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Neighborhood Calendar March 29th edition
    Parkinson Support Group, Neal Sr. Center
  A Parkinson Support Group Meeting will be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the Neal Sr. Center, 100 Harris Dr., Shelby. Sgl. Doug Murph 704-487-8822.
Piecemakers Quilt Guild
  Piecemakers Quilt Guild meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10AM - 12PM at the Lincoln County Senior Center, Lincoln Campus of Gaston College, 511 Aspen Street, Lincolnton, room 319. We are here to teach and encourage those interested in the art of quilting. Visitors and new members are welcome. Meetings include a business meeting, show and tell, and a program related to quilting.  The April 4th  will feature Anna Therrell speaking on Landscape Quilts.Information: Tony Darr 704 439 6532.
Neal Senior Center Council On Aging
   Bingo Each Monday Night (except holidays) - Doors open at 5:30 (no admittance after 7:00 p.m.). Jackpot up to $500.00. Public invited 12 years and up. Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Dr., Shelby.
   Yours and Mine, Consignment Shop - March 29 - $5.00 Bag Sale. 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.  All items you can get in a bag for $5.00. Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Dr., Shelby.
   Covered Dish Luncheon - Friday, March 30  - 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Council on Aging, 100 TR Harris Dr., Shelby. Bring your favorite dish and join us on March 30th.
South Mountains State Park
  Saturday, March 31 - “Streamside Hike ”  - Join a Park Ranger for an easy walk to learn more about the Jacob Fork River.  We’ll talk about watersheds, common plants and animals, and water quality.  Meet at the Jacob Fork Parking Area at 11:00 am.
   Saturday, March 31 - “Tree ID Hike” - Join a Park Ranger for a 1.0 mile hike along the Hemlock Nature Trail.  Tree identification will be the focus of this hike.  Meet at the Jacob Fork Parking Area at 2:00 pm.
   Every Saturday in April at 10:00 am. - “Spring Wildflower Walks” - Join a Park Ranger for a wildflower walk along the Jacob Fork River.  These moderate hikes will begin at the Jacob Fork Parking Area and last approximately two hours.  Each hike will be about two miles long.  Current blooming wildflowers and other flora will be identified on this walk.
   Sunday, April 1 - “Skulls & Skins”. Drop by between 2-3:00 pm and hear about some of the animals that call South Mountains State Park home.
   Saturday, April 7 - “Bats” - Are bats blind?  Do they fly into your hair?  Do they turn into vampires?  Join a Park Ranger at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm to learn some Bat facts and have an opportunity to view some Bats.
   Sunday, April 8 - “The 10 Essentials” - What items should you always carry with you when hiking?  Meet a Park Ranger at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm to learn about the “10 Essentials”.

Cleveland Pines Relay For Life Fundraiser
 There will be a Yard Sale/Baked Goods Sale at Cleveland Pines Nursing Center, 1404 N. Lafayette St., Shelby on Friday, March 30 from 8:00 a.m. til 3:00 p.m. in the main activity room. All proceeds will go to Relay For Life.

Lost Playwrights Of North Carolina
  Lost  Playwrights  of  North  Carolina  will  meet   Saturday,  March  31st,  from  2:00  until  4:00  PM,  in  Kapplan Auditorium  of  the  Henderson  County  Library,  at  the  corner  of  Washington  and  Third  Streets,  Hendersonville. Anyone  interested  in  any  aspect  of  theatre  or  playwrighting  is  encouraged  to  attend. There  are  no  dues.Cleveland County Elementary Honors Chorus

   Cleveland County Schools will present the Cleveland County Elementary Honors Chorus, featuring 125 select students from the following Schools: Bethware, Boiling Springs, Casar, East, Elizabeth, Fallston, Grover, Kings Mountain Intermediate, North, Marion Intermediate, Springmore, Township Three, Union, Washington, and West. Performance Date is Saturday, March 31 at Barnes Auditorium at Kings Mountain High School, at 6:30 pm. The event is directed by select music teachers of Cleveland County Schools. Come and enjoy this awesome musical experience.
Commonweath Gifts & Accessories
 Commonwealth Gifts & Accessories, sponsored by Kings Mtn. Hospital Auxiliary will hold an Accessories & Gift Sale on Wednesday, March 28, 7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.  There will be selections of: Seasonal flags, fashion sunglasses, fashion jewelry, initialized accessories, handbags, personalized embroidered items and much more. There will be on site monogramming available at the show. They accept cash, check, Visa & Mastercard. Proceeds go to community charities. The event will be held in the lobby of Kings Mountain Hospital, 706 W. King St., Kings Mtn.
