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Relay for Life

Relay for Life events:

Double Springs Baptist Church, 1130 Double Springs Church Road, off Washburn Switch Road, Shelby, NC, will hold a yard sale Friday, March 17 and Saturday, March 18, 2017, that will benefit Relay For Life. The sale is 6:00-8:00pm on Friday and 7:00-11:00am on Saturday. A biscuit breakfast will be available at 7:30am.

A Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, April 1, 2017, 7:00am until 1:00pm at 107 Twin Lake Dr., Boiling Springs, NC. Glass chandelier, Hunter ceiling fan, Corner Cabinet, 1920 Desk, Cane Chair, Cedar Chest, lots Porcelain figurines, Rugs, Computer, Linens & throws, Fitz & Floyd items, household items, Decor items, too many items to list. Check it out, all monies go to Relay for Life to fight cancer!!

Hospice Cleveland County

Hospice Cleveland County Events:

"Reflections" Sharing Group This grief sharing group meets for six weeks. No cost and open to anyone who has lost a loved one. If you plan to attend one of our groups, please make every effort to attend all six sessions. Registration forms are available at Hospice Cleveland County Administration Office or by calling 704-487-4677. Thursdays: March 16, 23, 30, and April 6, 13, 20, 2017. 5:30pm to 7:00pm Hospice Administration Building.

Participants will have the opportunity to make a teddy bear or pillow out of a loved one's shirt or other article of clothing. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult. Space is limited. Please call one of the Grief Counselors at 704-487-4677 to reserve your space. Tuesday, March 21, 2017 or Tuesday April 18, 2017 9:00am - noon or 4:00pm - 7:00pm.

Learn About Hospice Volunteering! Hospice Cleveland County will offer an informational program for those willing to donate their time and talents to learn more about volunteer opportunities. This program is FREE and will be held monthly at the time and location listed. Thursday March 23, 2017, 5:30 to 7:30 at Hospice Administration Building.

South Mountains State Park, Connelly Springs

South Mountains State Park, 3001 South Mountains Park Avenue, Connelly Springs, NC: Upcoming Environmental Programs:

Saturday, March 18, 2017 - "Streamside Hike" - Join a Park Ranger for an easy walk to learn more about the Jacob Fork River. We'll talk about watersheds, common plants and animals, and water quality. Meet at the Jacob Fork Parking Area at 11:00 am. "Skulls & Skins" - Drop by between 2-3:00 pm and hear about some of the animals that call South Mountains State Park home. "Wilderness Survival 101" - Wilderness Survival 101 will cover basic survival information as covered in the Boy Scouts of America handbook. Topics covered will include basic first aid, shelter and others based on class interest and instructor discretion. Program will be presented by park volunteer, Jeff Newton, who also teaches Fly Fishing 101 and has a great deal of experience in the outdoors. Program is free and open to the public. Please meet at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm.

Sunday, March 19, 2017 - "The 10 Essentials" - What items should you always carry with you when hiking? Meet a Park Ranger at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm to learn about the "10 Essentials". "Fly Tying 101" - Get Hooked! Join angler Jeff Newton at the Visitor Center at 2:00 pm for an introductory class on fly tying. Please bring all personal equipment available. Classes may vary based on interest and skill level of the participants.

The Salvation Army Administrative Office

The administrative/social service office of The Salvation Army will be closed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 14, 15 and 16, 2017. This down time is in preparation for moving the office from its rented space into the church building complex next door. Normal operating hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to noon and 1:00pm to 4:30pm. The office is closed on Fridays. Social services offered include emergency assistance with rent and utilities and a food pantry. The corps also issues vouchers for clothing that can be redeemed at The Salvation Army Family Thrift Store. Call 704-482-0375 for more information.

The Shelby Amateur Radio Club

Interested in becoming a FCC licensed Ham Radio operator? The Shelby Amateur Radio Club will hold a testing session at the Cleveland County Memorial Library, Shelby, NC on Saturday, March 18, 2017 from 10am-12pm. The library is located at 104 Howie Drive, Shelby. For information call 704-466-3975.

Spring Community Food Drive

The Spring Community Food Drive will be held Saturday, March 18, 2017, 8:00am, at Walmart, Shelby, NC.

Sons Of Confederate Veterans

The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Cleveland Regiments, Camp 1663, is a non-political Heritage Organization dedicated to the preservation of Confederate Symbols, and the reputation of the Confederate soldiers who fought honorably to defend their families and Country. The meet on the 4th Monday of each month at the Creekside Clock Restaurant, 1025 Kiser Street, Shelby, NC. If you have hate in your heart for any race, ethnic or reglious group, you will not be welcome. For more information call Adjutant Steve Brown at 704-473-9599. P.O. Box 1663, Shelby, NC 28151.

