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Neighborhood Calendar November 7th Edition

Hospice Cleveland County

Hospice Calendar of Events:

   November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month. During the week of November 4 – November 8, 2013, Hospice Cleveland County will be hosting a Virtual Conference on Grief, Loss and Bereavement. This week-long, “real time” conference will be broadcast over the internet to the Hospice Cleveland County administrative building, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC. The schedule of webinars is as follows:

   Thursday, November 7, 2013: 4:30pm - 5:30pm: “Cultural Competency and Grief” (Robin Fiorelli, LCSW)

   Friday, November 8: 12:30pm - 1:30pm “Impact of Grief in the Workplace” (Diane Snyder Cowan, MA)

   Continuing Education credits are available and information can be found at http://www.nhpco.org/education-conferences/continuing-education or by calling Hospice Cleveland County. Please RSVP or call 704-487-4677 ext. 163 with any questions.

Through the Garden Gate at Cleveland County Memorial Library

   The Through the Garden Gate program on Thursday, November 7, will feature John Cline of Cline Nursery speaking on Fall and Winter Gardening. Thursday, November 21 the program will be A Taste of Christmas – Music with Georgiana Wright, Sean Whitworth, and Frank Lattimore, who will welcome the holiday season with a selection of Christmas songs. Both programs will be held in the meeting room at Cleveland County Library from 12:15-12:45. You can enter through the Garden Gate and enjoy our newly refurbished garden area. The public is invited to bring a bag lunch and enjoy the programs. Bring a friend and enjoy a short break from your work day. Iced tea and water will be served.

Upper Cleveland Soccer Club Raffle for Panther Tickets

   Upper Cleveland Soccer Club Raffle for Panther Tickets: $5 Donation. (Chance to win one or both of the following). Prize 1: $200 value, 1 Pair of Carolina Panther Tickets, Sec 127 Row 10 Seats 7 & 8 (Panther vs. Saints Sunday, December 22, 1:00pm). Prize 2: $200 value, 1 Pair of Carolina Panther Tickets, Sec 127 Row 10 Seats 9 & 10 (Panther vs Saints Sunday, December 22, 1:00pm). Winners will be drawn 12/7/13 and contacted by phone (you don’t have to be present to win) Supporting the 2014 Burns Lady Bulldogs Soccer Team.

Upper Cleveland Soccer Club 4th Annual BBQ Chicken Dinner

   Upper Cleveland Soccer Club will have their 4th Annual BBQ Chicken Dinner (Prior to the Burns vs. RS Central football game), Friday, November 8, 5:30pm - 7:00pm, at Burns High School Cafeteria. Supporting the 2014 Burns Lady Bulldogs Soccer Team. Tickets Available at Burns High School office. $10 per plate, includes: 1/2 chicken, baked beans, slaw, chips, pickles, dessert & tea. Featuring Doug Fortenberry’s Famous Grilled Chicken. Pickup or dine-in or tailgate.

Benefit Golf Tournament for Matthew Brotherton

   Benefit Golf Tournament for Matthew Brotherton, victim of a bad scaffolding collapse. All proceeds and donations will go directly to Matthew and his family. 4-Man Capt. Choice, November 9. Shot gun start, 12:30pm. Price: $200 per team. Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd  and closest to pin on all par 3s. Hole Sponsors are $100. All entrants are asked to  be paid up by November 2 so that they can have a definite number for golf course but you can pay day of tournament but tournament is limited to 18 teams so paying ahead will guarantee your spot. Contacts for any signing up info or paying ahead: Matthew Botts, 980-522-7007; Curtis Hamrick, 704-692-4842; Jonathan Blanton, 704-473-5664. 

The Broad River Genealogical

   The Broad River Genealogical Society will have a Presentation on the Battle of Kings Mountain, Sunday, November 10, 3:00pm. We will have Leah Taylor Speaking at the Neal Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby, NC, 3:00pm. We will also try to show the attendees their Grand Parents that lived in the 1700’s that fought at the Battle or was in the Revolutionary War. You will also learn the names of the South Fork Boys Commanded by Major William Chronicle. The South Fork Boys were in the Lincoln County Militia. Major Chronicle was killed at the start of the Battle leading his men at the Battle. We will also have Randell Jones in attendance. Mr. Jones has written several books on the Battle and the Revolutionary War. There will be no admission charge and light refreshments will be available after the presentation. Please park at the back of the Senior Center. 

The Clock Restaurant and Samaritans Purse

   The Clock Restaurant will be collecting shoeboxes for Samaritans Purse on Monday, November 11 from 6:30-8:30. When you bring a filled shoebox in, you will receive 10% off your next meal. On Saturday, November 2, 7:00-8:00, you can pickup boxes and more information. These shoeboxes will be distributed to children in other countries who do not know about Jesus and who have never had their own hygiene items, candy, toys, etc. Sponsored by: The Clock Restaurant and Samaritans Purse-OCC. For more information contact The Clock or Dale/Cindy Milling at 704-538-1703.

