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Neighborhood Calendar Jan 30, 2014
Relay for Life Cleveland County, Shelby
        Cupid Dash 5K Run-Walk, February 8, 8:00am. Begins/ends Shelby City Park Carousel, Dorton St., Shelby, NC. $25 Entrance Fee. $10 Child Registration (10 and under). Late registration $30 run/walk, Chip Timing Benefiting Relay for Life. Online registration below or pick up forms at Cleveland County Clerk’s Office. Deadline: January 14. Packets available for pick up February 6, 1:00-4:00 or pick up on race day. Wear your best Valentine attire. www.queencitytiming.com.
        County Team Captain Meetings - Tuesday, February 11, 6:00pm; Tuesday, March 11, 6:00pm; and Tuesday, April 8, 6:00pm. All meetings will be held at Landmark Baptist Church Family Life Center.
        Other Dates to Remember: April 17: Kick-Off- 20th Annniversary, 5:00pm til 7:00pm, Uptown Shelby Courtsquare. May 8: Survivors Reception, Elizabeth Baptist Church. May 12-13: Bank Day, 3:00pm til 7:00pm, Fairgrounds/Goforth Hall. 20th ANNIVERSARY, May 16-17, 6:00pm til 9:00am, Fairgrounds. Post Bank Night, June 3, 5:00pm til 7:00pm, Landmark Baptist Church. RFL Celebration/Wrap-Up, June 24, 6:00pm, Landmark Baptist Church.
American Red Cross
        January 30 - Gardner Webb University, 110 South Main St., Boiling Springs, NC, 10:30am - 4:00pm.
        February 6 - Landmark Baptist Church, 1724 East Dixon Blvd., Shelby, NC, 3:00pm - 7:30pm.
        February 11 - First Baptist Church, 403 Cleveland Ave., Grover, NC, 3:00pm - 7:30pm.
        February 12 - Cleveland Community College, 137 S. Post Ave., Shelby, NC, 11:00am - 3:30pm.
        February 18 - Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby, NC, 1:30pm - 6:00pm.
        February 25 - Central United Methodist Church, 200 E. Marion Street., Shelby, NC, 2:30pm - 6:30pm.
        February 26 - City of Shelby Utilities Operation Center, 824 W. Grover Street, Shelby, NC, 10:00am - 2:30pm
        February 28 - Township #3 Elementary School, 526 Davis Rd., Shelby, NC, 12:30pm - 5:30pm.
North Shelby School
        Teddy Bear’s annual BBQ Chicken Dinner at North Shelby School on January 31, 2014 from 4:00pm until 7:30pm. All proceeds go to send graduating seniors to Myrtle Beach for a senior trip. Tickets are $10 includes 1/2 chicken with baked beans, slaw, roll and dessert. The meal is offered eat in or carry out. Advance tickets can be purchased at the school by calling Carol Goforth at (704)487-9941.
Singles of Faith, Shelby
        “The Singles of Faith will have a very special February dinner meeting on Saturday, February 1, at 5:00pm in the backroom at Showmar’s Restaurant. In celebration of Valentine’s Day, following our dinner on February 1, Dan Seifert, a counselor from Belmont, NC, will be with us as our guest speaker. His topic will be “Love Words that Draw Us Closer.” Dan is a Christian single, and has done many speaking engagements for singles groups. Singles of all ages are welcome to attend.”
                        Saturday, February 1, 8, 15, 22 - “Wintergreen Hike” - Enjoy a leisurely walk along the Hemlock Nature Trail, and learn about some of the many plant species that stay green all year long.  Meet at the Jacob Fork Parking Area at 11:00 am for this easy one mile walk.
        Saturday, February 1 - “Masked Bandits” - Fact or Fiction: Do raccoons wash their food? Find out the answer to this and much more about those furry little “masked bandits” at South Mountains State Park. Meet Ranger Amanda at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm to learn a few myths and legends as well as fun facts about raccoons. All ages welcome!
