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Neighborhood Calendar April 21st edition
Grace Christian Academy Students Changing the World “One Pair At A Time”
        The student council has been working on a project called, “Soles 4 Souls,” where they have raised more than 400 pairs of shoes for the less fortunate in other countries. This opportunity enabled the entire student body to be a part of the Nashville-based charity orgabnizations, with their mission aimed at giving back to those in need. The school is accepting all types of shoes, sizes, styles and they do not have to be new or in pristine condition. All classes and grade levels are participating in the drive. You can drop off your donations at Grace Christian Academy, located at 260 Range Road, Kings Mountain, NC. For more information you can  visit www.soles4soles.com.

Council On Aging/Neal Senior Center
   The following events are taking place at the Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby, NC 28150, unless otherwise noted.
   Bingo Each Monday Night (except holidays). Doors open at 5:30 (no admittance after 7:00pm). Jackpot up to $500.00 – Public invited 12 years old and up.  

Autism Awareness Group Meetings
        Autism Awareness Group will meet at 6:30 pm the last Tuesday of every month at Boundless Miracles, LLC, 820 South Post Road, Shelby, NC. For more information, contact Cherrie Little at (704) 480-8774 or (704) 300-8017.

American Red Cross - Cleveland County
      Saturday, April 23, 2011, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Buffalo Baptist, 1410 Buffalo Church Rd., Shelby, NC 28150. Free Cleveland all Chick-fil-A Coupons!
   Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 1:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. - Wal-Mart Store, 705 E. Dixon Blvd., Shelby, NC 28150. Free T-Shirts.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 12:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M., Gardner-Webb University, 110 South Main St., Boiling Springs, NC 28017.
Free T-Shirts!
Friday, April 29, 2011, 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M., Patrick Senior Center, 909 East Kings Street, Kings Mountain, NC 28086. Free Cleveland Mall Chick-Fil-A Coupons.
Saturday, April 30, 2011, 12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. - First Baptist Church, Lawndale, NC 28090. Free Cleveland Mall
Chick-Fil-A Coupons!
CPR Class Schedule (You have to prepay and register before day of class in order to be in a class!) Call 704-487-8594 and ask for Carrie to learn more about Blended Learning (BL) classes online.            Thursday, May 5, 2011, Adult/Infant & Child CPR/AED

Cleveland County Memorial Library
        The Library Book Club meets the 2nd  Thursday of the month from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm in the Conference Room at Cleveland County Memorial Library.  All are invited.  The book for the month of April is “The 19th Wife” by David Ebershoff.
 Microsoft WORD Classes are being offered this month at Cleveland County Memorial Library in the Meeting Room.  They will be on Monday, April 25, 5:30 – 7:00 pm; Thursday, April 28, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm and Friday, April 29, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm.  Call 704-487-9069 ext 0 to sign up for one of the classes.
   Microsoft PUBLISHER Classes are also being offered this month at Cleveland County Memorial Library. It is a two day class and will be taught on April 26 & 27, 10:30 am – 12 pm. There are still some slots available for those who have their own laptops.  You must already have Publisher 2003 installed.  Call 704-487-9069 ext 0 to reserve a space.
   BOOK SALE – An ongoing book sale is being held at the back of the library.  Stop in for some great deals: books are 25 cents each or 5 for a dollar.
   Weekly Story Time - Every Thursday Morning
    Read To Your Bunny  infants to 2 years, 10:00 – 10:30 am
    Tot Time - 3 years – 5 years, 10:30 – 11:00 am
 The theme for the month of April is Let’s Go Fishing. For more info, call Barbara Wakefield at 704-487-9069 ext 233

