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Neighborhood Calendar February 2nd Edition
Piecemakers Quilt Guild
        Piecemakers Quilt Guild meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10:00am to 12:00pm at the Lincoln County Senior Center, Lincoln Campus of Gaston College, 511 Aspen Street, Lincolnton, NC, in room 319. We are here to teach and encourage those interested in the art of quilting. Visitors and new members are welcome.
        We also have a new class that meets on the second Thursday of each month from 10:00am to 3:00pm to provide one to one instruction to beginning quilters. Contact Linda at 704-483-2778 for more information on this class.
        The February 6th meeting will feature Robin Dorrier giving a trunk show. Please come and fellowship with us. Contact Tony Darr, Publicity, for information at 704-992-2871 or ldarrnc@aol.com.
Kings Mountain Historical Museum
        Kings Mountain Historical Museum is open Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00am - 4:00pm, and Sunday, 1:00pm - 4:00pm. The cost of admission is free, however donations are appreciated. All donations go towards supporting the museum’s mission of informing the public of the history of the City of Kings Mountain and surrounding areas by preserving and exhibiting the 19th and early 20th century collection.
Kiwanis Club, Shelby
        Kiwanis Club of Shelby meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at noon at Deer Brook Restaurant, 201 Deer Brook Drive, Shelby. 704-482-4419. Membership dues are $110 per quarter which includes meals and dues.
South Mountains State Park, Connelly Springs
        South Mountains State Park Environmental Programs:
        Saturday, February 9, 16 -  “Wintergreen Hike”: Enjoy a leisurely walk along the Hemlock Nature Trail, and learn about some of the many plant species that stay green all year long. Meet at the Jacob Fork Parking Area at 11:00 am.
        Saturday, February 9 - “Skins and Skulls”: Come learn about the many mammals found at South Mountains State Park. Participants will learn what these mammals eat, where they live, etc. Meet Ranger Rogers at 2:00 pm at the Visitor Center.
        Sunday, February 10 & Saturday February 16 - “Sssnakes”: Learn about the many snake species that are found in our area. Learn which ones are poisonous and which are not.  Program to be held at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm.
        Sunday, February 17 & Saturday, February 23 -  “Black Bears: Majestic Creatures of the Wild”. How dangerous are black bears?  Can we coexist?  Why are black bears so unique?  What should I do if I see a black bear?  The program will begin at 2:00 pm in the Visitor Center.
        Saturday, February 23 - “Where Am I?  How to Use a Map and Compass”. Join a Park Ranger to learn the fundamentals of map reading, identification of land features, and compass use.  If you have a compass bring it and come prepared to test your skills in the field.  Meet at the Jacob Fork parking area at 11:00 am.
        Sunday, February 24 - “Bats”: Are bats blind?  Do they fly into your hair?  Do they turn into vampires?  Join a Park Ranger at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm to learn some Bat facts and have an opportunity to view some Bats.
        South Mountains State Park is located south of Morganton off of old Highway 18. We welcome the community to join us for our monthly educational interpretive programs. Call the park office at (828) 433-4772 for more information.
Cleveland County Memorial Library, Shelby
        Cleveland County Memorial Library, 104 Howie Drive, Shelby, Youth Services Office, January 2013 Events and Programs:
        Weekly Story Stop and Stay and Play programs for ages 0-5 years old, are held Tuesdays beginning at 10:30am. The Stay and Play is held immediately following the Story Stop. Families are welcome to check out books, register for programs and use library resources at 10:00am; with Story Stop beginning at 10:30am Story Stop and the Stay and Play program are a cooperative effort by Cleveland County Memorial Library and The Cleveland County Partnership for Children; to encourage children and their families to read and to prepare for kindergarten. Please call CCML at 704-487-9069, ext. 233 or Cleveland County Partnership for Children at 704-692-1189 for further information.
        “Duo Dames”, started January 10 - March 14,  and features the work of artists and friends, Pat Edwards and Terrie Melton. Pat and Terrie met in the early 1990s when both were members of Cleveland County Working Artists Guild. They became instant friends through their mutual love of the arts. Both women were primarily working with watercolor when introduced to collage by Kings Mountain artist, AB Snow. They later attended several Springmaid Watercolor workshops where they learned new techniques using art tissue, Oriental rice papers, and other found materials applied to canvas or other bases. Pat and Terrie share a studio at Buffalo Creek Gallery where they are charter members.  While they use the same materials and paints, their works are as individual as they are.
Hospice Cleveland County Events for February        Hospice Cleveland County, Hospice Cleveland County Administration Building, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, will be holding the upcoming events: 704-487-4677.
        “Reflections” Sharing Group - This grief sharing group meets for six weeks. No cost and open to anyone who has lost a loved one. If you plan to attend one of our groups, please make every effort to attend all six sessions. Please RSVP to 704-487-4677 ext. 166 if you plan to attend. Tuesday Mornings: February 12, 19, 11:30am - 1:00pm. Monday Evenings: February 11, 18, 5:30pm - 7:00pm, Hospice Cleveland County Administration Building.
        “Memory Bear Workshop” - Participants will have the opportunity to make a teddy bear out of a loved one’s shirt or other article of clothing. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult. Please RSVP to 704-487-4677 ext. 166 if you plan to attend. Tuesday, March 19, 9:00am - Noon or 4:00pm - 7:00pm, Hospice Cleveland County Administration Building.
