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Neighborhood Calendar August 8th Edition
Piecemakers Quilt Guild
        Piecemakers Quilt Guild meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10:00am to 12:00pm at the Lincoln County Senior Center, Lincoln Campus of Gaston College, 511 Aspen Street, Lincolnton, NC, in room 319. We are here to teach and encourage those interested in the art of quilting. Visitors and new members are welcome. We also have a new class that meets on the second Thursday of each month from 10:00am to 3:00pm to provide one to one instruction to beginning quilters.    Contact Linda at 704-483-2778 for more information on this class.
Council on Aging/Neal Senior Center
        “Bingo” - At Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby, NC. Each Monday Night (except holidays). Doors open at 5:30 (no admittance after 7:00pm). Jackpot up to $500.00 – Public invited 12 years old and up.
        “Annual Birthday Party Social” - For Seniors 55 & Better, Sponsored by: Gentiva Home Health of Shelby. Thursday, August 8, 1:30pm. There is no fee to attend - You must register by calling the Senior Center at 704-482-3488.
    Solid Rock Community Garden in Lawndale
        If you enjoy gardening and want to help provide nutritious food for our neighbors - please join us at the garden on Monday evenings 6:30pm through the growing season. The garden is located on the grounds of the Upper Cleveland Rescue Squad in Lawndale. For information email solidrockgarden@gmail.com or call 704-473-4722.
Singles of Faith
        Christian singles of all ages are invited to attend the monthly Singles of Faith Bible Study, with discussion, at the Ruby Hunt YMCA Library, on Patrick Avenue in Boiling Springs, NC, on the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m.. Questions? Call Dianne at 704-692-0413.
South Mountains State Park
  South Mountains State Park, 3001 South Mountains Park Avenue, Connelly Springs, NC will have these Upcoming Environmental Programs:
        Hey Kids! Join a Park Ranger this summer to learn all sorts of fun stuff about water critters, trees, animals, and fish just to name a few. Programs will be offered from thru August 15. The same program will be offered twice a week every Tuesday at 11:00 am and Thursday at 2:00 pm. See below for program schedule and descriptions for June & July:
        August 8: “Masked Bandits”. Fact or Fiction: Do raccoons wash their food? Find out the answer to this and much more about those furry little “masked bandits” at South Mountains State Park. Meet Ranger Amanda at the Visitor Center to learn a few myths and legends as well as fun facts about raccoons.
        August 13, 15 : “Bats”. Are bats blind? Do they fly into your hair?  Do they turn into vampires? Join a Park Ranger at the Visitor Center to learn some Bat facts and have an opportunity to view some Bats.
        South Mountains State Park is located south of Morganton off of old Highway 18. The community is welcome to join them for their monthly educational interpretive programs. Call the park office at (828) 433-4772 for more information.
Hospice Cleveland County
         Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC, 704-751-3573. Calendar of Events:
        “Reflections” Sharing Group - This grief sharing group meets for six weeks. No cost and open to anyone who has lost a loved one. If you plan to attend one of our groups, please make every effort to attend all six sessions. Please RSVP to ext. 163 if you plan to attend. Tuesday Evenings: August 13 20, 27; 5:30pm - 7:00pm, Hospice Cleveland County Administration Building.
Shelby City Park
        Shelby City Park is offering gymnastics classes this summer. Classes will meet Monday through Thursday with four weeks available: August 3-8. There is a $40 fee per week. Registration forms are posted on the City of Shelby website and also at City Park. Contact Dot at 704-538-3834 or dotjh@bellsouth.net for more information.
