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Neighborhood Calendar Jan 10, 2019

Sunday, January 13, 2019
What: Broad River Genealogical Society General Meeting - "The Farmer's Wife: Kathryn Hamrick"
When: 3:00 pm, January 13
Where: American Legion Post #82, 1628 S. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC
More Info: Kathryn will share some stories about her family over the years, mostly based on her family's experiences on a Cleveland County dairy farm. She will also share ideas on recording our own stories for your family...How to tell your own stories...Open to all persons interested in local history and family lineages. Broad River Genealogical Society, 1145 County Home Rd., Shelby, NC. Email: brgs1145@gmail.com.
Monday, January 21, 2019
What: Town of Waco Monthly Meeting
When: 7:00 pm, January 21
Where: Waco Town Hall
What: Post-Polio Support Group Meeting
When: 6:00 pm, January 21
Where: The home of Greg and Wanda Horne, 1180 Scenic Dr., Shelby, NC.
More Info: Light refreshments will be served! If you are a polio survivor and would like to attend, we would love to see you there! Feel free to bring a caregiver with you. For more information call Wanda-Greg Horne at 704-482-8807 or Dianne Garner 704-434-4928.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
What: Relay for Life Fundraiser "Team Ollie"
When: 5:00-8:30 pm, January 22
Where: Toscano's Bistro, 5 E. Marion St., Shelby, NC
More Info: Come out and join us for a wonderful dinner. Proceeds to benefit Team Ollie and the American Cancer Society.
Monday, March 18, 2019
What: Cleveland County Schools Preschool Screening for the 2019-2020 classes
When: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm, March 18-22 (No make-up screening will be offered.)
Where: Office of School Readiness, 308 W. Marion Street Building B, Shelby, NC (location of old Shelby Middle School, small building near tennis courts. Parking is in back)
More Info: The Screening will be for children who live in Cleveland County and will be 4 years old by August 31, 2019. For more information or to schedule a screening appointment, please call 704-476-8064 between the hours of 8:30 am - 3:00 pm. Appointments will be made until all are booked. No appointments will be made after February 22, 2019. Screening provided by appointment only.

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