What’s Happening in Cleveland County?
  4/21 – Asleep at the Wheel – 8 pm – $28.00 – Performance at the Don Gibson Theatre, 318 S. Washington Street, Shelby, 704-487-9114, www.DGshelby.com
  4/23 – Family Fun Nights at the Fair– 8 pm – Cleveland County Fairgrounds, 1751 East Marion Street, Shelby, 704-487-0651, www.ClevelandCountyFair.com
  4/23 – City of Kings Mountain Easter Egg Hunt – 10 am – The Easter Bunny will be there to meet the children and all will hunt for the Golden Egg at the Children’s Playground. Battleground Avenue, Kings Mountain, NC 704-734-0333, www.CityofKM.com
  4/23 & 30 – Streamside Hike – 2 - 3 pm – Join a Park Ranger at the Jacob Fork Parking Area for the hike along the streamside. Watersheds, flora, fauna, water quality and some early blooming spring flowers will be focused. South Mountains State Park, 3001 South Mtn. Park Avenue, Connelly Springs, 828-433-4772, www.ncparks.gov/visit/parks/somo/main.php
  4/25 – Easter Egg Roll at the Presidential – 11 am – Easter egg roll starts at 11 am on the front lawn of the Inn of the Patriots Bed & Breakfast. Later an Easter Egg Hunt on the back lawn with money in some eggs. Inn of the Patriots, 301 Cleveland Avenue, Grover, NC, 704-937-2940, www.innofthepatriots.com
  4/28 - 30 – Mystery Art Exhibit and Sale – Mon-Fri 9 am - 5:30 pm, 1st Sat of every month 10 am - 2 pm. – This is your chance to purchase “mini-masterpieces” by local artists. The catch is, you won’t know who created the work until after you purchase it. Join us for one of our annual favorite events, a who-done-it of miniature proportions. Cleveland County Arts Council, 111 S. Washington Street, Shelby, 704-484-2787, www.ccartscouncil.org
  4/29 – Ronnie McDowell at the Don Gibson– 8 pm – $28.00 – Performance at the Don Gibson Theatre, 318 S. Washington Street, Shelby, 704-487-9114, www.DGshelby.com
  4/29 - 30 & 5/1, 6, 7, 8 – Welcome to Mitford – Fri. & Sat. 7:30 pm & Sun. 2:30 pm – Presented by Greater Shelby Community Theatre, on the campus or Cleveland Community College, 137 S. Post Road, Shelby, 704-480-8495, www.GSCT.org
  4/30 - 5/1 – 13th Annual Foothills Merry Go Round Festival – Sat. 10 am - 9 pm, Sun. 1-6 pm. $5 per day. Enjoy carnival rides, games and food for the entire family. Free concert stage features regional artists and live entertainers, finishing up the evening with fireworks on Saturday night. Shelby City Park, 850 W. Sumter Street, Shelby; 704-484-6476; www.CityofShelby.com/Park Shuttle service is available for all Shelby events on April 30.
  4/30 – Arts on the Square – 9 am - 4 pm – Juried art show of regional artists. It is sure to be a great day of fun for artists and arrt connoisseurs alike from the residents of western NC, Charlotte and beyond. It if our mission to promote artists and the growth of the arts in our portion of the state. Shelby Uptown historic court square area. 704-487-0256, www.BuffaloCreekGallery.com - Shuttle service is available for all Shelby events on April 30.
  4/30 – 2nd Annual Kings Mountain Gateway Trials 5 K Run Walk & Fun Run – 8 am – 5K Run, $20/Race Day $25 – Walk & Fun Run starting at the Kings Mountain Gateway Trails, 807 Battleground Avenue, Kings Mountain 705-739-7455, wwwkmgatewaytrails.org
  4/30 – 6th Annual Vineyard Blessing & Muscadine Jubilee – 10 am - 6 pm – Wine tasting and over 40 art & craft vendors. Wood Mill Winery, 1506 John Beam Road, Vale, phone, 704-276-9911, www.woodmillwinery.com
  4/30 – Cleveland-Rutherford Kidney Assoc. Presents: Aaron Tippin – 7 pm – Tickets $15.00 in advance, $20.00 at the door. Live in concert at the Luz-Yelton Convocation Center, Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, 704-481-9535
Relay For Life Events
        Kings Mountain’s Relay for Life is having a “Zumba for Life” on APRIL 30, 2011 – 10 am -12:30 pm at Kings Mountain’s Patriots Park at the Gazebo. Registration begins at 9 am, $15 per person, all proceeds to benefit the American Cancer Society. Wear purple to support cancer awareness. This event is for people of all shapes and sizes, ages 8 and older. Zumba is an exhilarating, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, dance fitness-party that is downright addictive. Everyone at any fitness level can come out, learn some new moves, burn some calories and have a great time. There will be lots of door prizes. Refreshments will be provided during the break. Find us on Facebook at “Zumba for Life Fitness Event” or contact Stephanie Dover at 704-734-7645 for more info.
        Relay For Life Fundraiser: May 14th from 7:00 until at Elizabeth Baptist Church in Fellowship Hall, located at 301 N. Post Rd., Shelby. The Clerk of Superior Court presents the 1st Annual Womanless Beauty Pageant. Come out and see the beauty and tallent of our finest Clerks, Local Attorneys, Law Enforcement, District Attorneys, Dept. of Juvenile Justice and Probation Officers. We will have door prizes and a $5 donation at the door.

