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Neighborhood Calendar Nov 26, 2014
Township Number Three Community Thanksgiving Service
       Number  Three Ruritan will sponsor the Community Wide Thanksgiving Service to be held at Christopher Road Baptist Church on Wednesday night, November 26, at 7:00pm. Pastors and other ministers from the local churches will be responsible for the messages, music and other phases of worship. A special offering will be received and will go toward furnishing the new men’s winter night shelter. The public is invited to this service.
Ambassador Baptist College, Lattimore
       You are cordially invited to kick off the Christmas season with Ambassador Baptist College’s annual presentation of “A Christmas Concert featuring Handel’s Messiah.” On Friday, November 28 and Saturday, November 29, the college chorale and selected soloists will be singing excerpts from Handel’s Messiah, as well as additional Christmas selections. The doors will open at 6:15pm each night and the concert will start at 7:00pm. Both concerts will be held in the R.A. Torrey Auditorium and are free of charge. Ambassador Baptist College is located at 101 Stockton Street in Lattimore, NC, located between Shelby and Forest City. For further information, please call 704-434-0303 or visit online at www.ambassadors.edu
Town of Boilings Springs Christmas Parade
       The Boiling Springs Christmas Parade will be held Sunday, November 30, 3:00pm. Entry forms are available online at www.boilingspringsnc.net. For additional information please contact the Boiling Springs Town Hall, 704-434-2357.
Hospice Cleveland County
       Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC will hold the following events in December:
Tuesday, December 2, 10:00am - Noon or 5:00-7:00pm, at the Hospice Cleveland County Admin. Building - “Memory Making with Oraments”. Participants will have the opportunity to make holiday ornaments in memory of their loved one. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult. Please RSVP to ext. 163 if you plan to attend. Also Thursday, December 4, 10:00am - Noon or 5:00-7:00pm, at the Kings Mountain Hospice House, 321 Kings Mountain  Blvd., Kings Mountain, NC.
The Cleveland County Choral Society
        The Cleveland County Choral Society will present their annual Christmas Concerts at Aldersgate United Methodist Church located at 1207 West Dixon Blvd., Shelby. The concerts will be on Saturday, December 6 at 7:00pm and Sunday, December 7 at 3:00pm. This season Pleasant City Brass will be joining the Choral Society for a “Down Home Christmas”. Tickets are $5 and will be sold at the door. Children 5 and under are free. For more information, please call 704-487-0773 or visit them online at www.clevelandcountysings.org.
17th Annual Earl Christmas Parade
        The 17th Annual Earl Christmas Parade will be Sunday, December 7, 3:00pm. The 2014 Parade Theme is “Joy to the World”. Earl Parade Contact Info: Parade Line 704-709-9627. Email: parade@townofearl.org. Fax: 704-481-1510.
        All Area Churches are invited to participate, promote and help celebrate “Joy to the World”. There will be a truck in the parade and one at New Hope Baptist Church to collect can goods for “Feed the Hungry”. Men and youth are needed at each truck to load food. The food will be distributed to local homes the following week. For information about Community Service, call Sandy Melton, 704-692-0405.
Shelby Lions Club Distributes USDA Commodities
       The Shelby Lions Club will be distributing USDA Commodities on Wednesday, December 10, at the Cleveland County Fair Grounds. Those who come to the fairgrounds and fill out an application must live in Cleveland County. If a person is unable to come in person, they may send a note stating the number in the family, their address and their whole family income, signed by them. The distribution is based on the number in the family and the income of the household.
Broad River Genealogical Society
       The Broad River Genealogical Society presents December General Meeting, Sunday, December 14, at the Neal Senior Center, 100 T R Harris Dr., Shelby, NC, at 3:00pm. General Public and Members are welcome to come. Bring a pickup food to share and snack on while you view the film “Battle for Kings Mountain”, a 26 minute film on the Kings Mountain battle to enjoy while you eat.
The Town of Casar Christmas Parade
       The Town of Casar is getting ready for the Casar Christmas Parade on Sunday December 14, 3:00pm and they are accepting entries. Line up starts at Casar Elementary at 1:30pm. Entry fee for the parade is a new unwrapped toy for the angel tree. To enter please contact Sharon 704-473-5739 or Eddie 704-538-3366.
