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Neighborhood Calendar April 19, 2018

Hospice Cleveland County, Shelby
Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC - Calendar of Events:
Widowed Support Group. The death of a spouse has been identified as one of the greatest stresses a person can experience. Coping with the emotional upheaval and social adjustment that this crisis brings can be overwhelming and incapacitating. You don't have to go through this journey alone. Please join us each Thursday as we talk about ways to deal with the devastation of grief and the tremendous silence a loss like this can leave behind. Learn ways to cope while gaining the energy and ideas for your path to a new life. Lunch will be provided. Thursdays for 6 weeks: April 12 - May 17 2018, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Lunch provided Brookdale Senior Living 1425 East Marion Street Shelby, NC.
Spring Memorial Service will be held Sunday, April 15, 2018, at Ellis Chapel Baptist Church, 114 Ellis Chapel Road, Shelby, NC. Patients that have died September 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 will be remembered. Family members will receive a special invitation. Please RSVP at 704-487-4677 ext. 114 with your loved one's name.
Memory Bear & Pillow Workshop Participants will have the opportunity to make a teddy bear or pillow out of a loved one's shirt or other article of clothing. Children are welcome is accompanied by an adult. Space is limited. Please call one of our Grief Counselors at 704-487-4677 to reserve your space. Tuesday, April 17, 2018, Tuesday, May 15, 2018 9:00am - Noon or 5:30pm - 8:30pm Hospice Administration Building
Chicken Dinner & Dessert Sale 1/2 Chicken, Slaw, Pickles, Baked Beans, Rolls and Dessert, $12 per plate - Drive thru only! Free business delivery for orders of 10 or more available with advanced ticket purchases. A variety of home-made desserts will be for sale at each site. Chicken prepared by Doug Fortenberry. Tickets can be purchased at the Hospice Administration Building, The Hospice Store, Testa Family Hospice House, and online at www.hospicecares.cc. Friday, May 4, 2018 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm American Red Cross Building 1333 Fallston Road Shelby, NC 28150 or Testa Family Hospice House 321 Kings Mountain Blvd. Kings Mountain, NC 28086 Educational Series: "Returning to Life After Caregiving Ends" - After the death of someone that you have cared for, caregivers often experience "A New Beginning," "A New Normal," & "New Life Discoveries." Join Hospice Cleveland County Grief Counselors and other caregivers who have experienced grief and loss for a video and discussion about "The Transforming Power of Caregiving." Please RSVP to Ext. 114 if you wish to attend as lunch will be provided. Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 11:30am, Hospice Administration Building.
Healing with Nature Poetry Event
Healing with Nature is thrilled to welcome Mary Ellen Lough to Cleveland County as part of their 2nd Annual Earth Day events. The community is invited on Friday, April 20, 2018, at 6:00pm to the Cleveland County Arts Council, 111 S. Washington St, Shelby, NC. Join them for a community potluck dinner and local music at followed by Mary Ellen's presentation titled "Rewilding the Soul Through Poetry". This event is open to all and free of charge. Mary Ellen is a Poetic Medicine facilitator and single mother living with five children in an old farmhouse in Southern Appalachia. She is also a world traveler, community organizer, activist, gardener, musician, and writer. Mary Ellen teaches poetry as a practice of wholeness and path of integration everywhere from the VA hospital, homeless shelters, substance abuse centers, birth centers, public schools, universities and conferences, to an old converted barn out in the mountains where a small group of people gather around a woodstove with tea in winter.
Cooksville VFD Ladies Auxiliary Fundraiser
The Cooksville Volunteer Ladies Auxiliary will be holding a Chicken Pie Lunch fundraiser, Sunday, April 29, 2018, 11:00am til sold out. Adults: $8, Kids 8 and under, $5. Lunch includes Chicken Pie, Green Beans, Coleslaw, Mashed Potatoes, Rolls, Dessert and Drink. Benefiting Cooksville VFD, 6942 Old Shelby Rd., Vale, NC.
Pine Mountain's Firewise Community/USA Committee sponsored event
Pine Mountain Golf Course is now accepting sign-ups for the Saturday, May 5, 2018, 2-Man Captain's Choice event to help South Mountains Fire Rescue purchase needed equipment. Format: 2-Main Captain's Choice; Entry fee: $50 per person, includes golf, lunch, cash pay-out for flight winners (based on # of players) and closest to the pin on all Par 3's. Location: Pine Mountain Golf Course, 1:30 Shortgun Start. Tournament is limited to the 1st 36 teams. Hotdog lunch: 12noon - 1:30pm. Call 828-433-4950 to reserve your spot today!
Junior Charity League of Shelby
Junior Charity League of Shelby will be holding a benefit: Attic Treasures, Saturday, May 5, 2018, 8am - 12pm. Admission is $2. Proceeds benefit the Clothing Room Project of the Junior Charity League of Shelby which clothes hundreds of school aged children in our community each year.
Piedmont Shrine Club Fish Fry
The Piedmont Shrine Club Fish Fry will be held Saturday, May 12, 2018, 12:00pm until 7:00pm at Friendship Masonic Lodge, 722 McBrayer Homestead Rd., Boiling Springs, NC. Only $12 per plate "all you can eat" Eat-in, or carry-outs will be available.
Cleveland County Partnership for Children
On Friday, June 8, 2018, the Cleveland County Partnership for Children will celebrate its 25-year history with a celebration and fundraiser. The celebration and fundraiser will take place from 6:00pm until 9:00pm at the Uptown Indigo, located at 112 North Lafayette Street, Shelby, NC. 8 Track Vinyl and Christine Neal Cline, Anne Goss and Company will provide entertainment. Dressing on the Side will cater the meal. Tickets are $75 for a couple and $40 for an individual. Monies raised from the fundraiser will benefit Early Head Start, NC Pre-K and Smart Start, as well as Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. To purchase a ticket, please contact Angela Padgett, Smart Start Coordinator at 704-734-2052.

Kings Mountain High Class of 1970 Reunion
The KMHS Class of 1970 Reunion Luncheon will be held at Italian Gardens Restaurant, 213 East King Street, Kings Mountain, NC, Saturday, May 5, 2018, at 12:00noon. Dutch treat. Please feel free to bring a spouse or friend. Everybody please help pass the word. https://www.facebook.com/groups/KMHS1970. For more information call Jerry, 704-692-7484.

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