        Sunday, February 2 and Saturday, February 8 - “Fire Ecology” - Join a Ranger and learn about the basics of fire ecology.  Learn how fire is used as a resource management tool in South Mountains State Park.  Meet at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm.
        Sunday, February 9 and Saturday, February 15 - “Skins and Skulls” - Come learn about the many mammals found at South Mountains State Park. Participants will learn what these mammals eat, where they live, etc. Meet Ranger Rogers at 2:00 pm at the Visitor Center.
        Sunday, February 16 and Saturday February 22 -  “Black Bears: Majestic Creatures of the Wild” How dangerous are black bears?  Can we coexist?  Why are black bears so unique?  What should I do if I see a black bear?  The program will begin at 2:00 pm in the Visitor Center.
        Sunday, February 23 - “Bats” - Are bats blind?  Do they fly into your hair?  Do they turn into vampires?  Join a Park Ranger at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm to learn some Bat facts and have an opportunity to view some Bats.
        Mountains State Park is located south of Morganton off of old Highway 18.  We welcome the community to join us for our monthly educational interpretive programs.  Call the park office at (828) 433-4772 for more information.
Parents Without Partners, Shelby
       PWP meets every Monday night at 7:00 pm. at the Shelby Presbyterian Church for educational programs and at other times as scheduled for monthly social activities including: dances, plays, and concerts. The dances are held at the American Legion from 6:30pm - 10:00pm. every 1st & 3rd Thursday night of the month.  For more information, call Connie at 704-487-1268 or Jo Ann at 704-538-9559.
Workshop - Living Health with Diabetes
        John Knox Presbyterian Church, 610 Charles Rd, Shelby, NC  will be  hosting a free six-week workshop “Living Healthy with Diabetes,  and will begin Monday evening, February 3, 5:30-8:00pm and run 6-weeks ending on March 10. Do you or an family member have Type 2 Diabetes? You can learn new ways for better control of blood sugars and ways to feel better. Participants will receive a resource manual and relaxation CD. A minimum number of participants are required in order for the workshop to be offered. Limited seating available. To register, call Nancy Abasiekong, Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Sciences at the Cleveland County Cooperative Extension Center, 704-482-4365. The workshop is funded by the Area Agency on Aging, Family Caregiver Support Program. Debbie Vaughn and Nancy Abasiekong will serve as co-facilitators for the workshop. 
Council on Aging/Neal Senior Center
        Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby, NC will have the following events in February:
        “Bingo” - Each Monday night (except holidays), at the Senior Center. Doors open at 5:30 (no admittance after 7:00pm). Jackpot up to $500. Public invited 12 years and up.
        “New Gentle Yoga Classes” - Beginning Monday and Wednesday, February 3, at the Senior Center. The cost is $5 for adults under the age of 65 and $3 for adults 65 and better. Kristen Lafleur will be the instructor.
        “Annual Winter Flea Market/Ham Biscuit Sale” - Friday, February 7, 8:00am - 2:00pm., at the Senior Center. Please call Mary Hamrick at 704-484-5493 to order your bulk orders fro ham biscuit. They will have a lot of vendors available for this event.
        “Commodity Registration” - Friday, February 10, 11, 12, 9:00-12:00 & 1:00-4:00, at the Senior Center. To register at the Council on Aging you must meet the following guidelines: Income eligibility as set by the NC Dept. of Agriculture and be 65 years of age or better. To pick-up your commodities in March at the Senior Center, you must have registered at the Council on Aging/Senior Center.
        “Medicare Fraud and Abuse Seminar” - Thursday, February 13, 10:00am, at the Senior Center. Medicare Fraud and Abuse is a serious problem. Please join, Diane Trainor, Program Specialist - NC Senior Medicare Patrol for a very informative seminar on Medicare Fraud and Abuse. To register call the Senior Center at 704-482-3488 to register (this program is free).
     “COA/Senior Center’s Valendtine Dinner and Dance Fundraiser” - Friday, February 14, at the Senior Center. Dinner at 6:00pm - Dance begins at 7:00. Music will be provided by DJ Dick Hamrick. For tickets, call Mary Hamrick, Secretary or stop by the Senior Center to purchase your ticket.
