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Neighborhood Calendar July 19, 2018

Thursday, July 19, 2018

What: The Library Rocks for Summer Reading
When: July 19-26
Where: Cleveland County Memorial Library, 104 Howie Dr., Shelby
More Info: July 19: Breakout EDU program for teens (1:30-2:30pm). Use technology and your puzzle-solving skills to solve the problem and unlock the mysterious box. July 23: Craft Night program for adults (6:00-7:00pm). Sit back and relax as we show you how to up your self-care game by creating your own, personalized bath salts! July 24: KidSenses Supersonic Light Speed program for school age children (1:30-2:30pm). KidSenses is back at CCML for another afternoon of science fun as we learn all about sound and light. July 25: Library Rocks with Music preschool story-time program (10:30-11am). Hear a story and then get up and move to the music! July 26: Ice Cream Social for teens (1:30-2:30pm). Come in and cool off with some ice cream! There is no need to register to attend, and all events are free and open to the public. For more information about Summer Reading, call the library at (704) 487-9069, or visit our Facebook page by searching for @ClevelandCountyLibrarySystem.
Saturday, July 21, 2018

What: Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
When: 8:00am - 10:00am, July 21
Where: Fatz of Shelby, NC
More Info: Adults $10 Children $6. Proceeds to benefit Kairos Outside of Western NC.
What: Lost Playwrights Meeting
When: 2:00-4:00pm, July 21
Where: Kaplan Auditorium, Henderson County Library, 301 North Washington Street, Hendersonville, NC.
More Info: Any persons interested in any aspect of theatre or creative writing are encouraged to attend. There are not dues.
What: Alzheimer's Association Education Program "Navigating a Dementia Diagnosis"
When: 9:00am - noon, July 21
Where: Southminster Retirement Community, 8919 Park Road, Charlotte, NC
More Info: The 3-hour session is free. Includes a light breakfast. Open to individuals with a recent diagnosis and/or in the early stages of Alzheimer's and related dementia diseases, their families and care-partners, and anyone interested in learning more about planning and resources and services that are available. Registration is strongly suggested to ensure space for all attendees. To register, visit tinyurl.com/NavigatingDementiaCLT or call 1-800-272-3900.
Saturday, July 22, 2018

What: Program of Music with Corey Brackett and Jessie Towery
When: 2:00-4:00pm, July 22
Where: Lawndale Historical Museum, 119 Piedmont Dr, Lawndale, NC.
More Info: Program of Music
Saturday, July 28, 2018

What: South Mountains State Park "General Park Program"
When: 2:00pm, July 28
Where: South Mountains State Park Visitor Center auditorium.
More Info: Located south of Morganton off old Highway 18. Call the park office at (828) 433-4772 for more information.
Saturday, August 4, 2018

What: Annual Polkville High School Reunion
When: 6:00pm, August 4
Where: The Camp Call Masonic Lodge in Polkville, NC
More Info: Anyone who ever attended Polkville School is invited. For more information, please call Betty White Mauney at 704-487-6505.

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