ResCare HomeCare Sponsors Event
   ResCare HomeCare, 615 South Dekalb, St., Shelby, NC, Presents: “Your Life, Your Money, You Think!”, Thursday, August 8, 6:00pm., 110 Life Enrichment Blvd., Shelby, NC. Become aware of the laws for Elder Care, Estate Laws, LongTerm Care, and laws for asset disposal. Attorney Katherine Haen. Learning the value of long-term care benefits and insurance: John Cabiness, Financial Advisor. Chronic digestive disorders in the elderly (IBS and GERD) Dr. William Caddick,  Carolina Live and digestive disease specialist. Fall prevention in the elderly, Allison Ledford, PT, Gentiva Home Health. Home Care services, keeping your in your home, place is the best way, Donna Bowen, RN, CGCM, Branch Manager of Shelby and Gastonia ResCare HomeCare. Light refreshments served. 704-487-5020.
Captain’s Choice Golf Tournament, Shelby
   Richie’s Body Shop is putting together the “Captain’s Choice Golf Tournament” to benefit Markie’s Heartlight, August 10. Tee off time 3:00pm, at Deer Brook Golf Club, 210 Deer Brook Drive, Shelby, NC. Entry fee: $240 per 4 man team (includes green fee and cart). Entry forms need to be received by August 1. Contact Jerry Arrowood, 704-692-2248 cell; 704-484-9580. This benefit will help the Boris Family pay for medical bills for their 14 year old son Markie, who attends Crest Middle School. Markie was born with 6 congenial heart defects and has undergone prior treatments, and is now preparing to go to Boston Children’s Hospital for a procedure to replace the mitral valve in his heart so it can be adjusted later in his life without further open heart surgery.
Benefit Food Sale, Shelby
   Letcher Brown Jr. Benefit Food Sale at Magnolia Center, 515 Lineberger Street, Shelby, NC, Saturday, August 10, 11:00am. Fish Plates, $7 (fish, baked beans, slaw, bread & drink); Hot dog Plates, $5 (2 hot dogs, baked beans, chips & drink); Homemade desserts also available for sale. To place orders call; we will deliver for orders of 5 plates or more. Vickie - 704-308-6065, Gwen - 704-466-4650, Denise - 704-472-7876.
Butts for Humanity
   Ascension Insurance Agency, a local Cleveland County agent for 70 years, is building a Habitat House and we need your help!  Our own Commercial Agent, Debbie Davis along with her husband and our client, Chip Davis and their Award Winning BBQ Team, Kings Cooking are cooking Boston BUTTS for sale on Saturday, August 31, 2013 with pickup from 9:00-11:00am at Kings BBQ, 2075 Adair Drive in Shelby. We can take your order by phone at 704-543-5236 or at our office located at 221 N Lafayette St. The butts provide 8 lbs of meat and come with your choice of slaw and sauce, all for only $40, with 100% of the profits going to Our Towns Habitat for Humanity. Payment is accepted at the time of your order via check, cash or credit card and should be placed on or before Monday, August 12. For more information, please visit www.theHouseThatAscensionBuilt.com.
Cleveland County  Bloodmobiles
        08/13/13 @ First Baptist Church - 403 Cleveland Ave., Grover, NC. 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm.
        08/20/13 @ Shelby Presbyterian Church - 226 E. Graham St., Shelby, NC. 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm.
        08/21/13 @ Cleveland Community College - 137 S. Post Rd., Shelby, NC. 11:00 pm and 3:30 pm.
        08/27/13 @ Central UMC - 200 E. Marion St., Shelby, NC. 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm.
Cleveland-Rutherford Kidney Association
   Cleveland-Rutherford Kidney Association, 1017 N. Washington Street, Shelby, will be having “Gift of Life Summer Fest”, August 17. Yard sale, 7:00am - 3:00pm; Jailathon, 9:00am - 3:00pm; Hot dog sale, 11:00am - 3:00pm, $5 includes 2 hot dogs, chips, & drink. CRKA would like to ask for donations of household goods, toys, books, etc. to be sold in the yard sale. They have an abundance of clothing but if the clothing has been gently worn and cared for, it is acceptable. Donations may be dropped off at the CRKA office, 1017 N. Washington, Shelby, Monday through Friday. Call 704-481-9535 before dropping off donations to insure someone is on the premises. Email Michelle Ledford Hoyle, CRKA Director, at michellecrka@ad.com, or call Kay Ward, 704-484-2513, for donation information.