        “Reverse Mortgage Seminar” - Friday, February 20, 10:00am., at the Senior Center. Barbara Shear, Reverse Mortgage Loan Consultant with Security One Lending will be the presenter.  Please call the Senior Center to register at 704-482-3488.
        “Covered Dish” - Friday, February 21, 11:30 - 1:00, at the Senior Center. Please bring your favorite dish and join them for great food, fun and fellowship.
        “Heart Health Month” - Thursday, February 27, 10:00am - 11:00am, at the Senior Center. April Leonard, R.N. with Healthy @ Home will provide tips and share important information about keeping your heart healthy in an effort to live longer and stronger. To register, please call 704-482-3488.
        “Dine Around” - Fisherman’s Feast Seafood Restaurant, 12115 East Marion St., Thursday, February 27, 5:00pm. Call 704-483-3488 to reserve seating by or before Tuesday, February 25.
Hospice Cleveland County
        Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC, Calendar of Events for February are:
        “Reflections” Support Group - This grief sharing group meets for six weeks. No cost and open to anyone who has lost a loved one. If you plan to attend one of our groups, please make every effort to attend all six sessions. Please call ext. 162 register. Registration forms are available at HCC Administrative Offices. Wednesdays: February 5, 12, 19, 11:30am - 1:00pm, at the Hospice Cleveland County Administration Building.
        “Hearts for Hospice” - For a $1 donation, you can purchase a heart to display in your home, office, church, anywhere  you wish. There is a place for you to put “In Honor/Memory” of a loved one and a line for “From”. Hearts can be purchased at the Hospice Administration Building or by calling 704-751-3591.
WeROCC Hosts Black History Month
        In honor of Black History Month we will have Falice Pete and Earl Philips as guest speakers. The February 6th event is hosted by WeROCC. The event starts at 7:00pm at the Administration Building, 311 East Marion Street Shelby, NC, in the Commissioners Chambers. Email Kathy_cdi@Yahoo.com or call 980-230-9967 with questions.
Special Olympics Cleveland County
        Special Olympics Cleveland County will hold its annual Spring Track and Field Day Saturday, April 12, 2014 on the campus of Shelby High School. Any possible athletes interested in participating should call Pat McDonald at 704-487-9941 before Febuary 7. Athletes medicals are due on Febuary 13. Time trials due on March 27. Anyone interested in volunteering needs to call Kevin Roberts at 704-487-9941 by Febuary 13. All volunteers must be 16 years old.
Greater Shelby Community Theatre
        GSCT will present the charming, romantic musical “I Do! I Do!”.  Directed by Caroline Dedmon, the play is the touching story of two soul mates negotiating the ups and downs of a 50 year marriage, including wedding night jitters, raising a family, and mid-life crises. Performances feature Craig Davis and Laura Wheeler, two talented and experienced actors. Accompaniment is provided by pianist Katie Lucas. Productions will February 7-9 and February 14-16 in the Mildred Keeter Auditorium on the campus of Cleveland Community College. Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30pm. Sunday performances are at 2:30pm. Tickets are $10 for seniors/students and $12 for adults.  Discounted presale tickets will be available at various local outlets two weeks prior to the performances. Reserved parking will be available for season ticket holders.
        Oak Grove Fire Department, Oak Grove Road, Kings Mountain, will have a “Hot dog and Bake Sale” to benefit Cancer Patient Hazel Smith, Saturday, February 1, 10:00 - until. Contact Charlotte Cook for more information, 704-538-7333 or 704-472-6411.
        Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, 1227 Mt. Sinai Church Rd., Shelby, NC, will hold a Concert Benefit for Michelle Whitecotton, Saturday, February 22, 7:00pm. Featuring: The Chuck Wagon Gang. No admission charge. Donations/Love Offering will be taken to help cover medical expenses.
