show will be sponsored by the Shelby City Park on Monday, November 15 (located at The Park, formerly Charlotte Merchandise Mart). The group will be leaving from the parking lot at Rutherfordton Senior Center at 8:00 a.m. and from Shelby City Park at 8:30 a.m. They will leave Charlotte to return around 3:30 p.m. and be back to the park around 5 p.m. The cost is $15.00 per person, which is due when signing up. This includes transportation (by Travel Lynx) and the cost of the ticket. Tickets will be given out that morning on the bus. Please sign up at Shelby City Park (704-484-6811) or at Rutherfordton Senior Center (828-287-6413). Deadline will be Friday, November 5, 2010. They will be taking the first 50 people to sign up. Visit www.cityofshelby.com/parks.

DAVA Fundraiser

Looking for vendors to rent table space at $10 a table. DAVA (Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary) Chapter 18 is having a Craft/Flea market, bake sale and hot dogs/refreshment sales on Saturday, Nov. 20 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at the DAV, located at 1138 E. Marion St., Shelby. Raffle tickets for sale for nice prizes. Donations would be appreciated. Please call Cindy at 704-297-3481 or Jerry at 704-445-8126 for more details.


Kings Mountain Woman’s Club

On Saturday, November 20th we will have Breakfast with Santa at 7:30 am until 10:30 am, and Pictures and shopping from 8:30 am until 12 noon. The Elf closet is for children only. All items will be $1.00. Call Ann Bennett at 704-739-7789 for ticket information. Tickets are $5.00. The Woman’s Club is located at 107 East Mountain Street, Kings Mountain, NC.


Boiling Springs Christmas Parade

The Boiling Springs Christmas Parade will be held on Sunday, November 28 at 3:00 pm. Parade entry forms are available online at www.boilingspringsnc.net. For additional information please contact the Boiling Springs Town Hall at 704-434-2357.


Cleveland County Arts Council

“Holiday Home Tour”, Saturday, Dec. 4, 10 am - 4 pm. Tour 8 beautiful homes in Cleveland County. Come get a peak inside these homes and get ideas to decorate your home. Tickets $15. Also, a delicious lunch will be available for $5 at the Arts Center from 11-2pm during the Home Tour.


Breathe 4 Brycee 5K

Breathe for Brycee 5K is on Saturday, December 18th at Shelby Fitness. We are having the 5K in honor of a very special little boy........Bryce Barbee. Bryce is a sweet boy suffering from 7 heart defects within his one little heart. WANT TO BE A PART????????? 1. Go to www.active.com and register to walk/run 2. Go to www.active.com and register your child 12 and under for the FUN RUN! *Registration is $25 up until November 25th then increases to $30. *Fun Run is $15 *You can also register the morning of the event at 8am. *The run will begin at 9am and the FUN RUN will begin around 10:30 am. We will have live entertainment, music, breakfast and much much more! Please join us for this wonderful cause! *But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:31 

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