Piecemakers Quilt Guild, Lincoln Co.
        Piecemakers Quilt Guild meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Lincoln Co. Senior Center, Room 319, Lincoln Campus of Gaston College, 511 Aspen St., Lincolnton. They will teach and encourage those interested in the art of quilting and are open to new members. Meeting include a business meeting, show-and-tell, and a program related to quilting. On April 6th, Doris Phillips presents ‘3-D Flower Making’. Members also meet the third Wednesday of each month, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. to work on our community projects.

Habitat For Humanity Cleveland County
        Habitat is now accepting applications for a Habitat Home.  Applicants must currently live in sub-standard housing, have sufficient income to pay for an interest-free mortgage,  live in Cleveland County for the past 12 months, and contribute sweat equity.  Call Shelby Gettys at 704-482-6200 to request an application or pick one up at the Habitat ReStore, 323 W. Grover St., Shelby. Submitted by: Barbara Schafer, Chairman Family Selection Committee, Habitat for Humanity Cleveland County 704-480-6082.

Respite Services Available
        ComServ, Inc. operates a licensed respite care program at a home in Shelby, NC. This program serves children and adults with intellectual/development disabilities. We accept CAP-DD funding and state IPRS funding. Center-based respite is available on an hourly or overnight basis. This program is for families or care providers from the western region of NC. For more information, please call Jerri at 704-487-4550.
Pennies From Heaven Art Show & Silent Auction
        The second  annual Pennies From Heaven Art Show is now open at the Cleveland Mall. Visit facebook.com/PenniesfromHeavenFB. For more information contact penniesfromheaveartshow@gmail.com. The Pennies From Heaven Art Show & Silent Auction benefits the Cleveland-Rutherford Kidney Association.
Disabled Amercan Veterans - Chapter 18
        The Disabled American Veterans Chapter 18, meets the first and third Saturdays of every month at 1138 E. Marion St., Shelby,  to assist veterans. Coffee and doughnuts will be available for veterans. A claims officer will be available. DAV, 704-600-6411.

Lincolnton Lions Club Seeking Applicants For Fourteenth Annual College Scholarships
        The Lincolnton Lions Club is seeking applicants for their Fourteenth Annual College Scholarships. They are calling all graduating seniors of the Class of 2011 from East, Lincolnton, North and West Lincoln High Schools. They will be awarding two $500 county-wide competitive college scholarships. Complete a 2011 Lions Club Sholarship application with a head and shoulders photograph, write an original essay on Volunteerism and return to your high school guidance counselor or a Lincolnton Lions Club member by Friday, April 22, 2011. You must be a legal US citizen, legal resident of Lincoln County and a graduating senior at East, Lincolnton, North or West Lincoln High Schools. Please contact your high school guidance counselor for an application.

Habitat For Humanity In CC ReStore
Anniversary Celebration
        The Habitat for Humanity in Cleveland County ReStore Anniversary Celebration, Tuesday, April 26. Free hot dogs from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. (as long as they last). Door prizes (must be present to win). Store hours: 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday; 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Saturday. 323 W. Grover St., Shelby. 704-482-6289.

Cleveland Regional Rehab
Relay For Life Golf Tournament
        Cleveland Regional Rehab will hold their 6th Annual Golf Tournament for a Cure fundraiser on Friday, April 29, 2011 at Deebrook Golf Club. Lunch begins at noon. Shotgun start is at 1:00 p.m. Cost: $75 donation per person or $300 for foursome. Lunch is included. Donations are tax deductibele. Grand prizes, door prizes, closest to the pin, and longest drive prizes will be awarded. For more information contact Lori McKee at 704-482-1191.