Beginner Shag Lessons, Shelby

   Beginner Shag Lessons will be Tuesday, November 12, at the Shelby Park (Girl Scout Hut). No partner needed. Instructors: Sam & Regina Lail. This is a 6 hour session. (Registration at 5:30pm). Class starts at 6:00. Call Sam or Regina Lail, 704-482-6376.

Hound’s Campground 1st Annual Toy Run

   Hound’s Campground will have their 1st Annual Toy Run Saturday, November 16. Line up starts at 10:00am at Hound’s Gateway Campground, 114 Raven Dr., Kings Mountain, NC. Located off of Highway 29 / Battleground Ave. Entry for Toy Run: New unwrapped toy or cash donation. Door prizes, 50/50 drawing, food vendor, music. The Toy Run will support North Shelby School for Kids with Disabilities and No Child Left Behind. Rain or Shine. Visit our Facebook page Hound’s Toy Run for updates or news. If you have any questions or need more information please contact Lynn, 704-473-4599 or Sandy, 704-692-9535.

The Library at the Ruby C. Hunt YMCA

   The Library at the Ruby C. Hunt YMCA Presents “A Walk on the Wild Side” In honor of the 50th anniversary of Where the Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak, Week of November 18-21,  10:00am - 6:00pm. Drop by to pick up directions for Storywalk on Fit Trail. Have a photo made with the “wild things”. “Let the wild rumpus start!” 

Life Enrichment Center Adult Day Care & Health Service

   Join Life Enrichment Center for a Candlelight Vigil to honor and remember those with dementia on Tuesday, November 19, 5:30pm - 6:30pm at 110 Life Enrichment Boulevard, Shelby, NC. A sitter service will be available, but you must make a reservation before November 13 by calling 704-484-0405. November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. 

Gardner Webb University Theatre

   Gardener Webb University will present a Theatre Production “No Exit” November 20, by Jean-Paul Sartre, which is a depiction of the afterlife in which three deceased characters are punished by being locked into a room together for eternity, and is the source of one of Sartre’s most famous and most often misinterpreted quotations, l’enfer, c’est les autres (“Hell is other people”).

Murphey’s 19th Annual Toy Run

   Murphey’s 19th Annual Toy Run to benefit Shriner’s Burn Center & Oxford Orphanage Masonic Home For Children and Kings Mountain Police Department Shop with a Cop, Saturday, November 23. Rain date: Sunday, November 24. Meet at 11:00. Leave Scooter Shed at 12:00. Police Escorted. 114 Camelot Court, Kings Mountain, NC, 704-739-4707. Free barbecue after the ride. Live music. $5 plus new toy per person. Directions from Shelby: 74 East, turn right on Bethlehem Road. Go about 5 miles. You will pass the Fire Department on left. Turn left on Phifer Road. First road to the left is Camelot Court. This is where Murphey’s is. Directions from Gastonia: I-85 to Exit 5, take right, go to stop lights, take left on Phifer Road, Murphey’s will be on the right.

Singles of Faith

   Christian singles of all ages are invited to attend the monthly Singles of Faith Bible Study, with discussion, at the Ruby Hunt YMCA Library, on Patrick Avenue in Boiling Springs, NC, on the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m.. Questions? Call Dianne at 704-692-0413.

New Support Group for Depression and Bipolar Disorder

   The local chapter of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) will host regular, confidential, peer-led, self-help support group meetings on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00pm at The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, Shelby. DBSA support groups are open to anyone who is diagnosed with a mood disorder, has a family member or friend who is diagnosed, or who thinks they might have depression or bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression). DBSA support groups are not run by professionals, but instead offer peer-to-peer support which is an important component of recovery from mental illness for many people. DBSA is the nation’s leading patient-directed organization focusing on the most prevalent mental illnesses - depression and bipolar disorder. The organization has over 400 independent local chapters that operate over 1000 self-help support groups around the United States. For More Info call 704-472-0596 or visit www.dbsalliance.org/foothills.

Parents Without Partners, Shelby

   PWP meets every Monday night at 7:00 pm. at the Shelby Presbyterian Church for educational programs and at other times as scheduled for monthly social activities including: dances, plays, and concerts. The dances are held at the American Legion from 6:30pm - 10:00pm. every 1st & 3rd Thursday night of the month.  For more information, call Connie at 704-487-1268 or Jo Ann at 704-538-9559.   