Kings Mountain Historical Museum

The Kings Mountain Historical Museum, 100 East Mountain Street, Kings Mountain, NC will be holding the following event:

Wednesday, March 29, 2017: "Rediscovering the Civilian Conservation Corps Camp at the Kings Mountain State Park in South Carolina" presented by Mike Baxter Mike Baxter, History Professor at Central Piedmont Community College and Belmont Abbey College, will discuss recent archaeological excavations at the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp at the South Carolina Kings Mountain State Park and efforts made by his students to understand the importance of the CCC's work in this area. This subject will be featured in an upcoming documentary on WTVI PBS Charlotte, and plans are in place to complete a hiking trail with interpretive signage that will lead people through the remains of the CCC Camp. Starts at 5:30pm and admission is free!

Cleveland County Arts Council, Shelby

The Cleveland County Arts Council and the Cleveland Rutherford Kidney Association invite you to attend an evening of intrigue and design. Experience an over the top fashion show featuring versatile yet wearable art designed especially for this runway show, Friday, March 31, 2017, 6:00pm, at the Arts Council, 111 S. Washington St., Shelby, NC. There will be champagne (and other beverages), heavy hors d'oeuvres and the opportunity to mingle with the models, artists and friends. This is a must see show and seating is limited! Tickets are $30 and the proceeds will benefit both organizations. Most artwork will remain on exhibit in the gallery through April 19. March is National Kidney Month, a time for raising awareness about kidney health and disease and the importance of prevention and early detection. Kidney disease is the 9th leading cause of death in the United States. More than 26 million Americans have kidney disease, and most don't know it. There are over 95,000 people waiting for kidney transplants. The Cleveland Rutherford Kidney Foundation's (CRKA) main objective is to identify and help meet the needs of kidney disease patients in Cleveland and Rutherford Counties. The CRKA provides many services such as: transportation, medication and grocery assistance, stress management counseling, education, advocacy, referral services, post-transplant support, volunteer training, and much more. The Arts Council and CRKA hope that this unique fashion show and exhibit will draw awareness to kidney disease and the importance of good health as well as opportunities for living organ donations. List of participating artists include: Emily Berger,Paula Bowers, Buffalo Creek Gallery, Holly Brock, Beth Coiner, Leah Day, Vickie Jo Franks, Lynne Fiorenza, Betsy Fonvielle, ,Jonathan & Logan Foust, Carol Gress, Donna Hollinshead, Indie Danielle Jones, Jason Lineberger, Christine Lukowitsch, Beth Mayo, Ansley Melton, Jennifer Murphy, Coco Nuco, Roger Perry & Jennifer Green, Maribell Sarate, Jen Swearington, and the 2017 Township #Three Art Club. For more information or to purchase tickets please call the Arts Council, 704-484-2787 or visit http://ccartscouncil.org/Events.htm or https://www.facebook.com/events/231979583912418/?active_tab=about.

Casar's Easter Bash

Casar's Easter Bash Saturday, April 1, 2017, 2:00-7:00pm at Casar Park. We will have a 5,000 Egg Easter Egg, Live Music, Bouncy House, Crafts, Games, Senior Bingo (with prizes), & so much more! Festivities are free! Live Music on stage at 2:00pm Tower of Mercy, 3:00pm South Mountain Blue Grass Church, 4:00pm Tabernacle Church Band, 5:00pm Floodgate, and 6:00pm revival. For more information call Sharon at (704) 312-9029. Casar park is located at 137 Deviney St., Casar, NC 28020.