Broad River Special Events 2014
        Broad River Genealogical Society will be having  “Rock On - Rocks” Saturday, February 8, 2014 2:00 p.m. Join them for a fun afternoon in the winter woods with hands on learning about rocks found at the Greenway and in North Carolina. Meet at Phifer Cabin For more information contact Ranger Jolly at 704-434-0040 or email kduren@broadrivergreenway.com
        Presenting Award-winning author and storyteller Randell Jones who will be sharing stories, Sunday, February 9, 3:00pm, at the Neal Senior Center, 100 T R Harris Drive, Shelby, NC (park and enter meeting room at back of building). Mr. Jones is Author of “Before They Were Heroes at King’s Mountain. The Battle of Kings Mountain on October 7, 1780 was the “turning of the tide” in the American Revolution, a conflict between Americans - Whigs rebels from the backcountry against Loyalists trained as British forces. Major Patrick Ferguson’s arrogant threat stirred the passions of a people determined to live free. They marked over the Appalachians and defeated Ferguson’s army atop Little King’s Mountain. These Patriots were well experienced fighters through six years of conflicts with Shawnees, Cherokees, Chickamaugas, Scots Highlanders, Loyalist Tories, Royal grenadiers, robbers and thieves. These Patriots faced them all.
        “A Sense of Place” - Nature Journaling in winter Sunday, February 16,  2:00pm. Sharpen your observation skills in order to better understand and experience the world around you. Spend some time outdoors finding our sense of place in nature. You will be given basic journaling supplies, but feel free to bring your favorite art supplies. Meet at the Ranger Station. Contact Ranger Jolly at 704-434-0040 or email kduren@broadrivergreenway.com for more information.
        All Greenway events are rain or shine.
Habitat for Humanity Cleveland County
        Habitat for Humanity Cleveland County is now accepting applications for it’s 2014 Home Build. The applicant must be able to make house payments of $400 to $450 a month, must have a need for better housing, must live in Cleveland County, and must be willing to partner with Habitat by completing “sweat equity” on the home and by attending Homeowner Workshops. The typical Habitat home is 3 bedroom, 2 bath and approximately 1100 square feet. Applications may be picked up at the Habitat ReStore, 323 Grover Street or by calling 704-482-6200, Monday through Friday between 10:00am and  2:00pm.
New Support Group for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
       The local chapter of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) will host regular, confidential, peer-led, self-help support group meetings on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00pm at The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, Shelby. DBSA support groups are open to anyone who is diagnosed with a mood disorder, has a family member or friend who is diagnosed, or who thinks they might have depression or bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression). DBSA support groups are not run by professionals, but instead offer peer-to-peer support which is an important component of recovery from mental illness for many people. DBSA is the nation’s leading patient-directed organization focusing on the most prevalent mental illnesses - depression and bipolar disorder. The organization has over 400 independent local chapters that operate over 1000 self-help support groups around the United States. For More Info call 704-232-5147 or visit www.dbsafoothills.com.
Singles Dinner Group, Shelby
        Singles 50 and over meet for dinner the first Friday of the month at Golden Coral, Shelby at 6:00 p.m. and the third Thursday at Fishermans Feast at 5:30pm. We participate in dancing and other monthly activities. We invite new members to join us. For more info, call 704 406 9166.
Mental Health Association of Cleveland County
        Survivors of Suicide Support Group meets twice a month, with a daytime and evening meeting. The Evening Group meets the 2nd Monday of every month from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer (502 W. Sumter Street, Shelby, NC).  The Daytime Group meets the last Tuesday of every month from 11:30am - 1:30pm at the Cleveland Memorial Library (104 Howie Drive, Shelby, NC). Sponsored by the Mental Health Association in Cleveland County, this group provides a safe and confidential place for those who have experienced the unique loss of suicide to find help, healing and hope. Our group is open to those who have lost a family member, friend or co-worker to suicide. This group is not intended for those who have personally survived a suicide attempt.  For details, contact the Mental Health Association at 704-481-8637 or mha@clevelandcountymha.org.

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