Kiwanis Club, Shelby

   Kiwanis Club of Shelby is a group of professionals who are involved in the community and looking to change Cleveland County, one child at a time. This fundraising and project oriented club meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at noon at Deer Brook Restaurant, 201 Deer Brook Drive, Shelby, NC; or the 2nd Thursday evening of every month at 5:30pm at Mi Pueblito Mexican Restaurant, 213 West Warren Street, Shelby, NC. One evening social a month at area restaurants. Membership dues are $30 per quarter plus $60 per quarter if you attend lunch meetings. For more information or to join, please contact: Pam Isaacs, President, 704-751-3573, pam.isaacs@hospicecares.cc

Mental Health Association of Cleveland County

   Survivors of Suicide Support Group meets twice a month, with a daytime and evening meeting. The Evening Group meets the 2nd Monday of every month from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer (502 W. Sumter Street, Shelby, NC).  The Daytime Group meets the last Tuesday of every month from 11:30am - 1:30pm at the Cleveland Memorial Library (104 Howie Drive, Shelby, NC). Sponsored by the Mental Health Association in Cleveland County, this group provides a safe and confidential place for those who have experienced the unique loss of suicide to find help, healing and hope. Our group is open to those who have lost a family member, friend or co-worker to suicide. This group is not intended for those who have personally survived a suicide attempt.  For details, contact the Mental Health Association at 704-481-8637 or mha@clevelandcountymha.org.

Food and Ensure Needed for Food Pantry

   The Service Department at the Council on Aging Senior Center is reaching out to the community for help with our Emergency Food Pantry. We are in need of shelf-stable foods such as vegetables, soup, crackers, salmon, oatmeal, grits, cereal etc. Also, there is a need of dish and laundry detergent; paper products such as toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues. 

   We also are starting a drive for Ensure. You can help by donating Ensure either chocolate or vanilla, or ones that are for diabetics. You can also send in monetary donations that are specified for this drive. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Heather Ledbetter or Katherine Cobb at 704-482-3488.

Belwood Veterans Memorial

   The Belwood Veterans Memorial Committee is in the process of adding additional names to our Veteran Memorial. This memorial spans all wars and conflicts from the Revolutionary War to the present. The memorial is for Veterans that at some time attended Old Belwood School, or currently live in the Old Belwood School District or are buried within the old school district. If you are a Veteran or know of someone who meets any of the above criteria and whose name is not currently on the memorial, or you have questions, please contact Steen Richard at 704-538-8841 and request a form.

Singles Dinner Group, Shelby

   Singles 50 and over meet for dinner the first Friday of the month at Golden Coral, Shelby at 6:00 p.m. and the third Thursday at Fishermans Feast at 5:30pm. We participate in dancing and other monthly activities. We invite new members to join us. For more info, call 704 406 9166. 

NC Foothills Detachment Marine Corps League

   The NC Foothills detachment , Marine Corps League are selling luminaries for Veterans day. The luminaries will be placed around the court square on Veterans day evening. The cost is $5 each and can be made in memory of or in honor of the veteran you wish to recognize. Each will have the branch of service for that veteran on the bag. Contact Toney King 704-739-7051 for more information and look for us at the Shelby Airport Fly in and Hog Happnin’.

Habitat for Humanity Cleveland County

   Habitat is now accepting applications for its 2014 Home Build.   The applicant must be able to make house payments of $400 to $450 a month,  must have a need for better housing, must live in Cleveland County, and must be willing to partner with Habitat by completing “sweat equity” on the home and by attending Homeowner Workshops. The typical Habitat home is 3 bedroom, 2 bath and approximately 1100 square feet. Applications may be picked up at the Habitat ReStore, 323 Grover Street or by calling 704-482-6200 Monday through Friday between 10:00am and  2:00pm.

2013 Boiling Springs Christmas Parade

   The Boiling Springs Christmas Parade will be held on Sunday, December 1, 3:00pm. Entry forms are available online at www.boilingspringsnc.net. For additional information please contact the Boiling Springs Town Hall at 704-434-2357.

Cleveland-Rutherford Kidney Association & Johnny Rockstar Entertainment

   Cleveland-Rutherford Kidney Association & Johnny Rockstar Entertainment Presents “Christmas With The King” A Tribute to Elvis. Travis Powell, Live in Concert, Saturday, December 7, 2013, 7:00pm, at The Performing Arts Foundation, Isothermal Community College, Spindale, NC. Proceeds go the Cleveland-Rutherford Kidney Assoc. House Seats $25, Box Seats $50, Group Rates - 10 tickets or more $20 each (house seats only). Ticket information, 704-481-9535 or michellecrka@aol.com. Website: crkarainbow.webs.com

Streaming Radio For Veterans’ Information

   Visit www.JohnnyShort.com and click on the Country Travelers Radio Show link for the latest information that concern veterans and provides them with answers. There are over 240 archived shows that feature different topics. If you are a veteran and would like to be on the air with your comments, please call Johnny Short at 704-538-8408. The Affordable Care Act and You

Rhema Outreach Ministry Giveaway

   Rhema Outreach Ministry Giveaway every other Tuesday located  at 624 E. Kings Street, Kings Mountain, NC. Items include clothes, home decor, some furniture and some food items based upon family size and income.

The Foothills Marine Corps League


   The Foothills Marine Corps League 1164 in conjunction with Lilly Beans coffee shop in downtown Shelby offer Free Coffee to any Verified Veteran the first Monday of each month from 9:00 - 11:30.   Come and join in the conversation and fellowship!


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