Shelby City Park 2012 Baseball Sign-Ups
  Sign-ups for baseball (league ages 8-17 years) will be held now through Friday March 30th.  Sign-up hours are 8:30 am - 5:30 p.m. Mondays-Fridays. Special sign-up day will be Saturday March 24th from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sign-ups include Pee Wee Baseball (8-10 yrs.), Little Tar Heel Baseball (11 & 12 yrs.), Junior Tar Heel Baseball (13 & 14 yrs.) and Senior Tar Heel Baseball (15 –17 yrs.).  League ages are as of May 1st, 2012.   When signing-up a player must have a parent or guardian present and a copy of their birth certificate, if they did not play in the league last year.   A  $22 registration fee if player lives inside the city limits of Shelby or a $37 registration fee for all others is also required at sign-up.   Both new and returning players must sign-up in order to be eligible to participate!  Players involved with AAU or USSSA are welcome to register and play with City Park Leagues.
T-Ball/Coach Pitch sign-ups (ages 5, 6 & 7 years) will be held Monday February 20th through Friday, May 4th. League ages and registration requirements are the same as those above. For more info call the Park Office at 704-484-6811 or visit us on the web @ www.cityofshelby.com/parks
Shelby High School Drama Spring Musical
  Shelby High School’s award-winning theatre program is presenting “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” for their annual spring musical. The musical is about 11 quirky kids caught up in the fun and drama of a hectic spelling competition. Hilarity ensues when we meet the kids, the administrators, and the parents. Everyone seems to have something at stake. Songs include “Life is Pandemonium”, “Magic Foot”, and “My Friend, the Dictionary”. This musical features many of the students who received awards at this year’s annual North Carolina Theatre Conference Festival. Award-winning actors Brady Wease and Andrew Wehmueller are featured in roles along with many of the talented men and women from the prize-winning cast of this fall’s “The Taming of the Shrew”. Award-winning technicians Mallory Greene and Olivia Gebel-Cook are also working behind the scenes to make sure this will be an enjoyable evening. The play will be presented March 30th and 31st at 8 pm or April 1st at 3 pm. Come and enjoy this enchantingly amusing tale of spelling, allergies, juice boxes, and egos. General admission is $8 and students and senior admission is $7. Tickets are available at the Shelby High School Auditorium 11 am-4 pm Monday through Friday or at the door of each performance
Burns High Girls Soccer Team, Zumba Fitness
  Zumba Fest will be held to benefit the Burns High girls soccer team on Saturday, March 31st @ Burns High School Gym, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. *Registration at 9:30 a.m. $10 Donation. *See a member of the soccer team/club for a ticket or pay at the door. Two hours of Zumba (including breaks) with licensed instructors: Serra Shuford and Katie Cornwell. FREE REFRESHMENTS & DOOR PRIZES!! Come join the fun for a Latin inspired, easy to follow, calorie-burning, Dance Fitness party. No Zumba experience required.
Singles Dinner
   A Singles Dinner (ages 45 and up) will be held at the Golden Corral
Banquet Room, Hwy. 74, Shelby on Friday, April 6, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. and will be held the first Friday of each month. Bring your single friends or come alone. Have dinner and meet new friends. Have a fun evening out on the town. Dress to impress. Bring a friendly smile. Bring a name tag if you have one.
Grover Rescue Squad Fund Raiser
   The Grover Rescue Squad will hold a fundraiser on Monday, April 9 5 pm to 10 pm at Pizza Inn of Shelby. Pizza Inn will donate 10% of the night’s sales to Grover Rescue PLUS all the tips & donations. All proceeds will go to Grover Rescue in purchasing items to further serve the community of Grover, NC.     
KM Historical Museum Girl Scout Exhibit
   The Kings Mountain Historical Museum and Girl Scouts Carolina Peaks to Piedmont are proud to present, Something for the Girls: GSUSA -100 years. “Something for the Girls”: GSUSA -100 years celebrates the founding of the Girl Scouts in America 100 years ago. The exhibit, which celebrates the founding of the Girl Scouts in America 100 years ago, features artifacts from the central and western North Carolina regions. Exhibit is open NOW through Saturday, April 28, 2012/ Museum is open Tuesday – Saturday, 10AM – 4PM Please contact the Kings Mountain Historical Museum at 704.739.1019 for more information.
GSCT Presents “Rabbit Hole”
   The Greater Shelby Community Theatre will present the Pulitzer Prize-winning drama “Rabbit Hole”. The play tells the story of a young couple dealing with loss. Performances are April 13-15 and April 20-22 in Keeter Auditorium, CCC. Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30pm, Sunday performances are at 2:30pm. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors/students. Presale discount tickets will be available at various area outlets two weeks prior to performance. This play is rated PG13 and contains adult language.