    The Greater Cleveland County Soccer Association Recreation League, Shelby
        The Greater Cleveland County Soccer Association is accepting registrations for the Spring Recreation season. The GCCSA recreation league is open to boys and girls age 4-18 (Players must be four years old by 8/01/08). Registration can be completed online by visiting www.gccsasoccer.com, click on the registration link and follow the prompts or registration can be completed by downloading the registration form online and mailing in. Registration for the league is $50 and the deadline to register is January 28. Practices will begin February 11 and the season runs through May 5. The GCCSA is also seeking persons interested in being volunteer coaches. Those interested in coaching should contact Bradley Morrison our DOC via email at bmorrison@gccsasoccer.com. The GCCSA is a member of North Carolina Youth Soccer Association (NCYSA) and US Youth Soccer Association. The GCCSA offers recreation, Academy, Challenge and Classic soccer and has been serving the area since 1986. For more information visit the website www.gccsasoccer.com or call 704-482-4885.
Council on Aging/Neal Senior Center
        The Council on Aging/Neal Senior Center will once again provide free, tax preparation service at the Council on Aging/Senior Center 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby, February 5 - April 15, 9:00am - 4:00pm; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Call 704-482-3488 to schedule an appointment. Services Offered: 1. Free income tax preparation 2. Free printing (client copy) 3. Free e-filing (government copy). For basic U.S. and N.C. /S.C. returns: These documents are required to complete your taxes: 1. A picture I.D. 2. Social Security Card for all names on tax form (Not a copy) 3. Last year’s Tax Return 4. All W-2 forms – interest statements…etc.
        “Bingo” - At Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby, NC. Each Monday Night (except holidays). Doors open at 5:30 (no admittance after 7:00pm). Jackpot up to $500.00 – Public invited 12 years old and up.
        A Parkinson Support Group Meeting will be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the Neal Sr. Center, 100 Harris Dr., Shelby. Sgl. Doug Murphy 704-487-8822.
        “Blood Sugar Screening and Blood Pressure Screening”, at the Center, Thursday, February 7 & 21. Blood Sugar & Blood Pressure 8:00am - 10:00am.
        “Mini Seminar - Heart Healthy Seminar at the Center, Thursday, February 14, 10:00 am. April Leonard, RN of Healthy @ Home will be presenting the program.  Please call 704-482-3488 to register.
        ”Monthly Covered Dish”, at the Center, Friday, February 15, 11:30am - 1:00pm. Please bring your favorite dish and join us for great food, fun and fellowship.
        “Mini Seminar - Medication Safety Seminar”, Thursday, February 28, 10:00am, at Council on Aging, 100 T.R. Harris Dr., Shelby. Cleveland County’s Sheriff’s Office will be conducting an informative presentation for seniors on prescription medication diversion, safety and proper disposal. Please call 704-482-3488 to register.
Life Enrichment Center Adult Day Care & Health
        Does someone you love have dementia? Learn from the expert February 19.  Videos of specific situations in caring for someone with dementia will be the emphasis for the next regular family caregiver meeting at the Life Enrichment Center Adult Day Service in Shelby Tuesday, February 19 from 5:30 to 7:00pm. Expert Teepa Snow has a series of videos, which we will use to answer concerns from those who attend. Learning how to deal with difficult situations helps the person with dementia and those who care for him or her. The meeting is free of charge and open to anyone. There will be a sitter service for the person with dementia but a reservation must be made by February 12 by calling 704-484-0405. To get more information, call Linda at 704-484-0405 or email: linda@lifeenrichmentcenter.org
        February 26 -  “Finding Hope in Dealing with Chronic Illness” will be the topic for this meeting at the Life Enrichment Adult Day Service in Shelby. Dr. John Billinsky will present the program for anyone diagnosed with a life-altering illness such as Parkinson’s, stroke, accidents, Crohn’s, etc. The meeting is free of charge and open to anyone, either the person with the illness or injury and/or the care partner, whether spouse, parent, sibling, professional. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. and end by 7:30. For more information, call Linda at Life Enrichment, 704-484-0405.
     Life Enrichment is located at 110 Life Enrichment Blvd. in Shelby, just off Highway 18 north between Cornerstone Dental Associates and Teddy and Meekins Law Office. Handicapped parking is in the rear of the building near the meeting room.
Cleveland County February Blood Drives
        Friday, February 8 - 3:00pm - 7:00pm, Walls Memorial Baptist, 2223 Elizabeth Avenue, Shelby.
        Tuesday, February 12 - 3:00pm - 7:00pm, Grover First Baptist, 403 Cleveland Ave, Grover.
        Wednesday, February 13 - 11:00am - 3:30pm, Cleveland Community College, 137 South Post Road, Shelby.
        Sunday, February 17 - 11:00am - 3:00pm, Beaver Dam Baptist, 123 Beaver Dam Church Road, Shelby.
        Tuesday, February 19 - 2:00pm - 6:00pm, Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham Street, Shelby.
        Tuesday, February 19 - 2:00pm - 6:30pm, First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette Street, Shelby.
        Wednesday, February 20 - 8:15am - 12:45pm, Burns High School, 307 East Stage Coach Trail, Lawndale.
        Tuesday, February 26 - 2:30pm-6:30pm, Central UMC, 200 East Marion Street, Shelby.
        Wednesday, February 27 - 10:00am - 2:30pm, City of Shelby Utilities, 824 W Grover Street, Shelby.
Kings Mountain High School Baseball Program
        The Baseball Program at Kings Mountain High School is looking for alumni to play in the 2013 Alumni Baseball Game. On Saturday April 6, the Kings Mountain High School Baseball will hold its 2nd annual Baseball Alumni Game at the Lancaster Field, Kings Mountain High School. This year’s game will be dedicated to the memory of Coach Tony Leigh. The game will start at 6:00pm and batting practice at 4:00pm. The Home Run Derby will start at 5:15. Any former baseball player wanting to play, call Drew Fulton at 704-860-4068 or visit www.kmbaseball.com for information. Player’s fee: $40.00. All proceeds to benefit the Baseball Program of Kings Mountain High School.

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