New Night Classes Offered “Extension Master Gardener”
   NC Cooperative Extension, Cleveland County Center, 130 S. Post Road, Suite 1, Shelby, NC will offer new night classes to become a NC Cooperative Extension Master Gardener. The Extension Master Gardener program is an educational program designed to enhance public education in consumer horticulture. It provides educational assistance to the citizens of the county concerning lawns, fruits, vegetables, trees, and ornamentals through the utilization of a trained and supervised volunteer staff. Under the guidance and support of Extension agents, selected residents of a county enter a specially designed training program in horticulture. Participants in the program must complete the training program, pass an examination, and volunteer a minimum of 40 hours per year (20 hours in subsequent years) through the local Cooperative Extension Center. If you would like to become an Extension Master Gardener, you will need to give Julie Flowers a call @704-482-4365 or 704-922-2104 to find out how to apply.  2013 Class Dates (6:00pm - 8:00pm  Monday and Thursday evenings): September 9,12,16,19,23,26,30; October 3,7,10,14,17,21,24,28,31; November 4,7,11,14. Cost for class and comprehensive manual is $105.00. Applications due by August 19.
Cleveland County Post-Polio Support Group
   The Cleveland County Post-Polio Support Group will hold the August meeting at the Mayflower Restaurant on Monday, August 19, at 6:00 in the evening. The restaurant is located on Hwy 74 East in Shelby. Our August program will be presented by Cathy Marshall, a member of the support group. She will share her story of surviving polio. If you are a polio survivor, please pass this message to anyone you know who is a survivor. For information you may call Jane Walker at 704-692-6249.
Life Enrichment Center Adult Day Care & Health Service, Shelby
   “What is a living will? What is a health care power of attorney?” Who needs what? Rev. Len Byers will discuss the various documents that help people take charge of their own decisions as they face medical emergencies at a meeting at the Life Enrichment Adult Day Service in Shelby. He will discuss whether a person should have a health care power of attorney, a durable power of attorney and a living will. He will explain the Do Not Resuscitate form and what it is used for. The meeting will be held Tuesday, Aug. 20, from 5:30 to 7:00p.m. A free sitter service is available for persons with dementia during the meeting, but a reservation must be made by Aug. 13  for the sitter service by calling 704-484-0405. For more information about Life Enrichment or the meeting, call Linda at 704-484-0405.
Casar Masonic Lodge 7th Annual Golf Tournament
   Casar Masonic Lodge will sponsor its 7th Annual Golf Tournament Captains Choice, August 24, 8:00am, check in at 7:00am. Shotgun start. At Pine Mountain Golf Course, 2961 Pine Mountain Drive, Connelly Springs, NC 28612, to support the Masonic Children’s Home and Masonic and Eastern Star Home. Four Man Team, $200 per team entry fee. Prizes: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, longest drive, and longest putt, closets to hole (Par 3s). Free golf towels to the First 48 Entrants. Mulligan’s & Tee Busters $5 per member. Lunch provided. All USGA Rules apply, exception you may improve your lie one club length through the green. Contact: Eric Newton, 704-692-8503; Kenny Warlick, 704-538-5588; Marty Gee, 704-472-2386. Tee-Box Sponsors $100 each.
Hospice Cleveland County Has Immediate Needs
   Hospice has immediate needs:  Small adult pull-ups, home fire extinguishers, Boost and nutritional drinks - all flavors. Cups: Styrofoam or plastic: 16 oz, 12 oz. Salt, pepper, seasoned salt, cooking oil, Maxwell House coffee, coffee filters, liquid or bar soap. If you wish to send a donation write check to: Hospice Cleveland County; to my attention and I will send you a receipt; call me and I’ll pick up the donation or you can bring the donation or items requested to our administrative office in Shelby. Again, thank you for your on-going Hospice support. Sharon Martin, 704-751-3591, Coordinator of Community Outreach.

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