Greater Shelby Community Theatre
       Attention GSCT patrons! Important changes coming soon! Due to unforeseen renovations to the Keeter Auditorium at CCC, GSCT must MOVE their first two productions to another location and CHANGE production DATES for “Midlife” the Crisis Musical and “Greater Tuna”. “Midlife” will now be performed January 9-11 and January 16-18. “Greater Tuna” will now be performed February 13-15 and February 20-22. These performances will be held in the Millenium Playhouse, which is located in the old Boiling Springs Elementary School (now the Gardner Webb Communications Studies Hall), 110 S.Main St, Boiling Springs. Friday and Saturday performances at 7:30pm and Sunday performances at 2:30pm. GSCT Season Tickets will be honored as always. We apologize for the inconvenience. We were unaware of the CCC renovations until after our season mailing. Questions?? Email us at president@gsct.org or call at 704-480-8495. Follow GSCT on Facebook.
Cleveland County Schools Head Start
       Cleveland County Schools Head Start is accepting applications for the 2014-2015 school year. Bethware Elementary, Boiling Springs Elementary, Casar Elementary, East Elementary, Fallston Elementary, Graham Elementary, Grover Elementary, James Love Elementary, Marion Elementary, North Elementary, Township Three Elementary and Washington Elementary. This program is for eligible children, 4 years of age or who will be by August 31, of this year. They will be given priority and 3 year old eligible children will fill any remaining openings. *If you live in the Jefferson, Union or West school zones, you can still apply for one of the schools listed above. The program is designed for families with low to moderate income, regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, national origin, special needs or disabling condition. Bus transportation is available for children who live within the assigned school district. Contact Office of the School of Readiness, 704-476-8064.
Cleveland County Arts Council, Shelby
       The Cleveland County Arts Council is pleased to announce private instruction for artists to improve their painting or drawing skills. Steven Greenway wants to help you build your skills in one-on-one or small group sessions. These special instructive sessions are held at the Cleveland County Arts Council by appointment. Sessions are 1-1/2 hours long with individual instruction. Bring your own art materials and samples of your work. The Artist, Steven Greenway has his MFA in Fine Arts from the Otis Art Institute. His experience includes book illustrations, graphic design, teaching, and private art instruction. He was employed as  the art director for Clyde A Short and McDowell Technical Community College. Private or Group Drawing and Painting Sessions with Steven Greenway. Individual: $30 per session or $80 for three sessions. Groups 2 – 4: $20 per session per person or $55 per person for three sessions as a group.
Parents Without Partners, Shelby
       PWP meets every Monday night at 7:00 pm. at the Shelby Presbyterian Church for educational programs and at other times as scheduled for monthly social activities including: dances, plays, and concerts. The dances are held at the American Legion from 6:30pm - 10:00pm. every 1st & 3rd Thursday night of the month.  For more information, call Connie at 704-487-1268 or Jo Ann at 704-538-9559.
Piecemakers Quilt Guild
        Piecemakers Quilt Guild meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10:00am - 12:00pm at the Lincoln Co. Senior Center, Lincoln Campus of Gaston College, 511 Aspen St., Lincolnton. We are here to teach and encourage those interested in the art of quilting, visitors and new members are always welcome. Meetings includes a general business meeting, show-and-tell, and a program related to quilting. For more information contact Pam Haskins 704-280-8309.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
       Depression and Bipolar Support Group. Tuesdays 6:30-8:00pm at The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, Shelby, NC. DBSA support groups are open to anyone who is diagnosed with a mood disorder, has a family member or friend who is diagnosed. For more information call 704-232-5147 or  visit www.dbsalliance.org/foothills.
Singles Dinner Group, Shelby
        Singles 50 and over meet in Shelby, NC for dinner 1st Friday of the month at Golden Coral and 3rd Thursday of the month at Fisherman’s Feast. We enjoy dining together and other social activities welcoming new members. For more information, call Karol, 704-692-7003.
Mental Health Association of Cleveland County
        Survivors of Suicide Support Group meets twice a month, with a daytime and evening meeting. The Evening Group meets the 2nd Monday of every month from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer (502 W. Sumter Street, Shelby, NC).  The Daytime Group meets the last Tuesday of every month from 11:30am - 1:30pm at the Cleveland Memorial Library (104 Howie Drive, Shelby, NC). Sponsored by the Mental Health Association in Cleveland County. This group is not intended for those who have personally survived a suicide attempt.  For details, contact the Mental Health Association at 704-481-8637 or mha@clevelandcountymha.org.

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