Lawndale Boy Scouts Fish Fry
   A Fish Fry for the Lawndale Boy Scouts Pack 112 will be held on Saturday, April 14 at 5 pm at Lawndale Community Center at 119 Piedmont Dr., Lawndale. Fish plate includes: fish, fries, hushpuppies, slaw and tea. $8.00 and fish sandwich & tea $5.00. There will also be homemade desserts for sale. Sponsored by family and friends. For more information or if you would like to help, call Jane Grigg at 704-538-8794 or Danny “Bubba” Swink at 704-473-0950.
Registration Open For MS Walk
   The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has opened registration for this year’s walk in Shelby. Walk MS: Shelby is scheduled for Saturday, April 21, in Shelby City Park (850 W. Sumter Street). Walk MS, an annual fundraiser for more than 20 years, is an opportunity for the community to support the estimated 15,500 people living with multiple sclerosis in the Greater Carolinas Chapter area. Sixty percent of all the money raised will go to programs, services and advocacy for Greater Carolinas residents. The rest will support national research to find the cause and cure of MS. In addition to the 3 mile walk, the event will feature live entertainment, food vendors and kids’ activities. For more information or to register, visit WalkingForMS.org, or call 1-800-FIGHT-MS.
Cliffords Army Rescue Extravaganza
   Cliffords Army Rescue Extravaganza will be held Saturday April 28th at the Cleveland County Fairgounds. Special guest of honor will be Barbara McKay, Shelby native and Charlotte TV personality. All proceeds will go to the Clifford Fund, managed by the Cleveland County Humane Society, for the medical needs of our Shelter Animals. The all day event will feature a doggie trot, a 5K Race, a Poker Run, a corn hole tournament, a four legged beauty pageant, pet contests, pet pics, dunking booth, live auction, Sheriff’s Department K-9 exhibition, live auction and luminary service. Cleveland County Animal Control will have shelter animals for adoption from 10am until 2pm. Vendors and rescue groups will be in the exhibit hall. Southern Experience will play from 10am until noon. Evergreen will play for the first annual Bully Ball that evening beginning at 8pm. For information on sponsorships and/or vendor spaces or admission and event pricing, please call 704 460 9030 or check out our facebook page, Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza.
Shelby Lions Club To Sponsor
Golf Event At Deer Brook Golf Club
   Shelby  Lions  will  host a Golf Event at Deer Brook Golf Club  Monday, May 7th.   Registration  will  be  at  9:00am; tee off at 9:30am. The  event is a  fundraiser for Cleveland County Hearing & Sight Conservation needs  (eye exams, eyeglasses, etc.) and for the Lions Shelby High School Scholarship Award. This will be a 4-person Captain’s Choice tournament with cash and other prizes to be awarded.  1st place prize will be $300 for the winning team. Teams can pick up sign-up sheets at Deer Brook Golf Club   or  First National Bank South Branch, Cost for the event is only $60 per player ($240 per team) and includes green fees / cart, lunch, sleeve of golf balls, and prizes. For more information call 704-406-9331.
Carey Heavner Foundation Golf Tournament
   The 2nd Annual Carey Heavner Foundation (captains choice) Golf tournament will be held on Saturday, May 19 at Deer Brook Golf Club, 210 Deer Brook Dr., Shelby. Tee-off 1:00 PM. Entry Fee: $240.00 per 4 man team(Includes:green fees,cart) and hickory smoked B-B-Q following the event. Prizes: A Brand new Car will  be given away to the 1st hole in one as well as other prizes. Every participant will also receive a free golf tournament T-Shirt. To receive an entry/sponsorship form you may contact: Mike Heavner Cell # 704-477-6879;  Jayson Lankford Cell # 704-692-6747; Briana Causby Cell # 704-300-7076 or e-mail: heavner_mike@yahoo.com.
Cleveland County Schools Summer Camp
   Cleveland County Schools is currently taking registrations for Summer Camp. The program is designed to provide supervised care for children in grades K-5 including rising Kindergarten and rising 6th grade students. $85 per week for the first child and $80.00 for each additional child attending from the same family. $10.00 Kidz Around T-Shirt fee $30.00 registration fee required for each child and is  NON-REFUNDABLE LOCATION: SHELBY INTERMEDIATE  SCHOOL. Children in the summer program may participate in the Cleveland County Schools Free Lunch Program. Arts/Crafts, Recreation, Swimming. Field Trips, Good News Club. Organized Games/teaching sportsmanship and fair play. Call  (704) 476-8379 for info.

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