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Neighborhood Calendar August 25th edition
Council On Aging/Neal Senior Center
   8/25 – Dine Around - Alston’s Barbecue, 620 Grover St., Shelby, NC. Thursday, August 25th, 5:00 p.m. Sponsored by Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby – You must sign up prior to Tuesday, August 23, 2011. Any questions or need a ride, please contact the Senior Center (704) 482-3488.
   8/26 – Covered Dish –  Friday, August 26th at Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby – 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Bring your favorite dish and  join us for fun and fellowship.
   8/31 – AAPR Safe Driving Class –  Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby – 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Cost for the Class - $12.00 for AARP Members, $14.00 for non-members. For further information call the Senior Center at (704) 482-3488.
  8/26-10/15 – Medicare D Annual Election Period – October 15 through December 7 at Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby – By appointment only. Call the Senior Center at 704-482-3488 to make your appointment.
Piecemakers Quilt Guild
   “Piecemakers Quilt Guild meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10AM – 12PM at the Lincoln Co. Senior Center, Room 319, Lincoln Campus of Gaston College, 511 Aspen St., Lincolnton.  We are here to teach and encourage those interested in the art of quilting; visitors & new members are welcome.  Meetings include a business meeting, show-and-tell, and a program related to quilting.  On August 3rd, members  display Challenge quilts - do come visit us! Members also meet the third Wed. of each month 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. to work on our community projects. For information:  Judy Smith
Casar Lodge 579, 5th Annual
Golf Tournament
   Casar Lodge 579 will hold the 5th annual golf tournament at Wood Bridge golf course 1007 New Camp Creek Ch Rd on Saturday, August 27 shotgun start at 8am check in at 7am. Captains Choice four man team $200. To support the Masonic Children’s Home and Masonic and Eastern Star Home. For more information call Eric Newton at 704-692-8503.
GSCT’S Season Opener
   Greater Shelby Community Theatre invites the public to attend their FREE Season Opener on Saturday, August 27, 7 pm, at the Cleveland County Arts Council, Washington St. Refreshments and entertainment provided as GSCT unveils the 11/12 season. The ladies from “HATS, the Musical” will be the evening’s special guests.
Lincolnton Lions Club Schedules
 Fund Raiser For Saturday, August 27th
   What do brooms, mops, raffle tickets, recyclable eyeglasses, and cell phones have in common? The Lincolnton Lions Club will be selling brooms,  raffle tickets, US Flags, and kazoos on Saturday, August 27th from 7:00 a.m. until at the Super Wal-mart in Lincolnton. Costs of brooms and mops are- $4.00
children mops and children brooms; $4.00 wisk brooms, $8.00 soft sweep brooms; $9.00 household brooms; and $11.00 patio/industrial brooms. Camp Dogwood raffle tickets are $1.00 per ticket or 12 tickets for $10.00. You may win a $200 gift certificate. Grand prize winners have choice of- 2012 Jeep Liberty; 2012 Dodge RAM 2 Door Truck; 2012 Dodge Caravan; or 2012 Chrysler 200. US Flags and kazoos are $1.00 each. Proceeds from the Lions Club fund raiser will provide services to the blind/visually impaired, purchase eye exams and eyeglasses for the needy, support Camp Dogwood, and other Lions Club charities. In addition to their fund raiser, the Lions will have depository boxes for you to drop your unwanted eyeglasses, and deactivate cell phones for them to recycle. Please remember to erase all confidential information off your cell phone before donating and depositing in the Lions Club boxes.
Shelby City Park Football & Gymnastics Signups
   Football Sign Ups - Shelby City Park will hold Football Signups SIGN-UPS now thru Friday, August 26th, 8:30 A.M.–5:30 P.M.  and Saturday, August 27th from 9 AM - 1 PM. Ages: 5 & 6 years (Flag Football); 7-9 years (Pee Wee League); 10, 11,12 years   (Midget League). All ages are as of August 31, 2011.  Absolutely no 7th graders are allowed to participate in football, regardless of age. Fees are: $25.00 (If residence is inside the city limits of Shelby); $40.00 (All others). Payment is due at time of sign-up!!! Other Info: At time of registration a parent or guardian must be present. If you did not play in the league last year you must bring a copy of your birth certificate. Both new and returning players must sign-up to be eligible to play. All new players and returning players, moving up from one league to another, will enter the draft to be assigned a team. For more information call the City Park Office at 704-484-6811.   Free Football Physicals for Shelby City Park Football participants are scheduled for Monday August 29th, 2010. Visit us at www.cityofshelby.com
   Gymnastic Sign Ups - Sign ups are underway for fall Gymnastics classes at Shelby City Park.  Instruction includes balance beam, floor, tumbling, uneven bars, rings and tumble trak.  Classes are held in 6 week sessions for a fee of $60 per session and begin Sept 6.  Registration forms are available at the park or online at www.cityofshelby.com.  Call 704-538-3834 for more information and easy registration.