GSCT Presents Welcome To Mitford
  GSCT presents WELCOME TO MITFORD, sponsored by Jenkins Food Greater Shelby Community Theatre will present WELCOME TO MITFORD. The play is written by WBTV anchor Robert Inman and is based on the very popular Jan Karon book series. Productions are April 29, April 30, May 1, May 6, May 7, May 8. Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30pm. Sunday performances are at 2:30pm. All performances are at Keeter Auditorium, CCC. Playwright/novelist Bob Inman will attend the April 29th performance and will have his books for sale. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors/students. Presale discount tickets are available at area outlets--Arnold’s Jewelers, Badcock & More, CC Arts Council, Maxwell Hamrick Ins., Neal Senior Center. www.gsct.org or 704-480-8495.
       Also: MOTHER’S DAY THEATRE & DINNER SPECIAL Greater Shelby Community Theatre is partnering with Ni-Fen Wine & Tapas to offer a Mother’s Day celebration package on Sunday May 8. The package includes lunch for two at Ni-Fen’s, 2 tickets to GSCT’s play “Welcome to Mitford”, a corsage for mom, and an autographed novel from playwright/novelist Bob Inman. Lunch includes chicken crepes, orzo pasta, vegetable, dessert and drink. Wine is available for purchase. Package for two is $50. Lunch seating is limited. Call 704-480-8495 to reserve. www.gsct.org
2-Part Grant writing Workshop
  The Northeast Shelby Weed & Seed will be conducting a 2-part Grant writing Workshop, Saturday, April 30th and May 14th from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon in the Weed & Seed Computer Lab, located at Christ Temple Apostolic Church, 341 Hudson St., Shelby, NC. The cost is $125.00 per person – limited seating only 12 computers available. 1 hour free consultation with workshop. Contact John White for more information at 704-300-4019.
Chinese Auction–Shelby PWP–#555
  April Showers Bring May Flowers on Saturday, April 30th we will have a Chinese Auction at the VFW on Sumter Street, Shelby. The cost is $10 per person. Sunday Dress – Social hour 6:30 - 7:30 pm – Spring Dinner, Desserts or Food Appreciated – Dance 7:30 - 11:30 pm – Band: Crimson Rose. For more information contact Jo Ann Greene at 704-538-9559 or Connie Philbeck at 704-487-1268.
Windjamers M/C – Children’s Home
  Our 5th Annual Children’s Home Golf Tournament will be held at the Kings Mountain Country Club, Country Club Dr., Kings Mtn, NC, on April 30th. Tee Off time is 1:00 pm; Entry fee is $50 per player/$200 per team; Muligans for sale at 2/$5 (one-per side). Bring your own team or join a team there if available. We will have awards and the meal and door prizes will be given out after the tournament. All proceeds will go to the Cleveland County Children’s Home. Our vision is to help the Children’s Home of Cleveland County with the assistance of the children’s needs and placing a smile on each child’s face. For more information call Windjammers Club House (Tuesday nights & Friday nights). You can also call Brad Bowen at 704-472-8436 or Tim Biddix at 704-284-2433.
Arts On The Square
   The fifth annual “Arts on the Square” will be held April 30th from 9-4:00 on the historic Courthouse Square in Uptown Shelby. Visitors will have a chance to experience art and fine crafts for local artists. Arts and crafts will be for sale as well as being juried for cash awards. Held in the heart of Uptown Shelby, one will see works in the area of pottery, jewelry, woodworking, sculpture, and painting as well as local music. The Foothills Quilters Guild will be showing this years quilt and raffle tickets are being sold. Uptown Shelby will be a buzz of activity on this day with the start of the Foothills Farmers Market and the Broad River European Motor club car show. Bring your painting talent by the Farmer’s Market to add to the community art project. Bring the whole family out for a day of enjoying the talents of Cleveland County. The fun starts at 9am. For more information contact Buffalo Creek Gallery 704-487-0256

