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Neighborhood Calendar August 16, 2018

Saturday, August 18, 2018

What: Back to School Craft and Vendor Show
When: August 18
Where: Loray Mill, 300 S. Firestone St., Gastonia, NC
More Info: 20+ vendors. Encouraging shoppers to come with school supplies to donate. Supplies will be distributed to two Title I schools in poor areas of Gaston County. Accepting Vendor Applications through August 10th. For more information, contact: Michelle Huggins (704) 674-3301 - text/call; michelle@countryconceptions.com; Facebook: Pilar Michelle
Monday, August 20, 2018

What: Post-Polio Support Group Meeting
When: 6:00 pm, August 20
Where: The rear of the Life Enrichment Center off of Hwy. 18N. on Life Enrichment Drive.
More Info: Everyone attending should bring their own meal. Coffee, and water will be provided. A program will be given by N.C. Extension Agent, Nancy Abasiekong, on nutritional eating and healthy living as we get older. If you are a polio survivor and would like to attend, we would love to see you there! Feel free to bring a caregiver with you. For more information call Wanda-Greg Horne at 704-482-8807 or Dianne Garner 704-434-4928.
Sunday, August 26, 2018

What: Casar Ramblers (Gospel and Blues)
When: 2:30-3:30 pm, August 26
Where: Lawndale Museum, 119 Piedmont Drive, Lawndale, NC.
More Info: Museum Open 2:00-4:00pm
Sunday, September 12, 2018

What: Quarterly Food Giveaway
When: 8:00 am until, September 12
Where: The Goforth Building on The Cleveland County Fairgrounds from 8:00 am until the food is gone.
More Info: The Cleveland County Dept. of Social Services, The Shelby Lion's Club and The NC Dept. of Agriculture will be conducting the quarterly Free Food Giveaway. The first 100 qualifying applicants (must meet income guidelines) will receive free from the following list of commodities: apple juice; pinto/ red beans; cereal; grape juice; canned pears; canned potatoes; canned mixed vegetable. In addition while supplies last applicants will receive at least one selection of the following: frozen blueberries; frozen catfish; frozen pickerel fillets, milk; frozen turkey breast. Applicants must be residents of Cleveland County, NC and have in possession a current valid photo I.D.
Saturday, September 15, 2018

What: Burns High Class of 1978 40th Class Reunion
When: 6:00-11:00PM, September 15
Where: Deer Brook Golf Club and Restaurant, 201 Deer Brook Drive, Shelby NC.
More Info: Price $35 per person. No one admitted at the door. Payment due by August 30, 2018. Meal, dessert, tea, water and lemonade included. Social Hour 6-7, Meal 7-8:30, Entertainment: DJ Hub Rogers from 6-11, Cash Bar Available. Please contact any of the following for more info: Susan Alcide 704-473-6854; Bryan Howell 704-473- 6490; Revonda Granger 704-740-0215; Wanda Gardner 704-616-0318; Frances Ramseur 980-253-7766.
Thursday, October 11, 2018

What: Sixth Annual Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Golf Tournament
When: October 11
Where: Cleveland County
More Info: Planning for the Sixth Annual Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Golf Tournament is well underway. What is Dolly Parton's Imagination Library? Through Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, children ages 0-5 in Cleveland County, who are registered, receive one free book a month. 1792 children in Cleveland County are currently enrolled in DPIL. With help, more children in Cleveland County can receive free books. Proceeds collected from the golf tournament will benefit this special program. Individuals and teams can register for the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Golf Tournament, by contacting the Cleveland County Partnership for Children at 704-730-7666 or by sending an e-mail to angela.padgett@ccpartnershipforchildren.com. Cost: $75 Individual, $300 Team of Four. Help us inspire the love of reading to the children of Cleveland County, register to play today.

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