Arts Council of Lincoln County

The Arts Council of Lincoln County is holding its annual Robinson Lineberger Literary Competition. Poetry Entries: one per person, on any subject, in any style, free verse, blank verse, or rhymed should be limited to 32 lines or less. Prose Entries: one per person, an essay or short story on any subject, limited to approximately 750 words. Entries in prose and poetry must be titled, original, unpublished, and must never have won a cash award before. The competition is open to students in public schools, private schools, and to adults. All entrants must be present or past residents of Lincoln County. Each school is asked to screen its entries and must submit only the best works. Student entries must come through the school and not be delivered individually to the Lincoln County Schools central office or the Arts Council of Lincoln County. Awards: Prize money will be divided between prose and poetry in the following categories: Elementary Schools, grades 3-5, 1st prize: $40, 2nd prize: $25, 3rd prize: $15; Middle Schools, grades 6-8, 1st prize: $40, 2nd prize: $25, 3rd prize: $15; High Schools, grades 9-12, 1st prize: $40, 2nd prize: $25, 3rd prize: $15; Adults 18 and over, 1st prize: $60, 2nd prize: $40, 3rd prize: $25. Entry Rules: Submit two typewritten, double spaced copies of your entry. One copy must include the following information in the upper right-hand corner: full name (age, if a student), address, telephone number, category (prose or poetry), age group (grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12; or adult), email address, and school (if applicable). The second copy should include only the poem, essay, or story, with no identification. Student entries must be submitted through a participating school. Late entries will not be accepted. All entries must be postmarked by Tuesday, April 4, 2017, and be mailed to: The Arts Council of Lincoln County Literary Competition, P.O. Box 45, Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092. An awards ceremony and reading for students will be held at the Lincoln Cultural Center on Tuesday April 25, 2017 at 7:00pm, 403 E. Main Street, Lincolnton, NC. An awards ceremony and reading for adults will be held at The Lincoln Cultural Center in The Galleries on May, 2, 2017 at 7:00pm, 403 East Main St Lincolnton. For more information contact the Arts Council at 704-732--9044.

Lincoln County Parks & Recreation

LCPR Adventure 5K Race Information will be held on Saturday, April 15, 2017! The purpose of this event is to promote health and fitness in Lincoln County and to invite the community to learn more about the local parks. Youth ages 13 and under can register for only $10 and adults can register for just $25! To sign up, visit https://runsignup.com/Race/NC/Vale/LCPR5k.

Lincoln County Parks and Recreation will again be holding their Spring Break Camp on April 17-21, 2017. Camp is for Kindergarden-6th graders and is being held at East Lincoln Community Center and Denver, and Howard's Creek. Cost is $95 for the week and includes two field trips. For more information, contact Program Coordinator, Lindsay Ross at (704) 483-8980.

They are now accepting reservations for the picnic shelters for 2017. Fees are based on length of reservation and reservations are made for the picnic shelter only, the remainder of the park stays open to the public. For more information or to check availability, call 704-748-1518.

The Lincoln County Parks and Recreation Office has moved to 206 Gamble Dr., 1st Floor (With the Veterans Admin. Office) Lincolnton, NC.

Friends of Shelby

Friends of Shelby, a group, (mostly seniors), who enjoy dining together, dances and other activities. They dine together third Thursday of the month Showmars 5pm and member's choice first Friday monthly. Many have found lifelong companions and lasting wholesome friendships. Feel free to bring some fresh ideas to share. For information, 704-756-0551.

Cleveland County Department of Social Services

The Cleveland County Department of Social Services would like to remind all potentially eligible households that the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) is still underway. This is a Federally-funded program that provides for a one-time vendor payment to help eligible households pay their heating bills. Any household can be potentially eligible to receive this one time assistance through March 31, 2017 unless the funds are exhausted before then. A household that applies must: Have at least one U.S. Citizen or non-citizen who meets the eligibility criteria; Meet an income test; Have resources at or below $2,250.00. Be responsible for its heating bills; Live in Cleveland County, North Carolina. A household can apply by coming into the Cleveland County Department of Social Services during working hours Monday thru Friday. If you wish for more information, please call 704-487-0661 ext. 394 which is the Energy Information Line. Leave your name and phone number and someone will return your call to discuss this program.

Benefit Concert For Life Enrichment Center

There will be a Benefit Concert for Life Enrichment Center on Friday, April 7, 2017, at The Don Gibson Theatre, 318 South Washington St., Shelby, NC. Door opens at 6:00pm. Show starts at 7:00pm. Featuring "Oak Grove String Band", "Charlie Carpenter", "Ashely Heath", and "Bryon McMurry". Great pickers for a great cause! 100 Percent of proceeds going to the Life Enrichment Center. Tickets available at DonGibsonTheater.com.

Copeland Corp. Employee Reunion

Copeland Corp. employee reunion - Saturday, May 20, 2017, 5pm - 10pm at Shelby City Park gym. Cost is $25/person, includes BBQ and Chicken dinner with all the trimmings and entertainment. Event is open to all former employees and their guests. Deadline for registration is April 25th. Send email to CopelandReunionInfo@gmail.com for questions and reservations. We need your name, years you worked there and department or job title. You can pay for reservation on PayPal using the gmail account or mail a money order to Attn: Erin Crow, PO Box 66, Earl NC 28038. If you want to pay in person send a message. Additional contacts are Annette Johnson or Tim Curtis through Facebook.

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