Gaston County Quiltmaker’s Club Quilt Show
        The Gaston County Extension & Community Association (ECA) Quiltmaker’s Club is sponsoring their bi-annual Quilt Show, April 30, 2011 from 9:00am until 4pm. The event will be held at the Citizens Resource Center located at 1303 Dallas-Cherryville Hwy. in Dallas, NC. Cost is $4.00; children 10 and under free. Parking is free. Those wishing to display their pieces should enter by Wed., April 13th at 5pm by contacting Pam 704-865-2391; Joan 704-853-0898 or Gail 704-228-9813. No entries will be accepted after April 15th.
1st Annual Broad River
European Classic Car Show
  The 1st Annual Broad River European Classic Car Show, hosted by the Broad River European Motor Club will be held on Saturday, April 30, 2011 on the square in uptown Shelby, NC. This will be a show of vintage and classic European and British cars. This event coincides with Art on the Square and Foothills Merry-Go-Round Festival. There will be a variety of activities for all members of the family to enjoy. It will be an opportunity to share and show your classic car. All European and British marks are welcome for this event. European and British motorcycles are also welcome.  A donation from the proceeds will be made to the Abuse Prevention Council.  Awards will be given for each class by popular votes. Classes to be determined based on registration. Special awards by local dignitaries will also be presented. For more information or to register online, go to website: www.broadriveremc.com or contact Tom Greene, President BREMC 704-484-3699 or email tgreene1@carolina.rr.com.

Hospice Cleveland County Events
        “Camp Mostly Smiles” – This is a one-day retreat for children ages 6 - 16 who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Participants will have the opportunity to express their grief through writing, crafts, play activities and group discussions. Professionals who are trained in grief and loss will facilitate the retreat.. Please RSVP to ext. 166 if you plan to attend. Saturday, May 7, 2011 – 9:00 am - 3:00 pm – Hospice Cleveland County Administration Building, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby.

2011 Cherryville Senior League Baseball Registration
2011 Cherryville Senior League Baseball Registration
        Sunday May 1st from 1-4 at the Cherryville Fire Department
        Saturday May 7th from 10-2 at the Cherryville Fire Department
For ages 13-16, Cost is $30, Please bring a copy of a birth certificate and proof of residency. For more information please call 980-522-7489.

CCHS Hope Team Relay For Life Benefit
       CCHS Hope Team will hold a Relay For Life Benefit on Friday, May 6, 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. at Ni Fen Wine & Tapas, 214-A S. Lafayette St., Shelby. Tickets are $15 each. There will be a buffet and live music. Contact Beth Condrey for tickets at Beth.Condrey@carolinashealthcare.org or by phone 980-487-3994.

Women of Shelby United
  A gathering of Christian women who are concerned for their families, this city, and our country will be held at Western Sizzlin on Dixon Blvd., Friday, May 6th at 6:30 PM. This is a non-denominational, interracial event calling women of Shelby to unity with an emphasis on prayer and fasting.  Micah 5:2, “Now gather yourself in troops, O daughter of troops . . .”  For more information or to confirm your plan to attend, please call Joan Bridges at 704-472-8956.
Lions Pancake Breakfast
       The Lincolnton Lions Club will be sponsoring their second annual Pancake Breakfast at Fatz Cafe, 1430 East Main Street, Lincolnton on Saturday, May 7th from 8:00 am to 10:30 am. The breakfast will include pancakes, bacon, sausage and beverage. Cost of tickets is $8.00 adults and $3.00 child plates. Dine in and take out service available. Proceeds from the Lions Pancake Breakfast will provide services to the blind/visually impaired, purchase eye exams and eyeglasses for the needy. sponsor blind children and adults to Camp Dogwooe for the Blind, and other charities.