CRMC/Kings Mountain Hospital Volunteers
   Volunteers are valuable to Cleveland Regional Medical Center and Kings Mountain Hospital. We offer volunteer opportunities in a wide variety of areas including waiting areas, the gift shop, the information desk, Patient Registration, T.R. Harris Wellness Center, Pedi Tours, and more. Whether you are a retiree, a career professional, a homemaker, or a college student, you can volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering with Cleveland County HealthCare System, here’s your opportunity to learn more. A Volunteering in Cleveland County HealthCare System, Information Session will be held on Monday, August 29, 5:00pm - 7:00pm in the Main Lobby at Cleveland Regional Medical Center, 201 East Grover Street, Shelby, NC 28150. If you have questions, please contact Ginger Norman, Volunteer Coordinator at 980-487-3889.
South Mountains State Park Programs
        9/3 & 9/10 – “Black Bears: Majestic Creatures of the Wild”. How dangerous are black bears?  Can we coexist?  Why are black bears  so unique?  What should I do if I see a black bear?  The program will begin at 11:00 am in the Visitor Center.
       9/3 – “Birds of Prey” - Join a Park Ranger at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm and learn about some of the birds of prey found in the South Mountains. You will learn about the distinguishing characteristics of these animals, and find out why they are called birds of prey.
       9/4 – “Skulls and Skins” - Look for a Park Ranger and his interesting display of skulls and skins at the Visitor Center.  Drop by between 2:00 –3:00 and hear about some of the animals that call South Mountains State Park home.
            9/10 – “Tree ID Hike” - Join a Park Ranger for an easy 1.0 mile walk along the Hemlock Nature Trail.  Tree identification will be the focus of this hike which will begin at the Jacob Fork Parking Area at 2:00 pm.
   South Mountains State Park is located south of Morganton off of old Highway 18.  We welcome the community to join us for our monthly educational interpretive programs.  Call the park office at (828) 433- 4772 for more information.

Back To School Blast At Malcolm Brown Auditorium
   A Back To School Blast will be held on Saturday, September 3 at Malcolm Brown Auditorium in Shelby. The Back To School Blast will feature A Small Town USA Tour with “Seventh Day Slumber” featuring “Southbound Fearing and Corey Lamb. The show will start at 7:00. Doors open at 6:00. Cost is $10 at the door.
Surratt Hull, Wright, Young Family Reunion
  The Surratt, Hull, Wright and Young Families will hold a reunion on Saturday, September 3, 2011, at Holly Oak Park Old Center softball field, 1:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. For more information call Beverly Wright-Young 704-487-6353; Caroline Wright 704-600-6493; Hannah Sims 704-480-1715 or Jearlene Watkins 704-300-4992. Food, fun and fellowship.
National Alliance On Mental Illness Offer Free Course Offers Help For Families Of Mentally Ill
    A spouse is in and out of mental hospitals suffering from  Schizophrenia.  A grown child returns  home to live with his parents because manic depression (bipolar disorder), does not allow him to function in society.  A young daughter is diagnosed as suffering with major depression and another neurobiological brain disorder. Where do families turn when they are faced with the problems that come  when dealing with a close family member suffering with a mental illness on a daily basis? The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Rutherford-Cleveland is offering a FREE family education course.  This 12 week series of classes begins on Thursday, September 8, 2011  from 6:30 – 9:00 PM at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, in Shelby. The class is designed to help parents spouses, siblings, grandparents and adult  children who are dealing with the issues  of living with a loved one who has been diagnosed with one or more of these  no fault neurobiological brain disorders. To register for this class, or get a free  brochure class call Betty Frye at:  704-434-5166 or 704-583-0845.   
