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Neighborhood Calendar July 14, 2016

Veteran's Coffee and Conversation, Shelby
The Veteran's Coffee and Conversation, County Administration Building, Lane Alexander Conference Room, 311 East Marion Street, Shelby, NC, would like to invite you to join them the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 8:30 am - 10:30 am. This is open to veterans of all ages and military service. The events are an opportunity for local veterans to connect with other veterans, share stories and enjoy free coffee and treats along with good conversation. Government and nonprofit organizations that would like to provide support programs and activities for veterans are invited to attend the events to share about their programs. Please call 704-484-4803 to schedule a time for your program information. Upcoming dates: Wednesday, July 13, 2016, August 10, 2016, September 14, 2016, October 12, 2016, November 9, 2016, and December 14, 2016.
Lincoln County Public Meeting
Lincoln County will be hosting a public meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 14, 2016, at the East Lincoln Community Center to discuss future plans for Beatty's Ford Park. The purpose of this meeting is to inform the community of the proposed additions that Duke Energy will be making at the park in the coming years as part of the ongoing recreation initiatives on Lake Norman per their Federal Energy Regulatory Commission requirements. These additions include a play beach area, fishing pier and additional parking. Please join them to learn more.
Town of Waco
The Town of Waco will hold their montly meeting on Monday, July 18, 2016, at 7:00pm. Everyone is invited.
Foothills Post-Polio Support Group
The Foothills Post- Polio Support Group, formerly called the Cleveland County Post-Polio Support Group, will hold the meeting on Monday, July 18, 2016, at 6:00pm at the conference room of the Life Enrichment Center of Shelby. The conference room is located at the back of the building. The center is located off Hwy 18 North on Life Enrichment Blvd, just north of Cornerstone Dentistry. Linda Cabiness will present the program about dementia and what we can do to help prevent it. Each person attending should bring his/her own meal. Drinks- coffee and water - will be provided. If you are a polio survivor and would like to attend, we would love to see you there! Feel free to bring a caregiver with you. For more information you may call Wanda-Greg Horne at 704-482-8807 or Dianne Garner 704-434-4928.
Hospice Cleveland County
Calendar Events for Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC:
Memory Bear & Pillows Workshop Participants will have the opportunity to make a teddy bear or pillow out of a loved one's shirt or other article of clothing. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult. Free and open to the public. Space is limited. Please call one of our Grief Counselors at 704-487-4677 to reserve your space. Third Tuesday of each month, alternating locations. Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 9:00am - Noon or 4:00pm - 7:00pm, Hospice Administration Building and Tuesday, August 16, 2016, 9:00am - Noon or 4:00pm - 7:00pm, Testa Family Hospice House. Volunteer sewers needed. If you have a sewing machine or can operate one give them a call.
Christmas in July. Participants will have the opportunity to make Christmas ornaments in memory of a loved one who has died. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult. Please call one of the Grief Counselors at 704-487-4677 to register. Monday, July 25, 2016, 1:00pm - 3:00pm, Hospice Cleveland County Admin. Bldg. or Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 5:00pm - 7:00pm, Testa Family Hospice House, 321 Kings Mountain Blvd., Kings Mountain, NC.
"Let's Lunch" for Bereaved Veterans' Spouses. This is a monthly social sharing group for those whose spouse was a Veteran. This group meets the last Friday of the month at 11:30am for a "dutch-treat" lunch at a local restaurant. The first group will meet on July 29, 2016 at Ken and Mary's Restaurant (1628 S. Dekalb St., Shelby, NC), and lunch prices range from $4 - $7. To RSVP or for more information, contact Lynn Thomas at 704-487-4677, ext. 115.
Shelby High School Class of 1955
Shelby High School Class of 1955 will have a monthly get together on the second Friday of each month at Ichiban's Buffet on East Dixon Blvd. in Shelby, NC. All classmates and guests are welcome to join us for food and fellowship. Mark your calendar for Friday, July 8, 2016 at 11:30am.
Solid Rock Garden
Solid Rock Garden - Work evening, Thursday, Thursday, July 21, 2016, starting at 5:30pm. A community garden on the grounds of the Upper Cleveland Rescue Squad (1032 W. Stage Coach Trail, Lawndale, NC 28090). People are invited to grow food for themselves and local food pantry. We are trying to take back the space from overgrown grass & weeds! The garden needs quite a bit of attention/love and all help is appreciated! Bring gardening tools, gloves and tillers. Water and snacks provided. All skill levels are welcome! For more info email: solidrockgarden@gmail.com.
Shelby Lions Club
The Shelby Lions Club will be holding their 5th Annual Golf Event Friday, August 26, 2016. 1:30pm Shotgun start, River Bend YMCA Golf Club, Shelby, NC. Details: 4 Person Captain's Choice, 1:00pm registration, $240/team ($60/person). Team prizes: Team prizes awarded; Individual prices: Closest to the Pin Longest Drive; Raffle prizes. Mulligan Package: $10 per golfer at the event. Includes 2 Mulligan's (1 for front 9, 1 for back 9) Men: 1 Forward Tee, Ladies: 1 Free Throw. Proceeds benefit Cleveland County Hearing and Sight Conservation needs and Cleveland County High Schools Scholarship fund.
The Shelby Lions Club reports it gave out 132,935 pounds of food, valued at $104,843 during the quarterly commodity food distribution. The items arrived at Cleveland County Fairgrounds in four tractor trailer trucks on June 13, 2016, and the Lions and community volunteers distributed them for three days. In all, food was given to 6,574 people representing 2,888 families. The next food distribution will be in September.
Shelby Seniors Singles 50 and Over
The Shelby Seniors Singles 50 and Over would like you to join them on the 3rd Thursday of the month at Showmars, at 5:00pm, and alternate restaurants for dinner the first Friday of the month. Go see what they are all about as many have found lifelong companions and lasting friendships.For info, please call 704 756 0551.
Crest High School Class of 1976
Crest High Class of 1976 will hold their 40th Reunion, on Saturday, September 24, 2016. Contact Susan Russ Brooks at 704-487-1110 or email at nursebrooks15@yahoo.com.
Shelby High School Class of 1971
Any class member of Shelby High School Class of 1971 that has not received information or registration forms about the 45th reunion please contact Lem Rachels at Lem's Auto & Motor Sports, 704-484-3451, Cindy Roberts at shsclassof1971reunion@gmail.com or Lamar Walker at lamar@wsge.org for all the up to date details and remember to save the dates of October 21-22, 2016. This is the Big One!

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