6th Annual Foothills
JROTC Drill Championship
   The NC Foothills Detachment #1164, Marine Corps League, Shelby will host the 6th annual Foothills JROTC Drill Championships Saturday, May 7th. The event will be held on the east end of Cleveland Mall in Shelby, NC with opening ceremonies beginning at 0900. The event will feature schools for North and South Carolina representing all military branches. Competition will be held in platoon, squad, duel and individual drill including exhibition drill. This event is open to the public and every one is welcome. They will be awarding a $500 Scholarship at this years event to one cadet chosen from the participating schools, along with the trophies. Also we are seeking sponsors for this event. If interested in sponsorship more information contact Toney King, Event Coordinator, at 704-739-7051 or trgking@carolina.rr.com

Lawndale Community Yard Sale
        Join Lawndale for a Community Yard Sale on Saturday, May 7, 2011, 7:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.  at Piedmont Park, Lawndale. Rent-A-Space $10. Donated items will be accepted. Breakfast biscuits and coffee will be available. Call Tami Mosteller for more information 704-472-6709 or email Tamela_Mosteller@yahoo.com All proceeds go to Lawndale’s Historical Society proceeds go to restore Lawndale’s first firetruck.

Special Olympics Of CC Annual Spring Track And Field Day
        Special Olympics Cleveland county will hold its annual Spring Track and Field Day on Saturday, May 14, 2011 on the campus of Shelby High School. Anyone interested in volunteering needs to call Keila Parker at 704-487-9941 by March 18, 2011.

Upper Cleveland Rescue Squad BBQ
       The Upper Cleveland Rescue Squad will hold a BBQ Fundraiser on Sat., May 21, at the Squad located at 1032 W. Stagecoach Trail in Lawndale, NC from 2:00 until 7:00pm. Boston butts are $30 - and include meat, sauce, slaw & buns. Plates are $8.00 and include meat, sauce, beans, slaw, buns, dessert & drink. BBQ chicken will also be available. Tickets are on sale for chances to win: 1st place: Henry Golden Boy 22 cal. rifle or 42” LCD TV. 2nd place: LE Ruger 10-22 Bull Brl w/scope or 36” LCD TV. 3rd place: Handpainted table & rocking chair courtesy of Laughlin Furniture. 4th place: $100 in gift cards from White’s General Store. 5th place: $100 Savings Bond from First National Bank. Drawing will be May21st after the BBQ. Need not be present to win. Call 704-538-7911 for more information or for raffle tickets, leave a message if there is no answer and someone will call you back.

Eastern Star Fundraiser
       Eastern Star will hold a BBQ Chicken fundraiser at Fallston Masonic Lodge #356 on Saturday, May 21, 2011, serving from 11 am-6 pm. $7.00 plate. Eat-in or carry out. Walk-ins welcome. The menu will consist of 1/2 chicken, baked beans, cole slaw, roll, dessert and tea. This is to benefit Masonic charities.

Parking Lot Flea Market
       Back by popular demand, the Neal Senior Center is offering the Parking Lot Flea Market (outdoor market) again in 2011. There will be several events during the Spring and Fall of the year. The cost will continue to be $5 per parking space with a maximum of 3 spaces available per vendor. 
The first Parking Lot Flea Market will be held on Friday, May 27, from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm.  All interested vendors should contact Lisa Abernethy at the Council on Aging/Senior Center, by phone (704-482-3488) or email (labernethy@agingcouncil.org).   Parking spaces go quickly so don’t delay in reserving yours – the reservation deadline is May 20, 2011.

27th Annual Dixie Rodders
       The 27th Annual Dixie Rodders Car Show was held on June 4.  Presented by Dixie Rodders. Proceeds go to charities chosen by Dixie Rodders. The event will be held around the Historic Courthouse in Uptown Shelby. Pre-registration is $20.00. For more information call Phil Craft 704-487-4101, Jerry Pendleton 704-482-8883 or Ricky Dobbins 704-418-2192.

Philadelphia Community Organization
Of Lawndale, Vendors Needed
       The Philadelphia Community Organization of Lawndale (PCOL) is in the process of planning our 13th annual Juneteenth celebration which will be held at 165 Schenck Farm Rd., Lawndale, NC on June 18.  The celebration will begin with a parade at 1 p.m. (lineup 12:30 pm) and the festivities starting at 1:30 pm-4 pm. We welcome any participation from the surrounding communities. If you have a group or individual activity and would like to participate in the festivities please contact us at the numbers below. We’re also looking for assorted vendors. If you’re interested in helping us in any way please contact one of us at the numbers below. For more information please contact Donald Schenck 704-538-5544, Elijah Clark 704-538-9675 or Fannie Mauney at 704-538-3017.

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