Pregnancy Resource Center Walk For Life
   The Pregnancy Resource Center will be having it’s annual “WALK FOR LIFE” Saturday, September 10, 2011. 9:30 am – 11:30 am Bethel Baptist Church located at 606 S. Dekalb Street, Shelby. The Walk for Life is an annual event that allows individuals, families and churches within the community to participate in the Life saving work of the Pregnancy Resource Center of Cleveland County. Funds raised help the Center provide alternatives to abortion for moms, dads and families facing crisis pregnancies in Cleveland County. The Walk for Life also reminds us that there is still work to be done in the fight for the unborn, and that everyone who participates is making a difference. For More Information Please Call 704-487-HELP (4357)
Free Ham Radio Class
   Ever think about getting your ham radio license? Well, Cleveland County Amateur Radio Service, (CCARS) a local non profit organization, is offering a free course to help you get on the air. Classes start September 10th at 7:00pm at the Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 1207 W Dixon Blvd Shelby. The course will teach you all you need to to know to pass your technician radio license exam. While there will be no charge for the class, an optional study guide will be available for a fee, or you may simply use some on-line resources that will be discussed on the night of the first class. After completion of the course, CCARS will then host a test session where you will take the actual FCC test to receive your radio license. Note( the Federal Communications Commissions requires a $15.00 fee to take the actual exam). Pre-registration is not required but will be appreciated. To pre-register or to get more information please email us at na4cc@ccarsnc.org or check out our web page at www.ccarsnc.org and click on events.
Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Education Conference
   The Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Education Conference - Sept. 15 - Flint Hill Baptist Church, Shelby, NC. This full day conference will feature a variety of speakers on topics related to caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or related dementia. Community resources will be available to answer questions and offer information. Target audience includes family caregivers, professional caregiver, faith community members and anyone interested in learning more about the disease. Cost $10 per person.
Camp Call Masonic Lodge Annual BBQ
   Camp Call Masonic Lodge will hold their Annual BBQ on Saturday, September 17, 2011, 4 pm-8pm. Cost is: Adults $10.00; Child $6.00; Under 6 FREE. Eat in or carry out.  Blue Oval Performance Club. “Cruise in for BBQ”. Proceeds go to charity. The Masonic Lodge is located at Hwy. 226 North of Shelby.
Mosses Ross Family Reunion
   The Mosses Ross Family Reunion will be held on Sunday, September 25 at 1:30. They will meet at the old fellowship building at Ross Grove Baptist Church, Ross Grove Rd., Shelby. Good ole cookout!!! Hot dogs, burgers, chicken provided. Please bring sides accordingly. We are also trying to put together a photo album, so any old and new family photos would be great. Copies are fine. Don’t forget lawn chair if you have one. Come and plan on a great day. Contact Darla Ross Wyatt, 704-477-0750, ycul@att.net or Laurie Huss, 704-482-3401, hussputt@yahoo.com
Hospice Cleveland County Events
    Golf Ball Drop - Saturday, October 15- 1:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Shelby City Park, 850 W. Sumter St., Shelby.  Activities include: Carrousel and train rides starting at 1 p.m. Skip Warrick Ribs pick-up at 2 p.m.-6 p.m. (pre-order online); Corn-hole Tournament @ 2 p.m. (applications online); Golf Ball Drop @ 6:30 p.m. for a chance to win $2,000. Balls are $50 each and can be purchased at Hospice Cleveland County Administration Building. Music, food and prize drops will be available throughout the day. For event information, call our visit our website: www.hospicecares.cc. 704-487-4677.
   Rib Sale - Saturday, October 15, 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Ribs by Skip Warrick. Pick up is at Shelby City Park. $20 per rack by order only while supplies last! Order options: Hot and now or Vacuum sealed and frozen. To order call 704-487-0800 ext. 175. $250 Event Sponsor: Get 4 racks of ribs and a business listing on Hospice event banner. $150 In Honor or Memory of: Get 3 racks of ribs and list the name of a loved one on Hospice banner. Deadline for sponsorship is Monday, October 3.

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